Thursday, November 27, 2008

Bloody weather

Was in shanghai this week...and i LOVE LOVE LOVE the weather...most of my colleagues hate it and can't stand the coldness, but i'm different, i wish it could be winter all year round....just now i went out for a 10 mins walk with my colleagues to get starbucks was quite windy and cold and i was wearing short sleeve turtleneck inside my trench coat and a short colleagues kept saying that im "cold resistence"...ya, to me, it just felt like a happy day to stroll one of those days in paris where you stroll in the park with your friends and having lots of fun chit chatting and enjoying the weather...aaahhhh...heaven~~~

am going back to hk tonight and i absolutely hate the weather in HK...eventhough it's end of nov, the weather is still so warm...i hate weather like this coz it's very hard to decide what types of clothes to wear...i always ended wearing either too much or too little!!!! crap...i just have nothing in between...okie, in summer, u wear short sleeves or sleeveless tops and either a pair of pants or winter, u wear your coat and long sleeves top...but in weather like this...really dono what to wear....sighhhhh..tat's why i don like it la....

This is how i feel now in hk eventhough it should be winter by now~~~~

Sunday, November 23, 2008


i know there should be copyright on posts....but i don't how to link it to refer to another blog coz it's in friendster blog...does that mean only people of who are friends of one person can read his/her blog? i dono...but i came across this really nice passage that it touches me....and i wanted to share with my friends and hopefully you guys will be touched too...(sorry again to my friends who cant read chinese~~~)

前日往回家的公車上, 一對上班族男女吸引了我的目光, 而他們的一段對話,更讓人難忘。 每天搭乘公車上下班,來回通勤時間約莫近二小時, 有時人少,可坐在位置上欣賞窗外的風景; 人多時,也只能慢慢地擠回家, 但這時,身邊乘客的對話總會不時地傳到耳邊。 前日往回家的公車上,轉程靠站時,乘客頓時多了起來。 一對上班族男女恰巧在我身邊,吸引了我的目光。 可能因為人多,男的不時地將手臂圍住女的, 並輕聲的問「累不累?」 「待會想吃些什麼?」 只見女的不耐煩地回答「我已經夠煩了,吃什麼都還不先決定,每次都要問我。」 男的一臉無辜的低下頭,而後說了令我印象深刻的話。 「讓妳決定是因為希望能夠陪妳吃妳喜歡的東西, 然後看到妳滿足的笑容, 把今天工作的不愉快暫時忘掉。 我的能力不足, 妳工作上所受的委屈我沒法幫妳, 我所能做的也只有這樣。」 女的聽了後,滿懷愧疚的說聲對不起。 男的這才似乎重燃信心般說: 「沒關係,只要你開心就好。」 而後親吻了女的頭髮。 下車前再回頭看看這對情侶, 男的依舊保護著心愛的人。 這樣的情景, 讓我覺得自己今天同樣在工作上有些許不愉快, 如果沒有聽到這一段對話,回家後的我, 可能也是一副全世界都對不起我的臭臉面對心愛的人, 只在乎自己的委屈, 卻忽視對方的感受, 不自覺地傷害最親密的人。 所以在踏進家門時,我問自己, 難道我要像公車上那位女孩一樣忍心 將自己的不滿委屈帶給身旁的人嗎? 不,我想我現在應該做的是… 別再把工作上的情緒發洩在心愛的人身上, 破壞了最親密的關係, 並且主動給自己一個微笑。 相遇,不是用來生氣的!說得真好! 當自己快抓不住情緒時,想想這句話, 應該會讓煩忙的生活,加些微笑的因子吧

Friday, November 21, 2008


have you ever felt like your heart is thumping really hard and fast and you can't really figure out you feel the way you feel at that time? have you ever felt frustrated and annoyed at the slight sound someone/something makes? No matter how many deep breathes you take, how hard you try to figure out why, you just have no answers for it? this is how i feel today and right now and i don't quite understand why....even the thought of not having to work for two days and that my friend is coming to visit me, and that i will be going back to kuching soon, nothing seems to be able to cheer me up...why why WHY? can somebody tell me? i hate this kind of it because i create this feeling myself? am i imagining it or am i really feeling it? i just wish the world could stop for a while and let me enjoy the silence for a while~~~~~sighhhhhh.....

