Monday, December 8, 2014

Shopping spree

I haven't done much shopping physically lately~ why I said physically is because I have done a lot of shopping online but not going to the shops personally to spend. Hehe~

Well, yesterday was the day I went to the city to shop. My parents are going to Paris to visit my dear sister in feb~ it's gonna be very very cold in Paris at that time. I know my parents are not used to that kind of coldness even though we spent several winters in Australia previously~ that was nothing compared to Paris! I went to UniQlo to buy some heated clothes so that they could wear underneath their clothes to keep them warm~~~ my sis gave me the task because she said everything is expensive in Paris! Well, she is right! I could only afford French bread which cost abt Euro 1 exaggerating~ 

Anyway, I took on the task and took the opportunity to shop myself~ I went early coz I wanted to avoid the crowd~ the shop was empty when I entered~
Great, it was what I was looking for~ hehe~ it was 5 floors big and I wanted to venture to every corner~ tried on jackets, tried on tops, skirt and pants (whij are outside my shopping list) and after I paid, it was 2.5hrs later! Wow, I didn't know I was in that shop for that long! Anyway, I bought mum and dad the heated top and pants, a scarf, and many pairs of socks and also bought a skirt for ME (to reward myself for the all the hardwork I did,hehehe)

I called my dad before I got him the heated clothes. It's called long johns~ initially I was gonna get him two each but my dad said he plans to wear it for two weeks since its cold and he won't sweat! Haha, he was kidding. He got another pair at home already~ phew~ 

Sunday, November 30, 2014


一年前我才上載了這個圖〜 轉眼間,2014年就到了最後一個月了〜 哇,不知不覺〜 今年做了什麼呢?

讓我回想一下〜 今年好像生比較多次病,其他的還好〜 工作還是這樣那樣,除了工作量多,薪水沒有同比率增加,回老家陪家人,去了巴黎看姐姐,去了夢想中的倫敦,終於跟爸爸媽媽去台灣過年〜 哇,還蠻多成就的耶〜 希望明年會更好!

Saturday, November 29, 2014


那天我家小區忽然停電了。我心裡一直問自己是不是忘了繳電費啊?後來聽見鄰居在樓下討論這個問題時,才發現原來不是我的問題〜 嘻嘻〜 心裡放心了〜

記得前一次停電時是很久很久很久以前了。小時候最喜歡停電了,因為可以光明正大玩火〜 哈哈哈,點蠟燭和玩電筒啦〜 好羅曼蒂克喔〜

那天停電了一小時多〜 其實偶而這樣也不錯〜 瞬間就安靜了〜 我在客廳點了幾盞蠟燭〜 享受暫時的寧靜,想像大家是不是乘機好好的互動〜 沒有電視,不用手機〜 多可貴的時間啊〜

我那天晚上在黑暗中洗碗〜 好有一番風味〜

後來,電流回來了,也是睡覺的時間了。就我剛要睡覺是,我樓上的鄰居居然獸性復發!幹嘛剛剛停電沒事做的時候不來,卻在要電流回來,可以看電視的時候才來呐?(⌒-⌒; )

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Packet of LOVE

Brother in law is in gz for business now and my to-be-mum sister is craving for everything she can't get in Paris~ it is impossible for her to fly home to eat kolo mee, mum's home cooked food etc because it will take more than 1 day for her to get home and it is not good for her and the baby~~ poor her, we know she misses mum and all the food and it is also too far and tiring for mum to fly there~~

This is the problem with international
Home like ours~ our siblings are everywhere~ we can only support each other spiritually most of the time~ seeing how homesick my sister is, jenn and I decided to fly there to make her feel better back in August~~ ahhhh, I know what you r thinking~ u also wish you had sisters like us~ too bad Lo. Hahaha~

Anyway, when I was KCH back in oct, mum decided made some home cooked food for my sis.. Her favourite is the dried small fish that goes well with anything. Mum had really bad back last time but still wanted to make the effort to peel off the heads of the small fish~ it took her one week to clean, fried and packed them~ mum is the greatest~ :') and of coz dad too~ 

I sent off a packet of LOVE to my bro in law~ it's full of baby clothes, food and some other stuff~~ Ho Ho Ho, merry early Xmas~~ baby is getting something even when he is not yet born~~~ lucky~

Sunday, November 23, 2014

keep in touch through......

lately i hardly have time to P and drink because i'm doing two jobs at the moment...well, that's no excuse to not get myself up-to-date to what my friends are up to lately...i used to be able to write with friends daily to get in touch; also used to have time to go to facebook to see friends' updates; then also have time to go to my friends' blogs to check their latest happening. unfortunately, i have not done that for quite long :(

well, guess what? i found out my friends are as busy too...just look at the status update from jenn's blog~~ oh no, then now to get our bonding ler?

i will try harder to write more... hey friends, pls also update your blog oh~~ it seems that jenn and i are the only "hardworking" blogger out there. hehehe..miss you all ~~~~

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Do you know ah~

Sometimes I feel grateful for being Malaysian~ i never really participate in the discussion of its politics and corruption~ if by focusing on this, I will never like anywhere~ perhaps I was being ignorant~ haha

The good things about being Malaysian, or specifically, KCH,

1) we get good air quality and space~ if u had been living in hk or china, you would treasure what we have in KCH;

2) people are friendlier and more genuine~ some of us are contented without LV, Prada... Hehe

3) it's a big village where everybody knows everyone (hhmmm, is this good? Since I might be caught for doing something bad~)

4) good food and at reasonable price~ 

5) people envy me for being able to understand a lot of languages and dialects even though I am "half bucketful" in all of them~ haha~ their philosophy is, it's better than none. 

