Wednesday, July 31, 2013

my favourite~~

這是我上禮拜在日本每個早上都喝的飲料。嘿嘿~ 好好喝,有無糖,中糖和甜的。因為是日語的標簽,所以我也不知道到底我買的是什麼口味。那,我是如何知道有三種口味的呢?很簡單~~ 我知道有三個不一樣口味是因為看到它們有不同的顏色,所以三個一起買,然後才發現,哦~~ 原來如此。


不過有一天早上,我喝了這個咖啡,它竟然讓我瀉了一天的肚子~~ 不過我還是很愛它。

其實不只這一個飲料。我也很喜歡喝日本的牛奶。北海道的牛不知道是吃啥,奶味好香哦。i like!!! 住在日本真的很幸福啊,天天都有好吃的東西。嘿嘿~~ 不過不要誤會,我還是覺得偶爾去去比較有新鮮感。哈哈哈~~

Tuesday, July 30, 2013




這是我的水果餐〜 看起來很棒吧!



Sunday, July 28, 2013

Gaining weight

Lately I had been taking Pu Er tea as it is supposed to be healthy~ last week I drank it three days in a row~ I think it did make me slimmer.. At least that's what I think :p *self-console*

It was all ruined when I went to Japan this week.. I just couldn't resist the temptation... Sashimi, tempura, sushi, miso, their icy cold beer~ I could gulp them all in in one go! I think Japanese have a love for icy cold beer to chill themselves everyday after work. My colleague drank 3 glasses before the start of dinner... Or may be he was too thirsty... I have to admit.. Their beer was pretty good!

I didn't shop a lot in Japan despite it was sale season (I just found out when i landed shanghai or I would extend my trip!)... There, it's a small achievement for me :p

Let me share what I ate as a token of friendship for my dear dear friends!

This is my expression before and after my meal ~~~

I love breakfast in Japan... I had salmon and rice! Yum yum

Thursday, July 25, 2013

My trip in Japan

Am in Japan this week....a visit which i dragged on for months until now because i was not looking forward to the trip... i found that whenever you have low expectation, that whatever always turns out to be better than expected~ it's the case for me in this case :)

This time in Japan, there was no earthquake and typhoon like last time...this time, all i had was rain, rain, rain...hehehe. My trip was a bit different than last time where i would just be in tokyo...but this time, i went to another prefecture instead..something like another state if i need to talk malaysian.'s called Shizuoka (静岗). didnt know what it looked like before i came, didnt bother to do research..hehehe..just knew it's 1.5 hours of shinkansen away from tokyo and where you could see Mt Fuji if you are lucky...the thing is, because we have two factories there, so my impression is, it must be industrial~

well, i was WRONG~~~ the moment we touched down the airport, on the way from airport to Shizuoka city, i was fascinated by looks like the country side we always saw on is greener and more spacious...people here live in houses instead of tall apartments..and they are not side by side..some houses are surrounded by rice paddy fields. they are....beauutiful~~ gosh, i love it so much. I just learned from my colleagues that Shizuoka has the best seafood..of coz we didnt miss out on this. we had abalone sashimi! yum yum..

yesterday, we took a 3 hour ride from Shizuoka to Tokyo and i'd have to say, i have done a mini tour around Japan~~ Shizuoka is closed to mt Fuji, i was told the tap water comes from there...yes, they are fresh and ICY cold~ love it in hot summer days like this :)) when we passed by a town yesterday, we actually saw a lot of people stopped by to fill tap colleagues told me because that is natural spring water from Mt Fuji and it's cold.

i think Japan has done a good planning. see, in China, there are also many nice places..but they are mostly ruined..but in Japan, they maintain nature so well and make things available and easy for people. this is what i like...yesterday, we went to another town full of tea trees~ i was told...again that kakegawa is famous for tea..i will sure look out for it. the scenery was breath-taking. the place was surrounded by green beautiful it was raining yesterday, there was haze around....unfortunately, i didnt see mt Fuji...i'm not faded to see it..for the past 2 times, 3 times including this trip, i never see mt Fuji...MT fuji, where are u~~~???

sorry my friends, i didnt take picture this time..felt embarrassed to take pics. hehehe...but i am still nice coz i extracted some pics on the net...hehehe..use ur imagination oh

the mountain and some houses

tea trees (but i didnt see Mt Fuji, it's hidden somewhere, playing hide and seek with me)

Thursday, July 18, 2013


我找到一篇文章來證明(或說服)我的不值錢的原則是對的,是合理的 ^_^;  *心虚*

 勉勉強強啦〜 哈哈哈,值不值錢就看自己覺得值不值得咯〜


Tuesday, July 16, 2013


你們有沒有過這個難題啊?我看到這張圖的時候是非常的感觸。沒辦法,我沒有LJ那麼體貼的另一半可以每天為我打包午飯,也沒有家裡的溫暖,因為吃不到媽媽煮的飯菜,也沒有能力天天自己做菜帶飯。所以每天我都得經歷這個痛苦。哈哈。也不是什麼痛苦啦,只是要傷腦筋, 要死很多細胞才知道吃什麼。

記得以前剛上班的時候。我們最期待的就是午餐時間。因為大家可以坐在一起說老板的壞話。哈哈哈。。其實我們也沒有那麼無聊啦。多數時間都是閑聊,增加大家的感情。俗語說,在公司裡如果沒有好的老板,至少要有好的同事。慶幸的是那時候我有一幫很可愛的同事們。每天我們都會開車出去吃好吃的。你推薦一家,我推薦一家其實一年的午餐地點就搞定了。可是久而久之,我們吃飯的地方也開始重復了。哎呀,怎麼辦呢?我們那時候太過creative, 我們用公司的一個軟件,本來是用來選sample 做 testing的,我們借用了這個來 randomly run 我們午餐的地點。哈哈哈,還挺好玩的。還真會苦中作樂呢。