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Have you ever found that, as you get older, you find it harder to meet a new friend whom you could have a connection with, whom you could share every little detail of you life, whom you could trust and have fun with, whom you could share your deepest and truest feeling, whom will help you when you are in trouble etc etc etc...well, i came to realise that most of my closest friends are from school days and from my very first job where everyone was still fresh out from schools~~~of coz there are also some which we couldnt really connect to and lost touch alas....but i tried my best :)

last night, i went out with my old friend, whom i have known since 18 yrs's been so many years and in between, we didnt keep in touch for 4 or 5 yrs...still we remain close...we share alot of things and a lot of fun...and i realised that with old friends, eventhough you may not have kept in touch for quite sometime, when you meet up, you still have plenty of things to say and do....the feeling of awkwardness just doesnt exist...i also remember when i met up with my OLDEST friend i know of since kindergarden, we had endless things to say...i had no idea what we said, it was not important :) lucky for me, i have alot of friends from school days and we remain close...and i also have friends from work which i treasured until now :) it's not easy to meet nice friends in your career..but i did meet them...:) hope they think the same as me :)

I was just chatting with another friend of seems that we all had the same problem...most of us find it difficult to make friends with don't know if he/she is geniunely sincere to you or secretly sabotaging you, you don't know if whatever you tell him/her will be the highlights of the next day's lunch topic and suddenly, you may become the laughing stock of the whole some ppl, friends are just friends and friends can come and go....but to me, i treasure them as people and how they make my life a pleasant and memorable one....haha...mayb that is why i have a lot more old friends than new friends....

I wanna take the opportunity to tell all my friends....YOU ARE THE BEST....after me...hehehe... i hope our friendship will continue to bloom and last forever and ever :D

Friday, November 14, 2008

Flash back

Last night, while i was browsing through facebook, i came across a status update by my cousin..he is 23 this year and in his status update, it wrote: " i have to take company law exam"...curious, i went to his profile to see what he was up to. He had a lot of messages from his Uni mates...some said it would be their final exam the next day and they would play as hard as possible, some said they gotta study hard for their last exams, some said they couldnt wait for it to be over.....suddenly, i had a flashback~~~alot of things flashed back to my mind...when was the last time i took my exams in uni? How did i ever pass my exams? How did i feel when i was studying for my exams? how pressured and how worried were i then? How did i study for them since i had to study 4 units in one go??? all those questions which were so clear to me then were so vague to me now...sigh...

it does feel like a few hundred years ago when i completed my uni exams....before exams, everyone would be worrying about what kind of topics would be examined, everyone was guessing and discussing, carrying text books and exchanging tutorial questions, busy preparing for a study group, some looked confident, some looked worried, some just didnt i missed my uni days...nothing much to worry about but assignments and exams....well, mayb i did have a lot of problems then but i couldnt remember, or may be i have too much problem now that whatever used to be problems to me just don't seem like a problem to me now.... :p

Compare to back then, we have too many things to worry about...such as the economic crisis, money, career (whether u can keep your job or find a new job, how to make your boss happy and your colleagues like you), family, spouse, kids, politics - be it office or social...etc etc etc...u just cant be as ignorant as u used to be anymore....

like a famous person once said: i wish i didnt have to grow up. I learned that the older you get, the more problem you have....i guess mayb we were just ignorant when were young and everything was taken care of by others...mayb that explains why others had more problems thant we did *wink*

is it true or is it illusion?

I just had my BIG birthday a few days ago...having gone thru xx yrs and i came to realise something....there are times when we feel happy because you buy something you like, be with someone you love, or good things just happen to you...sometimes you feel frustrated coz things don't go your way or you are under alot of stress...other times you feel sad because your love ones abandon you or hurt you...there are also times you get mad or even furious coz someone just bullies you etc etc...somehow, your feeling is being controlled by a lot of things such as people, environment, deadline, actions etc....but have you ever thought that sometimes, feelings are all created by one person? Who has such power you may wonder...think clearly....