Malaysia is a unique place~ we get lots of different races and we tend to mix our languages / dialects in our day to day speech~ I remember we were having lunches w our hk colleagues and sg colleagues and we always mix in different languages in our conversation and suddenly a hk colleague said she found it tiring to listen to us coz she had to switch herself between different languages~ my sg colleagues and I were shocked coz we didnt realize this came natural to us~ am proud~

In Malaysia or sg, we also need to learn to differentiate different type of saying~ here's an example~ have fun~

Friday, November 14, 2014


Had been too busy lately doing two jobs and my tradition had been to write a post on my birthday~ this yr, I totally forgot as I was so occupied! I only realized after reading Jenn's post~

Even though it was busy and challenging day for me on nov 11.. And nothing special was arranged due to doing overtime in office (for a while la), I had a fulfilled day because:

1) I received lots of wishes and care from my friends;

2) I received lots of parcels from taobao that were paid by me~ my office was filled with boxes and boxes of stuff~ large and small~ could hardly walk~ suddenly felt like Xmas is here~ haha

I realized, a fulfilled heart will be contented regardless of what happened to you~ 

Happy birthday to u, jenn~

A bday gift from my friend:

Friday, October 31, 2014

Good bye my favourite scarf~

I had a favourite was green and had a metallic effect~ I got it from a far far away mysterious place~ a holy place called Kathmandu in Nepal~ my colleagues loved it and even asked me where to get it as they also wanted one~ I used it very it in shanghai or when my travel~ it went with any outfit~

Two months ago, when I went to visit my sister, I decided to bring it with me~ it made me looked nice in photos~ and kept me warm in the plane and when I was outside~ 

That day, jenn and I left my sis' home early in the morning to catch a train to London from Paris~ abt 2 mins walk from home, I felt a coldness around my neck and just realized I forgot to take my scarf, so I ran back and called out for my sis downstairs...she lives on the 3rd floor.. In order to save time and without keys to go in, I asked her to just throw my scarf down... Without thinking, she threw it and the wind blew the scarf and it landed on her balcony of her evil neighbor instead of on my hand~ frantic and scared of missing our train, I asked my sis to threw me another of her scarf in knots and it landed safely. I asked her to help me retrieve it while I was gone~ worried that I might lose it~

I even called my sis from London to check if she had try to retrieve my scarf~ she said she did and the evil old lady yelled and said she didn't see it and slammed the door~ hopeless and feeling hopeful at the same time.. Mayb she couldn't understand my sister's super "good" French so we decided to wait for my bro in law to come back... According to my sis, evil old lady likes him more~

After 4 days in London, we returned to Paris and I saw the scarf was still hanging on her balcony~ tempted to use a stick to retrieve it but my sisters stopped me coz they didnt want me to end up in jail coz they wouldn't know how to explain in French~ for the next 3 days, I kept eying for my scarf, hoping a strong wind would come and blow the scarf to my hand~ my baby~~ hoping that my bro in law could come back earlier to help before something bad happened~

After returning home, my sis called one day and said:"the evil old lady was wearing your scarf to do gardening!" I was depressed, for I had lost my favourite scarf~ I even dreamed of it being returned to me! Now I have to accept for fact and give my blessing to my scarf~ take good k~

This is my favourite scarf that i used for the last time while in the Lourve~~ bye my dear~

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Pleasant surprise

The other day, while I was desperate with my outbreak of eczema, LJ offered to help me with my medicine coz she was going to gz~ I asked daddy to help courier over from KCH but due to international restrictions on requirements of law, he couldn't send the medicine directly~ I had no choice but to visit the doc in shanghai~ that day, I was given a shot and lots of medicine~ but I wasn't comfortable w the content because tE pharmacist in KCH didn't give me so much medicines~ I was out of options, so I took his medicine knowing it was bad for my health~~

Luckily LJ offered to help so jenn quickly went to the pharmacist to get me my medicines and delivered to LJ's place〜a

I know there was a lot of effort put in so as to send me the medicines~ that day, I finally received it and were so happy~ I'm saved!

