Monday, December 30, 2019

Entering another new Decade

I remember i always wrote something just before a year ends... just browsing through my own blog and saw this post.. a new decade is coming! that was 10 years ago... and now, we are entering another new decade. gosh, time really flies. at that time when i wrote this, i was 10 years, LKK T_T

My mum kept asking how we feel being older now... actually, this is not a great feeling. in the past, we didnt understand the meaning of getting old... now, old means the following to me:

  1. Getting tired easily. in the past, we could sleep late and not feel tired... now, if there is not enough sleep, it takes a lot of time to recover..
  2. Eyesight deteriorating... they call it elderly flower :D when i was younger, i could read almost anything.. from far, from close... you name it, i could sighhhhhhhh... Sometimes i could not even read the car plate number on my phone:(
  3. Eating less... i remember Jenn and I used to have a nickname called Dinasaurs! seriously, we could eat so much and so frequently that we screamed for food every one hour! now? i could only say, economy is bad now, so we need to save more. hahaha... hardly getting hungry these days. i remember when i first went back to KCH from HK, i could have 3 breakfast in one morning! now? just no appetite
  4. lazy to move around and even think :D haha

Do you ever wonder what you have achieve that year before it ends? i don't even know what i have achieved in 2019...  haha...

Actually, i have mixed feeling every different year. Looking at the old post, new year means celebrating with friends, or travelling around.. but as you get older, you just want to spend the precious time with your family.

I hope everyone will be healthy and happy! Happy end of 2019 and Happy 2020 to everybody.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Bursting with love

a lot of people keep you get older, the less desire you have to eat... or as you get older, you should eat more healthily...hence, the small portion, lee-oil-less-salt food.... well...i think this is just an excuse for being lazy to cook.

My meals these days are quite simple... noodles with some sauce or purple rice with frozen food from mum...

i saw the pictures below and suddenly realized...yeah, coz we cant cook like our mums.. we tend to buy takeaway food, eat outside or if we have to eat at home, we make simple food like instant noodles... 

every time i go back home..mum always cook a feast! just look at the amount of food for 4 people. Jenn is lucky to stay home coz she doesnt have to think about what's for dinner... it's always a feast at home! our table full of food is bursting with mum's LOVE :)

Tuesday, July 2, 2019





大概两年后,我在香港换了工作。在香港地日子不长,所以想说找一个套房就好了。看了许久,终于找在尖沙咀的一个老楼的套房。老实说,这房子真的不是好住的。下面虽然餐厅很多,晚上也是很忙。大楼的电梯是旧式的。那种在电影看到的那种。要拉开和关铁门的那种。那时候,我从2箱东西,到7箱。已经扛到要死了。两个朋友帮我搬。由于房子太小,我的东西一直在箱子里。那个地方真的不是可以住的。刚好我有个旧同事跟他男朋友分手,要搬出来住,后来问我要不要一起share。他已经找到房子了。我二话不说,马上答应。我之住在套房2 个月,我的租约是1年的。不过那个地方不难出租的。我骗套房的老板我被派去美国,所以要退房。他说可以,不过定金要被没收。我马上答应。那时候套房的租金没那么高。可以逃离那个鬼地方,我已经很开心了。

后来,我的朋友又帮我把东西搬到新的地方。那是一个 proper 的小区。虽然靠近很多的葬礼馆,也就算了。住在那边大概两年。我的朋友怀孕了,要回上海。后来我得赶紧找房子。又开始我的痛苦的搜寻模式。

“想去哪一区 -》 去那一区找中介 -》告诉中介你的需求 -》看几套房子 -》看了不喜欢那一区 -》重新想要去哪一区 -》 去那一区找中介 -》告诉中介你的需求 -》看几套房子 -》喜欢了就开始讨价还价 -》 签约 -》 拿钥匙 -》 搬家”




搬到上海新家。。也不算新。。那个小区也有一或20年了。房东就不多说了。后来在那边住了两年,就搬到新加坡。由于新家比之前的房子还更大,收纳又好,我买东西的能力严本加利。。。买更多。搬来新加坡的时候竟然有90个箱子。那当然搬运公司为了安全,里面塞了很多的纸和泡泡棉 *自我安慰*

在新加坡找房子也是一个问题。。。因为我对新加坡也是完全不熟悉 @_@ 经过朋友的一番介绍后,有个中介带我看了好多房子。新加坡房子真的不便宜。自己要先想好要住组屋还是公寓。。。我的中介还不错,一开始先带我去看几套组屋让我理解组屋的概念。后来最终选择住公寓,因为我住的远,所以公寓的租金跟组屋的差一点点而已。那干嘛不住公寓。新加坡比较偏远的房子比较新和大。。。。后来住了两年,房东要卖房子。我又得赶紧找房子了。这次我贪方便,而且习惯这个小区,就想说直接看同一个小区的。。。也是搞到很紧张才找到现在的房子。也许是因为我的选择范围太小,小区房子本身也不多,后来看到有一个在我家旁边一栋的,想也不想就租下来了。结果问题一堆。。。之前在碰到的房子是漏水,恶房东,邻居的嘈杂声,几个空调坏。。。搞到我后来租房子都会看看天花板是否有漏水痕迹,房东会不会不讲道理。。。万万没想到,小强这件事。我现在的房子还可以就是小强很多。每次我去到那里,都会有它们的痕迹。只要有它们的痕迹,我就不太会用那个地方。有时候看到活的,有时候看到死掉的。。。我觉得我每天都在造业。。。虽然搬家找房子是一件非常痛苦的事情。。。我最后还是决定。。。长痛不如短痛!

