Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012, welcome 2013

Time sure feels like it flies by as you are getting older...I dono if this happened to you before.. When I was young, I wish I grew up faster and eager to tell people that I'm 20 yrs old... When I was at that age, I was proud to tell ppl my age when asked...but now, when asked, I pretend I couldn't count, i pretend I have amnesia, I change subject and worse of all, people feel bad for asking *sweat*

Well, i just have to accept and face the reality... Haha... The more u want to escape, the more it will haunt u... Hehe

Well, 2012 is gonna be a past tense after today... I remember when I was still in primary school, we had to write dates on the top right hand corner.. It was always sad to need to write a different year.. And kept forgetting in the first few days.. It doesn't happen anymore coz dates these days appear automatically~

2012 is another year to be appreciated that my loved ones are healthy and happy... I didn't go for any new yr resolutions anymore...instead, I think as long as family and friends are healthy and happy, I'm happy ;) when people start to get older *ahem ahem* we tend to appreciate different things~ oh dear, im just pretending to be older, that's it *ssshh*

Happy new year to my friends and family... Wish all of you another year of health and happiness~~

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Travel drama

Now I realize why people complain when things don't go their way... That evening when I was rushing, I complain silently in my mind that shanghai traffic is terrible (even though it is true but i kinda magnify the problem that day), I complained why everyone had to leave at this hour, I complained why the subway driver's hand couldn't move faster, why the subway couldn't go faster.. Etc... It seemed to be everyone's fault but mine! Well, if only I questioned the driver's estimation, if I left earlier, maybe it would be a different story~ no story for my friends, no excitement for my friends... Hehe.. I wish there was a magic door or superman.. Hahaha

Well...I made it to the flight! Phew.. Managed to check in at 720pm and board at 740pm... Phew, that was close! Turned out there was someone else like me too and we both ran like hell... I think we were faster than the Olympic gold winner..


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Did I make it?

It's been a long time since my last travel must have been more than two years since I left my last job. Honestly, sometimes I still miss the traveling part... Well, I thought I had gone thru a lot of drama already in the past and nothing would scare me anymore... Well, I'm very very wrong!

I love this time of the year because many people go on vacation.. I didn't take long vacation like what I usually would do before I changed job, so this time, I decided to take a day off and travel somewhere~ yay~~~

Weather lately in shanghai was pretty bad.. Foggy, wet and cold. Yesterday, I went to work in Suzhou which is an hour drive from idea how far it is from the airport so I asked our co driver.. He told me I could leave at 430pm since my flight was at 8pm. I accepted without questioning~ after all this is his area of expertise~~~

Things went on as normal and it was time to leave at 430pm. I was excited abt my trip until the moment I sat in the car. It turned into nervousness when the driver told me I might not b able to make it coz traffic is very bad due to weather, long weekend etc... My heart sank and asked the driver to help drive faster.... no matter what this was out of her control...I quickly checked the airline number in the airport just in case~~

I prayed~ oh, traffic was ok at first until we reached shanghai. We were surrounded by 4 lines of car and there were trucks, buses around us, I have no idea where we were and no idea how long the high way was...there was no way out! We moved like tortoise. I realized when u r nervous, your line seem to always moved the slowest..and after u switched to the line that was moving faster, it became slower and your earlier line seem to move this illusion? The driver told me we would be stuck for 3km, and after tat we will be stuck for 30km and the rest of 30km would be good @_@

So I called airport and asked to change my seat to nearer airport, Rejected. There's only limited flight going from Sh to tpe..if I missed this, it would be a gone case. I must make it, I must make it!!!

After being rejected, I asked the lady if the flight would be delayed (hoping there were ppl like me who got stuck in traffic due to bad weather), she said no...*disappointed* then I asked could they wait for me coz I was stuck in very bad traffic and I told her what happened...the lady advised me not to travel by car, asked me to go to the nearest subway station and then take airport was 530pm. I asked if we could make it coz subway is slow~ she told me it is much better than car and should be able to make it... So I followed her advice...

I ran and I ran...15 stops to airport was 610pm when I took subway...again, everything moved so slow when u felt nervous... The ppl got in too slow, train door opened n closed too slow, distance between stops was too far etc etc.. Well, there was nothing I could do anymore... Pray pray~

Did I make it to my flight? TO be continued........