When I opened the box, I was happy coz I thought jenn wrapped them nicely for me and when I took out to unwrap, turned out it wasn't wrapping paper as I thought~ guess what it was~

WT's diaper~~ so creative~ haha~ thanks Jenn and LJ and WT for donating her diaper~ hehe

Monday, October 13, 2014

My Useful Bag

Got this cute little bag from my eldest sister when she traveled somewhere. i have a lot of bags which i didnt know what to do with idea came to me last night~

it's the shape of an elephant. Coz recently, i need to take a lot of supplements and also a lot of pills...they were lying i decided to group them together in the same space so that i won't forget what to take. So i turn this bag into something useful~ my medicine bag~

tada~ these are what are inside. look so crowded that i couldnt fit in my real they will be in the plastic bag for now.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

new toilet

Out of the blues, NSP messaged to ask us out to meet because the weather was great~ or because she really missed us...unfortunately, we couldnt make it in the morning to go to Bako to visit a farm...i am still wondering about the duck farm and the salted-egg farm even though my mum said salted egg is not good for health and duck meat is not good for health...curiosity kills a cat!

so, in the afternoon, when the weather was still super good, i asked NSP whether she still feels like going somewhere...she was so happy that she sent a few suggestions over and suggest us to go to "new toilet"...even though i felt strange about her suggestion, i agreed to her offer...she came to fetch us in her new car! hoo hoo..that's a special incentive for me...

After arriving at the shop, i asked her why the tables and chairs looked so normal? it didnt look like we were at the "new toilet" ler...i thought they were supposed to look like we were in toilet with all those loos and toiletries... NSP just replied...nope...with lots of question marks, 3 of us walked into the shop... i saw ice cream pictures everywhere and they looked really normal to me...i questioned the owner's intention of calling it "new toilet" while the shop didnt look a bit like toilet...

The food came, we were playing around with the wasnt until we almost finished that we realized 3 of us were in different, the term new toilet is not a noun, it is a description! it is a slang for new restaurant @_@

gosh...hahaha..i think NSP must have felt that my questions were strange and she didnt know what to say when i asked the question...

Why they call it new toilet, but not new supermarket, new fashion or even heaven? why would people wanna eat in the toilet? hahaha

anyway, we made funny videos at "new toilet" that day..looks like one could have a lot of fun in the toilet when you enjoy the companionship~


I used to think i am a iron woman who will never get sick no matter what. I ate whatever i wanted, whatever i felt like..ignoring advice from parents and older generation aunties and uncles to take good care of my body....

until recently, i was sick for 4 days not being able to get up to go to work (hooray!), not able to cook for myself...not able to do anything but slept through the day....then i have allergy on my toe, then on my palms that i look like i had to cut them off at some point in time....

i blamed the sky, i blamed the earth, i blamed the country, i blamed the people, i blamed the society, i blamed the quality of food that people sell these days, i blamed the air quality, i blamed feng shu... now i realized, there was nothing to blame but myself....

It's time to take k of my body....i think the only way to really love yourself is to take care of your own health...

Hope i'm not too late to realize~ forgive me~

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hambuglar or fashion?

Was travelling back to shanghai via KLIA 2 the other day and saw a couple coming towards me. At first glance, i thought the lady was trying to look fashionable with all the black and white stripes and uneven cuts...well...i couldnt stop laughing coz of thought of something else instead! I had to take out my phone to snap the picture even though i was carrying a lot of things~ i would regret if all my friends miss this...coz the first picture i took was too far, i was afraid you cannot see i purposely walked faster to get closer view...gosh, i'm so thoughtful "*blush*

the lady was with a guy taller than him...unfortunately he was not wearing anything yellowish or both of them would remind me of Ronald McDonald and his friend, hambuglar...hahaha... hey, the lady stole my burger!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Tea with milk


剛回到的第二天,約了朋友吃午餐。認識我的人也知道我是奶茶的忠實粉絲。那天在tempayan,看到菜單,都是密密麻麻的英文字母。很快就點了我的奶茶。菜單寫 tea with milk~ 我的理解是奶茶。


tea with milk~

本來想問他們是不是送錯了。後來才發現原來 tea with milk 跟 milk tea 是不一樣的東西+_+

Monday, September 22, 2014


在巴黎期間,我們幾乎天天用姐姐家裡的烤箱搞定我們的早餐或晚餐。冷冰冰的食物進去沒多久出來,就是香噴噴的美食出來〜〜 哇,好像變魔術呢。為了讓爸媽和自己回國後也有這樣的feel,所以我們有一天就到附近的超市大買特買〜 登登登登登〜〜




後來就開始有點後悔買它了。因為家裡又多了個垃圾!昨天看到翠萍的blog,本想做司康的,結果看到材料和流程,我就打退堂鼓料〜 我真沒用!只有一個字形容我。。。懶〜〜〜

今天為了不浪費錢,我還是想了辦法用回本。冰箱有巴黎剩下的cheese和放了N年的熱狗。隨便弄了一下,就變成這樣。據說這是義大利人以前用來吃剩菜的方式〜 哇,誰料到我今天居然吃了義大利料理呢〜〜 讚〜 簡單又美味〜〜


Sunday, September 14, 2014



剛剛看到一篇有趣的文章。我從來沒想過這個概念。作者說人生,也要練習構圖。什麼意思呢?作者說有一天,他為了棘手的公務而愁眉不展,朋友舉起手比出一個觀景框問作者:"前面這片山景,你想怎麼構圖?去山谷的全部,還是讓雲海占更多的比例;要整片森林入景,還是要三分之一,怎樣裁減才最好看?用這個框來練習構圖,久了以後,你不需要這個框,自然就能看到最美的風景。" 雲淡風輕的一席話,卻是很大的點撥。