这次找房子真的很痛苦。我早早2.5月前就开始找了。当然一开始找的不是那么勤,不过是时候离开那个区,到另外的区体验一下了。不然到时候离开新加坡后,还是不太熟悉新加坡。这次去看房子的点比较广泛。我的中介是我一开始就用的。。所以她有了解我的需求。呵呵。她负责开车,所以这次我发现,原来不按照地铁站的路线来看的话,其实新加坡真的不是那么的大。因为每次坐地铁,会发现要坐很久,才误以为新加坡很大的感觉。这次找房子也是比较乱。。。直到后面肯定下来两个区域后,我的中介就帮我进攻那两个区域。好死不死。。。每次看到有好的房子后,房子像有8条腿一样,比我跑得还快。。。房子一下子就被租了。。。我的妈啊。。。中介安慰我说,5月6月,房子租的比较快,因为那边很多好学校,很多人从外地来,得在这个时候租房,等开学前先 Settle down。。。结果,我看的两个区域都完全没有房子了。。。后来我的中介开始紧张了。。。他说要不先跟我的房东说一下,反正没人来看我的房子,应该可以延迟。结果,对方的中介很不负责任的说,不能延续。。。7月17号得交房了。。。




Dawning Genealogy: The New Ancestry & My Frustration

Friday, June 28, 2019

what happened if i eat really spicy food?!

 I bought this the other day in Korea. i dont know how to read Korean but from the picture, i'm guessing the noodle must be super hot!

i saw a lot of short clips on people challenging each other to eat the world's spiciest noodle. apparently, the spiciest one is made in malaysia!

anyway, i tried this the other day... i put all sauce into my noodle. i like korean noodle because it's very chewy... so i mixed everything. first bite... nothing. so i continued to eat. it was really good until the after effect came..

OMG OMG... it was really spicy.. so spicy that i could feel my lips getting numb... then my booger and tears came out like river... my brain went blank and numb too. gosh, this is how spicy it is to me.. i have very low tolerance level for spiciness. this is too much for me.

in order to stop the pain, i quickly drank a cup of warm water. OMG OMG...the moment i took a sip, i could feel the burning effect on my lips and tongue and my tears and booger came out even more.

after x mins...finally the burning effect went away. gosh.. it was spicy but it was delicious. after two weeks, i bought another packet. but this time, i didnt add all the sauce... it didnt taste as good if you reduced the sauce though.

so my advice is... eat it in full sauce and make sure you have a lot of tissues and a glass of warm water with you, just in case!






old lady gifs | Tumblr

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

follow me~~~

That day, we went for a small grocery shopping at the new Everise supermarket... looking around for some new stuff...came across this and this brought back so much memories... the song kept repeating in my mind... Jenn and me kept singing that out loud... OOOppps, two small kids just came over to take one bottle...they must be thinking we are crazy...haha...

follow me 洗发水~~ follow me 洗发水~~ follow me 洗发水~~

People said a successful advertisement is when you can be reminded anywhere and anytime...

i still remember there was one time when we wanted to order pizza hut... at that time, there was no food panda or grab food... we could only call the shop to ask them to deliver over... there was no internet.... we could only look for the number from the Yellow Pages... guess what, we found the number without referring to the Yellow Pages!

then how did we order our delivery? we sang the number out! that was part of the advertisement...we didnt even know we remembered it. haha...

Friday, May 24, 2019




昨天,我看到他的桌子有点凌乱。我就顺手拿了一个盒子,想帮他整理一下。我就把他的计算机放进去。。还得意的跟他说了一下。哪里知道,他的反应有点夸张。她忽然大声的骂说,不要动我的东西。然后就把计算机丢出来,拿起盒子要丢还给我。我睁大眼睛看着他说,你可以把盒子丢进垃圾桶。后来他一直大声的说:“你们不要动我的东西。我不喜欢人家动我的东西!” 问题是,之前我们都有帮他收拾东西,所以为何忽然不喜欢。。。不解。

后来我看着他的下属。。。他的下属看着我。。我想我们俩应该是在想:需要这样夸张吗?后来我冷冷的跟他下属说:你要不要帮他找一个 anger management 的课? 后来就走开。笑的。自己 stress, 自己不满那么多东西,干嘛把这些脾气发在别人身上?