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Merry Xmas

The other night I went a mall just for a walk while waiting for my friends for was a cooooold night~ bler~ while window shopping (the initial intention), something caught my eye~ it was a fat, cute angel with blink blink heart~ so cute!!! So I went in and started to negotiate with the owner and bought two of it.. One for my home and one for my friend~ don't they look cute? Sorta like jenn and me.. Two FAT but CUTE twin angels ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Any year is almost gone but the closest festive is Xmas~ one of my favorite hdays~ Ho Ho Ho, MErRY XMaS

Saturday, December 15, 2012

my life

hey, when you go through my blog, have you ever think that you have been accompanying me throughout the past x yrs? i couldnt remember when i started writing my blog...should be around 2006...gosh, it's SIX years...can't believe it..time just flew by like will realize i have written something happy, something sad, something funny, something's all what happened in my life for the past 6 years...CONGRATULATIONS, you have been in my life for 6 years...hehehehehe...for many of you, it's definitely more than 6 years as some relationship is hidden :p

well, i reread my blog and found that i have grown from a little girl to an old lady...hahaha...but im glad what life has taught the years go by, i started to realise what i really want in's just simple...HAPPINESS and people around me are happy...

i don't need too much money (just enough to spend and do what i want), no need a high position (coz i see how ppl suffer and gain from it..just fully depends on what you want out of life), no need an expensive car (just something that can bring you from one location to another), no need expensive clothes (just something comfy)...

hey, am i being 没有出息?ahaha...for ppl who have ambition, im 没出息,for ppl who are like me, it's, why do i care?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

just want to leave a foot print

Finally have short access to blogspot....i miss my blog, and i'm sure all of you miss it the same way as me...hehehe...

recently, i had been trying to reflect what happened to me in life after i left HK....initially i thought my life was much more fun (and hence more fun posts and things happened before i left HK) and thought SH has turned me into someone that i don't recognize...well, i thought it was Shanghai that make me changed...after i talked to a friend, i realized, i was the one who changed myself....why? coz i thought life was much nicer back then and more interesting back then...WELL, i was WRONG....wrong for having this type of thought because my life back then could have been much worse, but i chose to think (or depress) that life was good in HK....if i keep having this negative thought, my life now or in the future won't be good, right? coz i am focusing on something that never happens and something that i assume would be silly am i....

my mission now is: to think more positively and more optimisticly...gambate, Jane~~

Sunday, November 11, 2012


又是一年一度的1111啰~~ 平常這個時候我都會在我的部落格留下文章以方便記得當下的心情和紀念。。。在大陸,1111是大日子,又是光棍節又是狂購物節~~果然是好日子。爸爸媽媽好會挑日子。嘿嘿。。。

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


前天晚上,和一位老朋友喝茶,才发现原来她“静鸡鸡"开了一个部落客,还静鸡鸡写了几个那么棒的文章。以前跟他写mail的时候就觉得这个人是可造之才,只可惜人才总是懒惰。我也提议了好几年,他都无动于衷。终于有了一个大突破~~大家现在有眼福啦~~~ 感谢他未出世的宝贝。。。有空可以添加色彩噢~~你怀孕真的很漂亮。。。我相信你的女儿一定会是个小天使。。。还有ho, 你的部落客不能留言的~~我有很多话要说呢!!!        

这一次回家,发现身边很多朋友都迈入了人生的新一个阶段。。当然也有好几个老大不小却还自由自在的疯狂~~有些小孩甚至已经上小学了。。。时间不留人呐~~那也就算了 ,如果没有找到合适的人选,不能怪他们不婚。最无法忍受的是明明就有另一半,而且在一起早已像老夫老妻却迟迟不婚。。。不管是谁的面子问题,我认为两人都有问题!!! 嘿嘿,我是否很鸡婆啊~~关心嘛~~~

千寻啊~~你赶快买一台smart phone料~~ 有一个app不错噢,可以让你每天拍一张女儿的照片。每天track她成长的样子。。。现在的时代,虽然资讯太多反而复杂,往好的方面看的话,还不错。就因为这样,现在的小孩都可以欣赏到以前小时候的风采。那里像我们,辛辛苦苦才可以找到以前黄黄破旧的老照片。。。  


Thursday, September 6, 2012


wow, i feel like i have been released from prison!! after no access to blogspot for almost a year, i felt like i have gained my freedom and everything has changed...the look, the changed for the better..hope i have changed for the better too :p

miss u all

Friday, March 9, 2012

No more access

Hi my dear friends, I'm barred from using blogspot in china... I used to have VPN in china to secretly enter blocked sites, now the VPN is not working anymore :( sigh.. I love my blog and will use it once I beat around the bush for solution... In the mean time I still want to share my life n thoughts, so I created another one.. Not much function there but good enough as long as I can blog I'm china... I'm saying bye bye to fb too *sob sob* but I can access fb in ofis la

Here is the address of my new blog. Come visit me and leave your foot print~

Sunday, February 26, 2012


去年的夏天,和媽媽姐姐去了西安玩。家人在身邊的時候真的很快樂。尤其是在爸媽的身邊,自然而然的就會變成爸媽的小孩了。那時候媽媽一直像小時候那樣想買好吃的給我們,買好玩的東西給我們。*幸福* 她從不買自己的東西。手信永遠是一大包一小包的食物。媽媽呀,就是媽媽。哈哈哈。在西安的時候,我們在逛街,看到路旁有個老媽媽在賣手工藤做的鞋子。我停下來看了一看,媽媽就把鞋子買下來送給我了。感動。我回家就穿上了。那是一雙在家裡穿的鞋子。我很珍惜它,因為是媽媽買的,也因為那位老媽媽做的。差不多一年了,鞋子開始破了,歪了,但是我還是穿著它。我還是沒把它丟了。不過,我怕它們最后一根支柱(看下面的圖就懂了)斷了,就真的不能穿了,所以我昨天買了另外一雙來備用。我。。。還是不舍得把媽媽的愛丟了~~