有人說,你怎樣看世界,就決定了你是什麼樣的人〜 哇,我覺得這個概念好棒喔!忽然想起自己是否一個可以通過"相框"看到美麗的世界的人,從自己拍的照片就可以找到答案〜


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Childhood memories

I saw this picture in Facebook the other day and the photo reminds me of a lot of feelings~ I remember when I was young, I really like to go to ting and ting supermarket because at that time, imported goods were not common and I could find a lot of "fresh" and "new" things I didn't see anywhere else. I found mushroom soup mysterious, I found ham interesting, bacon, cheese, salad oils, etc~~I found the whole supermarket so mysterious and so interesting. It was like a globe to me~~~ I could find the whole globe in ting and ting~~ even they sold local products, they also looked more interesting than before~ 

now that imported goods are common in KCH~ I still maintain the special feeling for ting and ting. every time I go to ting and ting, I still have a unique feeling like when I was young. As I  get older, I wish to have all the memories maintained and hope ting and ting and other childhood places could be maintained~~~ 


哇,不知不觉我已经写了这么多的post。我自己都没有意识到呢。刚刚看回以前写过的post,忽然发现这个~~  100th post anniversary, 后来我拿起计算机加总了一下,哇,已经673个了。从来没有想过。一开始,只是好奇写blog的感觉是什么,后来变好玩,后来变成了生活的一部分。


Friday, August 15, 2014


去年在古晉,我和妹妹兩人看了女人我最大的節目介紹泡泡染,我們就買了一盒試試看。很方便,可以自己DIY〜 所以回來之前我又買了一盒。放在櫥櫃裡也一段時間了。想到要搬家的時候,留了一堆東西也挺煩的,所以就乾脆快快把它用掉好了,省得我還好把它帶來帶去〜 而且最近我也白髮蒼蒼〜 一直拖啊拖啊,終於有個週末,我動手了〜

登登登登登〜〜 我用這個牌子〜


新顏色登場〜 登登登登登〜

Monday, August 11, 2014

eat drink and buy

I was in Korea for 2 weeks....i just realized i didn't shop like crazy like in the it because i am getting old? or is it because i just know i don't need them. whichever it is...i know i'm saving some money too :p 

actually i did buy something but it was not crazily bought. i always like Nature Republic from Korea, so i bought some snail lotion and some deodorant spray. the most important is, they are cheap. 

One reason i don't buy much is: i don't want to check-in my luggage. takes too much time to wait...*ahem* i think that's a sign of old age. no time to waste!

Even though i didnt buy much, one thing i continue to do is: i ate like a horse. Korean BBQ every day. I love their pork. so juicy, so tender. the thought of it made me hungry. This time we tried something different. Our korean colleague took us for chicken meal. When i said chicken meal, it really means CHICKEN....big pot of chicken mixed with chilli, veggie and korean rice flour rolls. it was superlicious.

I noticed Korea has lots of cafes....lots of them. i think they like to sit there chit chatting...which is nice. That night, after the big pot of chicken meal, we went to "Korean Dessert Place" for cold dessert. The restaurant was quite full...occupied by many families and couples... My US colleague and German colleague weren't so keen on cold, sweet dessert but they were amazed with the taste. We have red bean, yogurt and cheese, cranberry, ice cream toppings. It was so smooth and the taste was so good that both of them kept scooping for more...u know the dessert came in a big Korea, people would scoop directly from their spoons to enjoy..but because we are not so close, we decided to get each person a bowl and a spoon and we scooped off using a "public" spoon...i found it normal since in HK, we do that all the time but it was weird for my Korean colleagues. Hahaha...every countries have different pet peeves~

I think we have many special / unique things in Malaysia, unfortunately, we are not good are marketing them. Look at the desserts. They look almost the same as our ice kacang...too bad we havent tried to advertise and make it more creative to make people have a different impression and feeling. Like what Jenn said in her post, I'd pay for more if i can feel the difference~~~

Friday, August 8, 2014


Have you ever tried this before? Close your eye and try to look with your eye balls to see what you see in the dark. 

I did that all the time when i was young. I called it, my own world. Sometimes, when i close my eyes lightly, i see a lot of dots and if i look closely, the dots become a picture that looks like above's different all the time. And if i close my eyes harder, the dots will have different colours.

i always find this fascinating. If you have not try, do try it. it's fun :)

haha, i know you may think i am weird...when i was young, i always come up with different ways to entertain myself. i'd do the following:

1) At night time, i will stare at the street lights and i can see the light shadow, kinda like a star shape..if i turn my head around, the shadow will move with me

2) During the day time, i love looking at the big fluffy clouds and try to think what they look like. some looks like doggie, some looks like poo, some looks like a human and some looks like food to me. When i travel on plane, i will stare at the clouds in the sky and start wondering if there are fairies on the clouds. haha, i watch too much movie~~

3) sometimes i start to think why i am the way i am and why i can feel the way i feel and i will look at someone and wonder how i will feel and think if i were him/her. it just gives me a mysterious feeling

4) Sometimes i like standing in the balcony and look at the yellow light from afar and wonder what are the people in that cozy home doing

aahhh... have you tried them before?