YOU are usually the one creating those feelings...why would you feel lonely if you already have plenty of friends and family with you, why would you feel depressed if you already have other love ones to surround you, why would you feel whatever you feel if you are blessed with alot of other things except for the one thing you may have missed? I was talking to my taiwanese friend and LJ, we all agreed that loneliness is just your own masterpiece...if deep down, you only want one thing that you know you cannot have, no matter how much other things you have, you will always feel unhappy~~~

"Like the feeling of loneliness, if one’s heart is isolated by himself, even though he’s with a bunch of friends, he’ll still feel lonely, but if he know how to make himself happy, he’ll still feel contented even if he is by himself." ~Quote from the famous author, LJ~

So my question is: do you think whatever you feel is true or is it just an illusion?

the key to happiness is: to be contented for what you have and who you are and you will be amazed at how blessed you are. :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008


It's been a loOOooooooooong week...last week, i had conference calls everynight and i was so looking fwd to this week coz i would have more free time...turned out, i was totally WRONG....i also had conference calls almost every night except for 11/11...where i specifically told my boss that that day will be my private time...i told him it was my birthday, so he postpone the call to the next night...last night, i had conference calls from 745pm to is sure dull..and tonight too..sigh...i cant go on like this...i need space~~~~~i felt very demotivated already....until this evening...i came home, saw something in my mailbox...i didnt think much....must be one of those junk mails or electricity bills...coz it is that time of the month again..yup bill time..i didnt think i opened my mailbox and took out an envelope...instantly, i recognised that it is a private mail..and i recognised the handwriting..oh my oh my, it's a mail from jenn!!! Seriously, i havent been receiving any airmail since...since i graduated from Uni...and that was about 9 yrs ago!!! oh, i was soo excited and wondering what was inside....i tore the envelope opened to find a puzzle inside and a sweet letter...thx jenn...thx for the birthday gift :') really really really very touched :) you are the world's best sister...and i'm the bestest still..hiak hiak hiak.... here is my very own airmail from jenn...complete with handwritten envelope, handwritten letter and a sweet and thoughtful gift... :') (the white stuff is not correction fluid..i did it on purpose..jenn wondered if someone would read her i "sprayed" some snow on it...and LJ thought it would be unsafe to expose my address, so covered it...thx friend, for ur wonderful concern and thoughtfulness :)) This is the end product...i love it...just felt like jenn had celebrated my birthday with me...eventhough we are far apart, our hearts are still together :)

Here are a little something from my friends.....i didnt expect that...thx too....this birthday is the best ever...of coz not as good as those in EYs....we used to play till we were mad..hahaha..the good old days~~~~

hairy crab

Hairy crab is in town these's the season to eat hairy crabs...for those of you who haven't seen it before...let me explain..ahem ahem...hairy crabs are crabs with hairs (*DUH*)...well, not all over but only on its chinese, it's called 大閘蟹 (pronuciation: da4 za2 xie4)....well, last week, i had TWO big hairy was yummilicious...why? coz even though they were male crabs, they had a lot of egg paste...yummy..the thought of it made me drool....

Last week, i had my first very own hairy crab to gobble came with the usual crab eating utensil plus a pair of scissors...hhmm..i was wondering what the scissors was i asked my friends, hey, is the scissors used for cutting off the hair on the claws before u eat? they all burst out laughing!!! oh well, i did that on purpose :p...i knew it was for cutting the soft shell on it's small shanghai, nobody wasted any flesh...well, i was just lazy, i chucked the flesh on the small legs...and 8 of them!!! was it eight? i guess so....then i had my second one last saturday cooked by a was again, super good....this time, i ate without any utensils but only my fingers...too bad ah fai couldnt eat...but look at the brightside fai fai, im high in cholestorol now while you are not...see? life is not always not grey... :) let me share share the pics with u....