Saturday, February 25, 2012

kettle story

Havent been updating my blog for very lOooooooong time...i can feel that i'm being missed *blush* not much has happened since the last time i updated my blog and today...well, mayb something did happen, just that i couldnt remember what they are...oh dear, sign of old age.. haha... i want to welcome a new addition to my home...a new electric kettle :) it was like love at first sight..i know how sad that is, falling in love with a kettle instead of a human being..seriously, that's another old sign :p
oh well, the other day, i saw the news abt this guy going to Korea and he boiled water but got serious burnt because the kettle broke into half when he lifted it...kinda reminded me of my kettle at home.....steel base and plastic body...hoo hoo..actually, before i saw the news, i thought of getting a full stainless steel one because it's healthier...i found i always like to procrastinate until something pushes me to do it...hahaha.well, the news is a good motivation...
pls welcome my white "jiu yang" kettle...white plastic cover to deceive people but stainless steel body...the best thing i like abt it is, it is not that expensive...gosh, another sign of old age..hehe :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

grocery shopping spree~~

That day, there was an agriculture fair somewhere close to my home...i heard many times from my colleague before how great it was...basically, people will bring their the homeland specialties around china to one big location in, the thought of getting everything in just one location attracted me...hey, is that "convenience" that attracted me or 想占便宜啊?i think it was BOTH!! Coz i wanted to try to get some specialties from one location for CNY for my family and i was hoping to find something worthwhile :p before i went, i did a lot of mental planning in my head...i should go early in the morning to avoid crowd, i would find specialties i wanted and buy buy i left home at HK, this would be too early for people but not in Shanghai...i thought i was smart enough to come early and bring a big recycle bag...but, the aunties and uncles here outdo me...they brought their trolleys instead *sweat*!!! was sOOoooo crowded inside and i couldnt see anything but heads...and there was a HUGE human traffic jam...
people pushed, people knocked on you, people just came out from nowhere when you were looking at something at a stall...not only i got to see the specialties around China, i also got to experience buying in Chinese way....i quickly browsed around, found some stuff but not cheap...but i still decided to get something to get my taxi fare worthwhile....hahaha...another thing i learned in the beginning of 2012 is: ditch the thought of 想占便宜because you will be 占便宜...
i found out i paid too much for the yunan mushroom, i found i paid too much for the chinese potato noodle...oh well...everyone has their first time, right? i decided to make a pot of yummilicious hotpot of of them~~ yummy, it was really really really good~~

Life after Xmas and New Year~~

everybody loves Xmas and New Year...i love it too...somehow Dec feels like a slack month because many people go on vacation, and many people put off things thinking they could be done next year (including me)...ahahaha...and somehow, the holiday mood is there even though we still have N days to go before xmas and new year is here...aahhh..i just love it...BUT, i just realize the feeling of "先甜后苦" (AKA sweet first & bitter later)...yup...once New year celebration is over, it seems people have come ALIiiiiiVVVvveeeee~~~~ things starting to swamp in, things put off suddenly become urgent and everybody is, for the past two weeks, i had been OT'ing in office till quite late because of my slackness and other people's is hard~~~one thing i have learned in the beginning of 2012 is: if you don't resist it, you will accept it...once you accept it, you won't resist it... :p

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Princess and the frog

I'm sure all of you have heard of princess and the frog, the princess kissed the frog and the frog turned into a handsome prince and they got married and lived happily ever after..well, who knows in 21st century, there is also a similar story...but it's the updated version...once upon a winter, a princess' skin was getting drier and drier and she decided to find a way to make her skin felt the moist again...she thought and thought and thought, one day, she found HIM on the internet and she fell in love and decided to meet HIM. it seemed he also felt her love and loved her the same and showed up her door a few days later...he said he could make her happy and he really did!!! and they lived happily ever after~~'s my version of the princess and the frog story....updated version...who is he, you might wonder...well, he is my air moisture machine...i love it because when i put water in, cool moist comes out from it's ears and the steam makes me feel like i'm in heaven~~ i have decided to use it in summer too...remember how in the hot sun, some cafe use "water" fan to make you feel cool? well, it not only moisturise ur skin in dry winter, it also makes you feel cool in stone two birds, just the way i like it~~
I took froggie using my new sony camera that i won during our 2012 annual dinner :) the effect is really will be a pressie for my dad~~lucky dad