Sunday, August 3, 2014


那天跟我的美国同事聊天,才发现原来中x这个大土地真的和很多国家不一样〜让人对這個增長和變化驚人的地方又愛又恨〜 以下是你只能在這塊土地看得到,碰得到的事情。獨一無二呐。看看你經歷了幾條〜






6)快遞上門提貨〜 不用特地到他們那裡〜



9)政府有權決定我們週末得上班,週日可放國定假日〜 而且人民不敢投訴!





14)開車無時無刻按喇叭〜 據說這樣除了是要提醒對方開車要注意,不爽對方,有時只是跟不認識的人"打招呼" 和沒啥事,就是習慣按罷了


Friday, August 1, 2014


那天買了榨汁機後,有點上癮〜 是上癮買東西的藉口。呵呵。那天看了女人我最大這個節目,忽然出現想買果汁機的衝動。每次看完這個節目,都有股莫名的衝動想買他們介紹的東西。其實有些還蠻好用的。


我買了九陽的多合一的果汁機。雖然清楚知道其他功能我鐵定不會用,卻告訴自己說有一天可以帶回古晉給媽媽 Y(^_^)Y 這個才人民幣170。在古晉都買不到這個價格,所以我更加堅定的要買了。哈哈哈〜










Wednesday, July 16, 2014


昨天我來了澳門出差。說出差好像還蠻勉強的。呵呵。昨天中午到,我就到處閒逛。幸好澳門的酒店裡面都有自己的賭場和shopping mall。先喝了個下午茶,等我同事們"下班",我們下午有個team building - 遊澳門。以前住在香港的時候,都會來澳門隨便走走。她沒什麼特別,就是賭場,酒店和百貨公司比別人多。街上人不多,人都在室內!


這個情景讓我想起了日本有名的鬼片。好好笑〜 所以特地寫了一個post 給我的韓國同事〜


Tuesday, July 15, 2014





她沒變,不過有了以前未有的魅力。有一股女人的魅力。呵呵。成熟穩重了。很開心看到她越來越好。我喜歡這樣的感覺〜 希望有一天我們可以再相聚〜

Thursday, July 10, 2014







Sunday, July 6, 2014


剛剛看了湯唯和張學友演的"月滿軒尼詩"〜 這部戲是在灣仔拍的。不知道為什麼每次看到在香港拍的戲,一直都有一股親切感〜 哈哈哈,我知道了,因為我剛去香港的時候,就是在灣仔住了兩個星期〜(^ν^)


相信以後我離開上海後,一定也會有這樣的感覺〜 其實我很喜歡香港,也很喜歡上海〜 只是有時候我選擇看它們美麗美好的地方而已。人生也一樣。如果focus在好的,人生當然美好〜可是你怎麼知道自己不是阿Q呢?


Saturday, July 5, 2014

Mana Ada System

I love my country very much...but it's a love and hate sure you know how that love it because it's where u are born and where you spend your precious childhood with your love ones and lots of memory...nothing is better than HOMEeeee....yet, our "home" sometimes have flaws and sometimes doesnt welcome us...

no matter where i am, i still miss HOMEeee...i miss my home cuisine, i miss my home's fresh air, nice people, relaxing lifestyle even when i fly home, my first choice would be my home airline...

unfortunately, i have to say, im really really disappointed with my home's service...i talked abt my experience with the immigration last year...and this year, it's MAS..gosh...i bought my ticket long long long time time ago for my next holiday back to KCH...but due to many reasons, i had to cancel that flight since i have changed many times and paid a lot of change fees and in the end, it's up to a point where i couldnt extend the ticket anymore that i need to cancel....i requested for my refund since was a painful process...i was told it would take 3 months...3 months???? something must be wrong with the process...hence the name M.A.S.! anyway, with their service, i couldnt complain much and just had to wait...after 3 months had gone...the refund was no where to be seen...i had to keep following up with lots of phone calls that nobody picked up...or if someone picked up, i was put on hold for 10 mins or more until i couldnt stand anymore that i had to hang up the phone...why? coz it was long distance call!

finally, i was getting impatient..instead of calling, i emailed to customer service..after many days, finally someone replied and said she has passed to accounts department and started on action...then after weeks passed by, i followed up again and after many days, the lady replied and said they have refunded and asked me to check with my bank. deep inside, i was so delighted and secretly changed my mind abt MAS....before i called up my credit card company, i wanted to confirm on i asked her to help me check when the refunded took place and where did they refund to...after a few days, the lady replied and said it was refunded to my credit i asked again, when....after many many many days, she replied and said, the refund request took place on 12 june 2014....GOSH. i almost fell off my chair...

I asked abt payment date, not when the request action was taken...i even explained in my many emails previously to her to let me know the payment date so that i could query the bank for not doing it on time....and turned out, MAS may not even have done it!!! why is it so difficult? really scratching my head...

all i could say is, their customer service .....sigh... could still be further improved....


