Monday, August 29, 2011

My cooking

As you all know, my mum is a fan of grocery shopping....when she was home alone in shanghai back in May, she did her best to entertain herself...i actually admired my mum's adventurous heart that she was willing to try anything and everything...related to food...when she watched cooking shows or ate something nice in the street / restaurants, she would come home and tried to imitate..i had to say, sometimes it was better, sometimes it was ok, sometimes i just hoped we went out for a meal...haha....but most of the time it was greeeeaattt~~~ i think we sorta inherited mum's talent in this area...*blush* SOMEWHAT, just to be fair to mum!! nobody beats mum's home cooked meal...anyway, yesterday, i was still trying to clear what mum bought back in may and i saw this packet of thicked noodles, so i came up with ideas of how to "get rid" of it...bought veggie, carrot, onion, chicken, eggs etc and i decided to try a bit with it...soaked the noodle in water, and turned it into fried bee hoon or kinda look like tang didnt look great but it sure tasted had been my dinner tonight and gonna be my lunch tomorrow...yum
just realised something weird abt me..i remember back in kch, i didnt usually take overnight food...but somehow in shanghai, i kept taking overnight food..sometimes a week old!! of coz i put in freezer lah!! ohhhhh, ppl do chaaaaannnnggggeeee~~

Sunday, August 28, 2011

a place i called "home"

After being in Shanghai for 8 months, finally i had another chance of going out of shanghai for business trip!! the last one i had was back in january for trip in Seoul...yay yay yay *clap clap* you couldnt imagine how excited i was when i first learned that i would be going to HK~~ i kinda miss my "home" wouldnt believe how i despised HK when i first went there!!! haha, it's been a loOoooong way...that day, when i was about to reach HK, i saw HK on the plane...a small voice in my head went..."home~~" it felt kinda nice to treat everywhere as still learning..i called it home because i lived there for 5 yrs, i called it home because i began to see the good sides of it...there are many things i missed abt HK but things i could live without...kuching is still the best in my HEART :) well, it kinda felt nice to speak cantonese after so glad ppl still understood me and guess what, they would start their conversation with me in mandarin~~~ hey, that's considered a prestige now :p
I didnt do a lot of things in HK...just meeting up with friends, bought some necessities and ate what i i realized how crowded HK is...gosh...i even felt like going home just after a few hours outside....i did have many good memories in hk and i'm glad HK was part of my life..without it, there wouldnt be the "me" today :) here are some the pics of what i had done in hk....btw, life is a lot of boring without the dramas in HK....pls refer to "drama in HK" section for more info :)

  • above is the famous milk-tea and pork burger from the 茶餐厅

  • these are evidence of what i did in hK... :p

  • things are much much cheaper in hk.... i was happy to have bought the starbucks tumbler...saw it in Shanghai just was 3 times more expensive than HK...on the right hand side, it is my new thermo lunch box with the works (chop stick, bag etc) lunch coming up...the problem is, what to cook

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

it is that time of the year again

it is that time of the year again...APPRAISAL time...sigh..sometimes i wonder who invented this process because i sure hate it a lot...who says our bonus must be tied to our performance? who says we must have goals and strategies? sometimes, i think it's from someone who has nothing better to do....why? well...first, it takes time to think of goals, second, it takes time to think of comments, third, it takes time to discuss...some people cry, some people are happy, some people don't feel anything after the appraisal...well, for me, i always hate it...not just because of the 3 reasons i mentioned..but because everytime i need to appraise myself first, i somehow feel like i have not contributed much (even though i work my ass off) and that i will not have good rating :( sigh...oh well...i guess i just have to face the reality...pray for me, pleaseeeeee

Thursday, August 4, 2011

my chinese accent

I went back to Kuching in's been a loOOoooong time since i last went back...the last time i went back was abt a yr ago...havent been talking to my friends as frequently as i used to between now and then...and finally, thanks to technology, we are able to connect better without incurring too much oversea calls charges...hooray to skype and viber :) well, in May when i was in kuching, i was being told by my friends that my chinese accent sounds's not as smooth as kuching accent anymore...har? what? i didnt think i speak like mainland chinese but some ppl insisted i sounded like one..oh well, mayb because of some of the words i used are different...anyway, after a few days in kuching, i was 同化 and speak my chinese like native :) so i told this story to my taiwanese friends who think my chinese is crappy..they kept laughing and denying my chinese ability (@_@|||) there were reasons behind why they deny my chinese ability...look it this post abt my language usage and u will understand...haha...i admit my chinese is crappy!!!
so a few days ago, my friend in australia called me...we had a fun chat...when i first spoke a few sentence, her reaction was: hey, your chinese sounds different...your accent is not exactly mainland chinese accent but taiwanese @_@....well, i havent told my taiwanese friends yet but i could imagine, the answer would be: "your friend lives in australia and i'm sure she is not familiar with proper accent"...hahaha....hey, is my chinese accent really different?!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

photos turned into memories

Just recently, i talked about how technological advanced it is these days and many ppl rely on smart phones, and i am one of them...i think my mum could remember more numbers by her heart than me...ask me and i will just be able to give you a few *feeling ashamed >_<* when i was young, i had a note book keeping all the important numbers and dates and when i grew older, i had numbers stored on phones but could still remember the dates and now, i stored all numbers and dates on phone and forget all (except some that i already knew by heart but nothing new!!) well, the other day, i thought i stored too many photos in my iphones and it's better for me to transferred them out in case i lost my phone (may be i think too much coz i didnt have anything as interesting as 陈冠x), but i still wanted to transfer them out just to clear some one day, i finally turned on my desktop at home...yup, the one i bought when i first went to's still working but took me abt 1hour to make the transfer..for some reasons, i needed to do it manually one by one..sigh...eventhough it's technology, but somehow, it doesnt fit the description of advance....after a painful 1 hr, finally, i saw all the photo icons in my hard i proceeded to delete all my pictures in iphones :) i felt relieved and glad that i finally decided to do it *feeling light*
so yesterday, i wanted to use some old photos, i went to my hard disk, went into the folder called iphone backup and only to found out, the photo icons are all with 0 KB!!! what's that mean for my computer illiterate friends? it means, i deleted all photos without saving them!! i now feel like the picture below....
Oh well, look at the brightside, the physical photos might be gone, but the memories are still in my mind and heart :)