Sunday, July 14, 2013



記得兩年多年前,我的香港電話的合約已經到期了。照理來說,我可以在續約而且可以得到更優惠的價格。那天我在電話申請了續約。到最后一步的時候,對方告訴我說我上一個電話的費用沒有結清,所以要等我結清以后才可以幫我續。我覺得很奇怪,怎麼可能?而且如果有欠費的話,應該就不會讓我簽新的了。我堅持是他們搞錯了。可是他們不認賬。就這樣,他們不給我優惠價,我也堅持不付錢。其實那個欠費也才40塊錢而已,可是優惠卻是一個月20塊。這樣也過了兩年多,我也多付了600塊。身為一個會計師,竟然不在乎自己的損失。我爸媽一定會這樣講我的。。什麼會計師?識除不識算 (客家話。翻譯成不會算)!!!! @_@ 其實這個道理我懂,只不過是因為我的原則問題,我才願意多付這筆錢。虧死了。

昨天,我打電話去MAS 改機票。我一直對 MAS 改機票的系統很有意見。不知道為什麼每次都要付差價。明明我的票就比一般的貴了,還是得付好幾百塊。是有不甘啦。以前沒得選擇。上海飛古晉也只有MAS 而已。不過現在多了一個選擇,所以我才這麼囂張。嘿嘿。話說回來,我這張票時可以退票啦,不過得付馬幣250元做為取消費。不過如果再補票價的話,其實取消了再買 Air Asia的票其實還比 MAS便宜。不過因為最近跟香港的credit card有糾纏。他們 charge了我港幣2千多的利息和penalty, 我堅持不認賬也不付。。。如果取消的話,MAS會把錢credit回去,那我就不是認賬了嗎?所以我還是補差價和penalty,換了機票。


Thursday, July 11, 2013


6 种西药


醫生說我細菌感染了。配了6種藥給我!!! 哇佬,我有病得這麼嚴重嗎?!!!! 不過我只吃其中的兩個。嘿嘿。。。猜我一共花了多少的醫藥費來治這個感冒?


@_@               T_T

人民幣601!!!!!!!!! 有史以來最貴的一次。是否應該把藥吃光光來討回藥價?算了,看來我還是好好照顧身體唄~~~~_~;

Monday, July 8, 2013

My first banana milk drink~

I read from Facebook that my friend was craving for a Korean made banana drink and saw my magician idol also drinking it during such hot days, so I had an impression that it must be good! 

yum yum~~~

He looks better than the banana drink! Hehehe.. On weekend, I went to my nearby Korean grocery store and found this drink! So I bought two cartoons and froze them in my fridge~ I had banana milk before in Australia~ it was yummilicious~ this is how it goes in my mind :p I told jenn abt it and jenn teased and said it must be unhealthy due to chemical... I brushed her off since it was Korean made (they r healthy ppl) and it was loved by my friend and idol~ (´・_・`)

Last night, after a hot walk outside.. I took one out for myself and one for my friend.. My friend was happy coz the taste reminded her of banana ice cream she took when she was a kid... She finished in 5 mins! For me, it just tasted..... Weird! Like perfume! Took me 10mins to finish 10ml.. I didn't finish 

I threw away the rest this morning! I prefer fresh banana~

Saturday, July 6, 2013


這幾天天氣熱〜熱到不想出門〜幸好昨晚下了傾盆大雨,天氣稍微變得涼爽一點〜不過還是熱〜 一直說心靜自然涼,不涼又靜不下來〜 哈哈哈





還不快快救救小兔兔( ̄▽ ̄)

Friday, July 5, 2013


今天在去公司路上,在收音機忽然聽到一首非常熟悉的聲音和歌曲?奇怪?為什麼我知道歌詞還唱得出來呢?到底是什麼歌,讓我有一種回到小時候的感覺?我拿出我的愛瘋,刷了一下。。。哦哦哦哦,答案揭曉了,原來是中學時期最愛的歌~ 梁潮偉的一天一點愛戀~~ 過了這麼多年,我依然喜歡他的歌。雖然他沒有張學友的歌喉,郭富城的舞技,黎明的身高,劉德華的鼻子,可是他有一種迷人的氣質和深情~

你們可以一邊聽他的歌,一邊看我的post~~ 現在的我,腦海中充滿了他的影子和歌聲。記得以前我們那個年代,CD是奢侈品,更不用說什麼網路發達到可以隨時隨地免費下載自己想要聽的歌。那時候的我和妹妹,繼承了姐姐的一個舊收音機,還附上盒式磁帶的那種。托姐姐的福,因為她剛買了一台附有光盤的播放機。好奢侈哦。。。那時候已經在澳洲讀書了。平常沒什麼事,就愛播自己喜歡的歌,拿著歌詞一同合唱。那時候已經覺得很滿足了。

當然在澳洲很難買到中文盒式磁帶的那種,都是CD居多。我們都是回古晉的時候買了才帶過來的。記得有一次我們在家裡補習。我那時候有點愛睡,就中間回自己的房間唱了一首歌再回去書房補習。數學老師說聽到我在敲鼓 (@_@""") 我尷尬的點頭。自從那次以后,我就沒有在途中溜出來了。嘿嘿。