Monday, June 30, 2014


之前為了省錢,我在家樂福隨便買了一台風扇,想說壞了就買過吧〜 結果花了馬幣50元,買了一台。沒什麼功能,就一般的而已〜〜 後來用了一下子,風扇開始吵〜 搬家時還抗到新家去。後來風扇就只能吹一個方向了〜 去年天氣酷熱,我半個夏天靠它過活〜 不久它就死了〜 一直拖很久也都沒買新的〜

今年的夏天不算熱〜 開空調也很浪費。上星期我決定買一台新的風扇〜 搜了很久,看了很多牌子和評價〜最後我買了一台日本牌子的。當然比一般的貴〜


Saturday, June 28, 2014


可能年級大了,新陳代謝變慢了〜所以我像橫發展的速度就越來越快了〜 記得以前可以一口接一口的吃,也不會變胖〜 變胖了也不明顯〜 後來我就成為很多人羨慕的對象〜

可是現在,明顯羨慕我的人越來越少了,稱讚我的人似乎沒了〜 甚至有好心人勸我少吃一點,或者提醒我要多運動〜 因為已經習慣以前的吃法,以前從來沒有試過增瘦這檔事,所以自然沒有方向也沒有毅力〜〜〜

後果就是〜 接受自己向橫發展的結果。後來更嚴重到自我安慰和逃避現實(⌒▽⌒)


Monday, June 23, 2014


我在微信上po了很多轉發的文章〜 為什麼這樣呐?因為微信很多我的同事,所以我不太愛po給我私生活有關的東東~ 我不想成為公司的紅人〜 嘻嘻〜自我感覺良好 *臉紅*

那天姐姐給我這本書。他說我在微信裡po了很多東西都是很哲學的〜 很多都是做人處事的道理〜 他覺得我想很多,就給了我這本書〜

很好奇這隻豬怎麼想很多〜 我看了一點點,覺得這隻豬不是隻簡單的豬。 它!真!的!想!很!多!! 連我都不明白〜 


Saturday, June 14, 2014


我有個奇怪的習慣。平常上班日,我希望可以睡晚一點,一到週末,我這個慾望明顯變得不重要了。沒錯,我就是這樣怪。哈哈哈。我喜歡在週末的時候早點起床〜 因為我:

2)喜歡一早起來很寧靜的感覺因為一般人還沒起床〜 嘿嘿〜 早起的鳥兒有蟲吃〜
3)因為起得早,我可以做比平常更多的事情〜 哈哈哈,其實我也沒做什麼的說〜
4)喜歡早早去超市買菜。家樂福7點就開門了。裡面擠滿了老公公老婆婆。一早有很多新鮮的菜。很多我沒看過的耶。有時候看得它們很新鮮的樣子,就忍不住買了。哈哈哈〜 上面那個是我今早買的。看起來很像玫瑰花〜〜沒看過,只覺得很漂亮就買了。也不是很貴。一大把。等下想想要如何個吃法〜
5)早早到附近的星巴克或老麥吃早飯是我一大的享受〜 邊吹免費冷氣,邊看看雜誌〜 人生一大享受呢〜〜

我知道很多朋友一定覺得我很怪。尤其是有小孩的,愛睡覺的朋友〜 不好意思啦,這是我現階段的享受而已〜〜^_^

Thursday, June 5, 2014



前几天,开始觉得我的脚一直在冒汗。因为天气热,所以冒冒汗好像也很正常。直到星期一端午节晚上回家的时候,才发现我的拇指头变紫色了,而且有脓,有小青蛙蛋,有异味,整个脚指头烂烂的,我才惊觉大事不妙。一度觉得自己的脚趾头要被截掉了 T_T    

后来赶快拍了我自己看了都想吐的照片给我朋友看。我朋友说应该是湿疹。湿疹是什么啊? 我上网查资料,发现真的还蛮严重的。平时的我就是不到大事就坚持不看病的人。为了保住我的美丽的脚趾头,我第二天一早就报到医院了~~~


他把我的状况读出来,要护士帮忙输入电脑做档案。他一边说,我一边流冷汗。好像脚趾头真的会被截掉啊 T_T

他说:脚趾溃烂,脚趾已经发紫,产生水泡和浓。。。等等等。不太记得他后来的用词,反正听起来就是我死定了! 后来他说担心细菌传染到淋巴,就很快的帮我按了一下淋巴。他说还好没肿。 又说为了确保我ok,决定要帮我验血。验血???? 真的这么严重吗?我不敢怀疑医生的能力。。就乖乖的等待。我真的没有心理准备。本来想说只是来现现我的脚趾头,回答几个问题,就可以回家了。唉~!幸好抽血的护士很好,没有让我觉得很痛。她弄完后,叫我等个20分钟。

20分钟就这样过了,我又回到老医师那里。他看了我的验血报告说我没问题。不过有其他的问题。他说我有轻微的贫血。问我是不是不吃东西啊?我睁大了眼睛看着他。。。我吃很多耶~~ 我朋友还特地叮咛我,叫我少吃了。呵呵。下次我有借口吃多多了。不过我理解他的意思啦。。。。他说的是质不是量。。其实我吃的东西多数是垃圾食物 *脸红* 后来他也说了我其他的病症。还蛮准的。以前就知道。哇,现在的验血即然可以看到这么多信息啊。。真的很厉害。感觉我昨天早上做了一个体检。值得!

