Sunday, July 10, 2016


今天我給爸爸發了條短信說:「爸,我下週五回故鄉啦。你有什麼想要的嗎?」其實爸爸一直都不太會告訴我們他想要什麼。所以,我們都是自己自作主張的覺得爸爸應該需要什麼~ 每次買回去的東西,爸爸都沒很喜歡。或者很喜歡卻不捨得用。

記得去年我們三姐妹在法國買了一個LV包和一件LV 襯衫給爸爸。他還嫌棄的叻。不過嘴巴可能是這樣說,其實心裡還是很開心。爸爸說太貴,他不捨得穿。有壓力。




我說我剛剛Google,原來是襯衫~ 我順便重複,以免弄錯,「2件 M size 白色 Arnold Palmer 上衣,100%棉~」


哈哈哈,爸爸好搞笑 ( ̄▽ ̄)



Tuesday, July 5, 2016

once upon a time

as we aged.... we tend to take things for granted.....  my niece moved to perth when she was almost the same age as us... i could see from her fb how much she misses her friends back in m'sia and how much fun they had when they facetime each other and how excited they are when she goes back to m'sia for vacation...

a few days ago, i saw on her fb that a few of her best friends visited her in perth and they were having loads of FUN! they took pictures, played silly stuff we played when we were kids, took subway to visit perth etc...they are happy!

suddenly, it just occurred to me that, even though, we were the same age as her previously, we could not have all these easily.... in the past, airtickets were super expensive... in the past, internet was rare and super expensive... in the past, IDD calls were expensive... in the past, even taking a picture with camera was precious and we had to wait until x times for the film to be could be days, it could be weeks, it could be months...but developing the photos were we seldom took pictures... because airtickets and IDD calls were expensive and we missed our order to maintain friendship, we wrote air mail to each other...i remember having a big box of letters from my friends...the happy moments were when we saw a nice envelop in our letter box... felt even more happier when we could feel how thick the envelop was..that means, the person must have written something... in order to express our friendship, we exchanged pictures and small gifts... we replied our letters happily... i remember buying all the cute papers and envelops, stickers, chops and stamps and imagining how excited the other person would be when receiving it... we wrote pages and pages about what happened to us...the happy moment was, cycling to the nearest stationery shop to post our letters. our letters were usually overweight and cost a fortune to send... then it was back to the waiting time... sometimes weeks, sometimes months... if we didnt hear from friends for months, we would start writing again to ask if they are ok.... it was a good memory.... full of hope~~

NOW? everything comes so easy... we have smartphones to connect us for free... free IDD calls, free instant message...internet is cheap, airtickets are super cheap! it is so convenient that people started to take things for granted....when thinking wondering if my niece would have the same memory as us? probably not...perhaps they had more time with each other but they would never understand the joy of writing, posting and waiting for letters... they are truly the hard work of our friends and us and it takes extra effort to stay in touch :)

even though it is convenient now...sometimes i still miss the old ways...but of coz, i prefer the current ways. hehehe...

just some thoughts to share...

by the way, tomorrow is hari raya...happy holidays to everyone.

the photo that inspires me...