今天他又气冲冲的走进茶水间,大声的说,你们不要对我的穿着有任何意见。再说的话,我就打公司的 ConcernLine!七早八早就发什么脾气。其实我很想回复他说:你打ConcernLine, 别人也可以打啊。以其跟这样的人闹,我选择离开。



Saturday, March 23, 2019


平常我不太逛名牌店⋯每次也只是經過,然後看看櫥窗的展示,然後在想到底他們花了多少心思和金錢去佈置,还有他们如何把這些費用都算在買名牌的人的身上⋯ 我,是不是很無聊啊?哈哈哈。

其實我也不太喜歡走進去,自己覺得有股壓迫感。銷售員會先會觀察客人的穿著來決定服務你的態度。至少這是我自己的迷思啦。哈哈哈。難道買個東西也需要盛裝出席? 😅


服務我的銷售員很開心的跟我聊天,問我要看看其他顏色嗎?是不是看了這款式很久了等等~ 他开心我也开心。 Win Win。 哈哈哈

最爽快的是:我感覺自己像個土豪。更妙的是,我花的是別人的錢!哈哈哈 😄

Thursday, March 14, 2019




现在我人在苏州。这个季节,真的很舒服。春到花开。。其实现在花叶落了。呵呵。不过天气还是蛮舒服的。听所上周还一直在下雨,这周太阳出来了。。。我觉得啊。。。应该是我来了,所以太阳公公出来迎接我。呵呵。那天去了老街走走,以为是工作日所以人少一点,结果人山人海。。。我估计大家应该是知道我要来了,来迎接我 *害羞* 我真的这么重要吗?呵呵呵呵

刚刚在饭店,我因为晚上要开会,所以点了room service。。。一直忙一直忙,所以没有时间吃我的晚餐。过了一个小时,忽然电话响,有人打来问我是否可以收拾脏的碗碟。。我很抱歉的告诉他说,我还没时间吃饭。。。过了十分钟,我的电话又响了。。。我的妈呀,怎么我这么忙啊。。。原来饭店打来说,我这么就还没晚餐,估计我的面包已经冷了,所以他们请了人给我送新的。。人已经在门口等我了。。。我赶紧跑去开门。。。就有为服务员站在门口,为我送上热腾腾的面包。。。我真的好感动!


哇~~~~~ 我感觉到了中国的温度。。在春天我感到夏天的温度。。。谢谢你们对我的照顾和热情。。。让我觉得你们真。的。很。棒。。。。



Wednesday, March 6, 2019

my hard disk

Lately, I was looking through some old photos... it was really good memory and some memory, i don't even remember until i saw the pictures. the good old days... ahhh, how we only remember the good times but tend to forget the bad ones in our memory?  i think that is what they call, a walk down the memory lane :p

last night, i was helping my brother with something, so i took out the first hard disk i ever bought to save all of my work and documents. back in 2000, i remember we used diskettes to save our work... the squarish, flat thing with different colours and labelling. it was useful coz we can carry around easily and also organize our work nicely because the space is limited...hehe..

now, we get 1TB sized hard disk...even though it is convenient, it seems we save more and more things inside and become more and more unorganized...ehem...maybe the issue is not because of the hard disk but me :p

i bought the hard disk in's like 13 years ago...see how technology evolved..but it was funny, my old hard disk is so huge and heavy that it is so difficult to carry it needs power and a many ka chang. hahaha... ahh...i feel so old now...

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

durian in disguise

the other day, my Japanese colleague came to singapore... he heard a lot about the durian stories but never really tried durian before.

Last time we brought a japanese colleague who lives in Singapore to try Durian. At first, he was looking forward to it...after he took one bite, his face changed colour...then he said he rather eat a rotten banana outside toilet coz the smell and the taste of durian was horrible to him! haha..Japanese! they dont know what they are missing lo.

so this guy told the other Japanese guy about this story...when the other japanese guy was visiting Singapore, we took him out for a local lunch and then after that we brought him to the nearby market, wanting to buy some local fruits for him to try.

The guy saw these at the road side and he was screaming in excitement!! he said, "wow, look! so many durians!!!!" we quickly turned to look and guess what, we all laughed so hard because they are these...  :D

wow Wow WOW

It's our routine to have kopi/teh after every of our meal. In kuching, we usually have kopi/Teh together with our meal..but someone in singapore, we prefer to have it separately so that we can choose an AC place to drink kopi comfortably.

so yesterday, we followed our routine but on the way to our kopi place, we saw someone have bubble milk tea in their hands...looked so tempting, so we decided to find the place and have a look. the great thing was, there was no Q for this... we know this is a popular brand lately. they are famous for their black sugar and black sugar bubbles.. each of us got one cup each.

the moment we sucked the bubbles and gave a WOW feeling. really taste good...kinda reminds me of the teh c at my favourite kopitiam in kuching...the black sugar taste like gula melaka and the bubbles also taste like gula melaka... i love it..

the only down side is...the high calories >_<