后来老医师跟我解释了我的情况,跟我过一遍我要用的药和流程等等。以为完毕了,谁知道他还说要打一枚针!哇~~~ 我已经几时年没有打过针了!我又惊吓了一下。问说是什么针。他说是防敏感的。。。。呜呜,我快哭了。。。我又乖乖的回到验血的姑娘那里。。。我正想把我的手臂给他时,她居然说要打屁屁  T_T   打屁屁???!!! 那更是N年前的事情了! 我懦弱的问了护士小姐痛不痛。他说不会。心理一直暗暗的祈祷。。。幸好不痛~~ 耶,忽然觉得自己很勇敢~~ 赞一个~~~



Thursday, May 29, 2014

Always leave office on time?

那天朋友分享了這篇文章〜 我覺得挺有意思的。其實裡面的內容非常容易理解,而且也可以得到很多人的認同。可是,不知道為何我讀了這篇文章後,我覺得作者有點負面,有點懶,有點想找藉口不加班,想找可以不重視工作的理由。我個人認為很多東西是息息相關的。當然家人很重要,生活品質也很重要,可是工作也很重要。試想如果沒工作的話,你的生活品質可以提升嗎?如果天天為錢煩,跟家人是不是也會常吵架呢?我覺得做每一件事情應該都要找到平衡點啦〜〜人家給我錢,我也得做好自己的本分喔〜 我相信我們都是可以被replaced的。工作也給了我們學習的機會,我覺得應該還是要把握〜 除非我把工作當成工作而已,可有可無〜可以不在乎。

我覺得這篇文章如果可以換個角度寫,可以用陽光積極的方式呈現,就可以鼓勵很多人把所有方面都顧好。萬一有讀者誤會作者的意思,就有可能會把工作丟了〜 這樣也不對喔〜


水果 vs 果汁

我有個不好的習慣〜 人人都說每天都要吃水果和蔬菜,才能有健康的身體。偏偏我兩樣都吃很少。蔬菜還好,我平常在家裡都是吃蔬菜過活滴。可是不知道為什麼就是不愛吃水果。我的那種感覺有點說不清〜 記得過年的時候,我買了很多很多的水果〜 蘋果啦,奇異果啦,橙啦,梨子啦〜 在大陸水果還超貴的!結果我放在冰箱里,每天都說一定要把它們吃了,結果每一天都覺得明天再吃好了〜 一天過了一天,有一天,它們都爛了〜 我就用此理由告訴自己說,它們爛了,不能吃了,只好丟了。其實心裡還是覺得可惜,可是我就不愛吃〜

後來,我自己發明了一個方法。以後不再浪費水果〜 猜猜我有什麼絕招呢?


我乾脆投資在一個好的果汁機上〜 是不是很聰明呢?嘿嘿,我也覺得 *臉紅* 

話說回來,我剛收到果汁機的時候,有點被嚇到〜 沒想到它那麼大!因為我才一個人耶〜 哈哈。一開始拿到的時候很興奮,就自己組裝起來。我對組裝這檔事一直信心滿滿。裝什麼都是我這個女漢子自己完成的喔!就因為太自信,我一邊組裝,一邊把水果也切好了,後來想用的時候,機器卻怎麼都不會動?是不是沒裝好?是不是沒電?是不是壞了?在廚房忙了一個小時後,卻是這樣的結果?當時我非常確定一定是機器壞了!不過以我不放棄的心,我決定到附近的果汁店看看他們怎麼用也打算順便問一問店家怎麼裝。當時我的朋友覺得我很好笑。怎麼會想到這樣的方法〜她還是陪我去果汁店了而且還說要看我怎麼個問法。我發現我在大陸的臉皮特別厚,這個她就不用操心啦〜

來到果汁店,我點了一杯橙汁。後來就假裝對他們家的果汁機很好奇的看了看。我就說:你們的果汁機看起來很先進耶。可不可以看看裡面是怎樣組裝的啊?那賣家就弄給我看。喔,我發現我有個地方弄錯了。我們就趕快回家重新組裝。咦,還是不會動!啊〜〜這肯定是機器問題了。心裡忽然覺得為何我這麼倒楣。居然收到一個壞的機器。其實有點失望,因為我已經等了一個星期,才買下它的。居然不work〜 唉〜

我只好乖乖的打電話給賣家的客服。後來他們找了他們自己飛利浦的客服幫我解決問題。估計也有很多人問同個問題吧〜在電話裡,他一直跟我說如何組裝。其實有點聽不太懂他用的名詞。我就說,嗯嗯嗯,都這樣做了。後來他就說有個地方要用力蓋起來。我問,蛤?這樣會不會破啊。可是我還是照做了。按下鈕〜噢,開機啓動咯〜 哇,成功了! 