(Hairy said: HI EVERYBODY~~~~) suddenly i thought of hairy in sexy and the city...hhmm..

big fat crab....gonna be gobbled down by Jane

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November 11 - memory lane

it's the day again...jane and jennifer's birthday on 11.11....nice numbers for a pair of adorable twins...the birth date itself is a mirror image of each other and so are we :) i wanted to put together a series of photos we took on each of our birthday...but i didnt have the time to find the photos, i put together some old pictures...both of us...looked...eeerrr...YOUNG & INNOCENT....while trying look for pictures, i found myself looking at my old pictures...well, let's ditch the word old since i have never really admitted myself as old...i looked at photos from years ago...i realised that i have changed....well, except for the hairstyle, i realised that i have grown as a i have to admit that i'm OLD~~~i shouldnt be in denial..but i told all my friends, age, is just a just be IGNORANT!!! are some of the pics..mayb you guys can tell me the differences....there u go....laugh all you want..just not in my face please :)

photo 1: Jenn & me, celebrating birthday together in 2003...i remember this dinner was arranged to be a "satay house" and both of us were forced to drink a glass of warm water with soy sauce and egg and the infamous chef, Goolace...we didnt drink in the end...buwahhaahah :D
Photo 2: birthday celebration in 2004 @ holiday inn....nice choco one did anything naughty to us on that day...or i just couldnt recall...both jenn and I were making our birthday wish? yup, to make the world a better place for everyone~~~hiak hiak fake is tat!!!
Photo 3: birthday in Nov 2007....@HK
Phot0 4: birthday without jenn :'( in Nov 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008

me, flight attendant?

i came back to HK this evening from Zhuhai...phew, finally no need to go back to this place again...well, it's not that zhuhai is not's in fact a very nice place...spacious, clean air, cheap, neat, relaxing and with friend laughed at me for being in China at this time...according to J, nothing could be eaten in china these days...i had porridge and bun everyday...but J said even buns contain melamine...oh my, so i said i switched to water, but J said even water has it because ppl dumped the poisonous milk powder in the water of what can i eat? anyway, that was just part of the was the final day in zhuhai and we took a ferry back from Zhuhai to was only 1 hr and 15 mins..pretty fast...i was queuing to get a taxi for half hr and when i did, the moment i stepped into the car, the driver chit chatted w me...and i think he stared at me over the rear mirror and i think he had been holding it for quite a while and finally he broke and asked if im a flight attendant...i have alot of question marks...why would he think so? then i, im not..if i were a flight attendant, u would be picking me up from the airport instead of a ferry..he went..yeah, that's wat he thought too..but he said i look like a flight attendant...and i said, oh, no, im not...then he insisted that i look like one...ooh, i was so flattered :) ...hopefully im the type of flight attendant as shown in the pic below and not the type that works in US....we used to joke abt the flight attendants there....someone said the airline could be a nursing bad....

i guess i have the height..but me a flight attendant? still searching for answers~~~

Monday, November 3, 2008

DULL life

I HATE this week...i cant wait for this week to be over...why? you may wonder~~~just look at my calendar for this's the fourth row...where you see a lot of meetings at night time for a particular week...yup, that's how dull my week is gonna not soo looking fwd to it~~~~i dreaded it...i hope it will be over fast...i wish i could fast forward :( :( :( :(

one question...why do we always have to be the one sacrificing our free time to accomodate them??? whenever we organise meeting for them to attend at night, they never seem to be able to make it....i think we are just too nice and too polite to reject....this is so not fair!!! they are spoilt by us....but looking at the brightside, at least they don't expect us to wake up at 5am in the morning just to have a meeting..i heard that there are some companies that do this....oh man...there's no human right and yet, they keep talking abt human right....i want OT pay!!! im gonna sue------------------------- >:(

Sunday, November 2, 2008

nightmare before xmas


In chinese culture, we celebrate the ghost festival by burning incest, paper money, paper house, paper LV bag, paper maids, paper car and food....which is kinda....SCARY when you really think about it....however, ppl do it differently in western culture..they dress up as monsters, ghost, skeletons, wearing masks and wigs just to have fun....TRICK or TREAT...hehhehe...i wanna say "happy halloween" to all of my friends and the main character of halloween is of coz....Mr Pumpkin....hehehe...

Mr pumpkin could be found standing at the roadside of canton road in tsimshatsui....this looks like a pumpkin witch..."nyiek nyiek nyiek" (in very high pitch~~~ ^^)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

meaning of love

came across a post of a friend of mine which i wanna share with my friends :)

















i made this collage...isn't it beautiful? ehehhehe