這個果汁機很好用! 我已經用了好幾次了!有時侯晚餐覺得有點飽,我就喝果汁。而且很容易清洗呢!還可清腸胃呢〜〜 我會繼續努力的〜〜

Sunday, May 11, 2014


今天是母親節快樂〜 祝天下的媽媽們母親節快樂〜〜〜

以前小時候,不能理解爸爸媽媽對我們的愛〜 小學的時候,印象最深刻的兒歌就是世上只有媽媽好〜 很好聽的一首歌〜可是意義不一定完全理解〜〜

後來隨著年紀越大,就開始懂得爸爸媽媽對我們的愛〜 其實應該是說自從我出國上班後,跟爸媽的感情好很多〜〜〜


Thursday, May 8, 2014


那天在香港報章看到有關泡麵的新聞。原來每年都有泡麵比賽這檔事〜 哈哈。今年得獎的居然是我們馬來西亞檳城的白咖喱麵!還是一個美國人美食家鑑定的。他說從來沒有吃過這麼好吃的泡麵。還打敗了很多日本韓國的泡麵! 厲害。到底有多厲害啊〜 剛好在檳城玩,就托朋友幫忙買。哇噻,聽說連檳城都斷貨。真的這麼好吃咩?我真的開始好奇了。

我一直覺得沒人可以打敗Maggi的咖喱麵和assam laksa,所以我也不認輸,兩種都買。後來我的朋友剛剛回家吃了檳城白咖喱麵都一直點讚〜 

結果我忍不住趕快煮一包來吃。咦,湯頭白白的,加了一點辣椒,有多椰漿的味道,辣椒加了就有點魚的香味。是不錯啦。第二天,我又煮了Maggi咖喱麵〜 檳城的需要三包醬料,Maggi只需要一包,就色香味俱全〜 我,還是愛Maggi的咖喱麵〜〜〜

Saturday, April 19, 2014


這是住在自己家裡的人無法理解的〜 像我們這些沒有自己房子的遊子,只能"寄人籬下"。明明我們是客人,付錢租房子,可是卻得看房東臉色〜

我在外面租房將近8年了〜 在香港,我搬家都是因為個人因素〜 換工作,租金太高,太不方便等等〜 到了上海,租客的權利明顯變小了。之前搬家是因為我的房東把房子"賣"了〜 其實是因為他租給其他人了,而且比我能給的多了很多〜 我被鄙視了 :'( 

現在租的地方,我的房東是老上海女人〜 上海人還好,如果是老的。。不得了〜 心胸狹窄,斤斤計較,自私自利,自我中心,其他人都不是人,只有她才是人〜 痛苦極了〜 在合約里,他還限制誰可以住在我租的房子 @@

一搬進來,我就做了房子的保姆〜 算我倒楣,因為我剛搬進來幾個星期,她的房子漏水到樓下〜 我天天被樓下騷擾〜忍無可忍,我只好冒著危險把鑰匙交給中介,自己出國一星期,讓他們把漏水的地方弄好。我覺得我是幫助她〜可是我錯了〜她開始得寸進尺,覺得我是應該的〜

現在我的中介花了一個晚上時間跟她協商條件〜可是她情緒不穩定〜 一直讓我讓步〜 我懶得搬家〜 所以我答應了他的明年五月份的要求 @@ 太搞笑了〜誰知道明年會發生啥事。先答應再說唄〜 我懶得搬家〜 明年五月,我也決定要搬家了〜


這張圖啟發了我的想法〜 一杯 濃縮咖啡盡然可以千變萬化〜 這不是跟我們的人生一樣嗎?一個人的想法,態度,心境行為,觀念就是自己的作品〜只要我們用不同的心態,態度, 行為,觀念和心境就能創造出不同的人生〜


有時候我們也不要急著拒絕接觸新的人事物〜 很多時候會有意想不到的驚喜呢〜 大家一起來創造美樂的人生和寬闊的心吧〜〜〜


Tuesday, April 8, 2014


那天在廣州,姐姐和妹妹像中毒一般,開口閉口都是那部韓國片子,來自星星的你。。千頌依,都敏俊,bla bla bla。。我和我姐夫聽了都無法理解她們的說話內容!一度叫她們倆講人話!

昨天沒事干,看了一點。對我來說還好。沒有愛死你的感覺〜 呵呵。其他人的瘋狂程度已經到非人境界了。大家克制一點。

不過看了有個問題一直在我腦海中旋轉〜轉啊轉的〜 這個外星人活了四百年,他有能力記得以前發生過的事情。好的不好的都記得。所以特別為一個女生的來龍去脈很care。我們這些凡人,活了八九十歲,就得喝一次孟婆湯,洗掉以前的記憶,然後我們又換了個人身和地方重新生活。很多人想了很多方法要知道自己的過去〜 看到這個外星人如此的被過去困擾,忽然我問自己,記得所有的東西,好嗎?幸福嗎?

我的答案是,我只想記得自己學過的知識和常識,不過不想記得這些亂七八糟的離別〜 呵呵

