Wednesday, November 24, 2021


 以前读书时期,我很喜欢做一些心理测验来了解自己。那时候我们有一本心理测验的书,我和 Jennifer 会一起玩。准不准就看我们自己愿意还是不愿意相信。哈哈哈。也许是年纪小,对自己一概不了解,所以才必须依赖一些工具来了解自己。







Monday, November 22, 2021


 I have not been able to spin to get "SURPRISE" since one time last year and i finally got it today! hopefully something good will happen soon :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

2021 年的生日

 11.11 那天,我的朋友特地请假陪我到处逛逛。虽然我们没有做什么很特别的事情。就是早上去 MBS 吃早饭。 还有两粒鸡蛋呐。饱。11.11 那天,我朋友可忙了。忙着在网路shopping。哈哈哈。我自己也买了一套护肤品。因为当天有 20元的优惠。这些商人真的很厉害。我看我朋友一直买一直买。。他说买到多少钱有6块钱的折扣。他帮家人买东西。。结果为了凑齐,他又帮她儿子的朋友买生日礼物。。以前我会一直想办法凑齐,现在觉得,我为了要那6元的折扣,我还要花更多钱。。算算看,反而损失更大。哈哈哈。。那可能也是因为我没什么想买的了。

后来朋友请我去吃点心。她说找个好的餐厅,我们俩可以好好的休息。这次,他没看手机了。。因为,手机早上被用得没电了。哈哈哈。其实我心里很感动我的朋友愿意请一天假陪我。他自己有老公孩子,平常假期本来就不够用。而且还特地陪了我一整天。所以,当然我也不介意她一直在手机上购物。互相陪伴就好了。下面是我们的拼盘。最近每天一直吃大餐,我吃到心里很压力。哈哈哈。因为新加坡现在还在管控,外面吃饭只能两个人吃。所以跟朋友吃饭,我得分开来吃。所以现在天天在外头吃饭 😅

朋友还托她儿子帮忙去排队买手工蛋糕。。好用心。我真的觉得自己太没心没肺了。蛋糕太美丽了。都不舍得吃。他还买了一个给 Jennifer。 只是收益人是我。他说给 Jennifer 视尝。哈哈哈。我看她很喜欢碎花的,所以让给他。其实我也很喜欢碎花的。不过不要紧,其实味道都一样。

后来朋友们来我家聚餐。我们去打包食物的时候,阳阳带来跟我们说生日快乐,还唱歌画画给我们。感动。多几年,他应该就不会再给我们打电话了。现在好好珍惜一下。好笑的是,我的朋友看到我的电话,他问我说,现在电话可以一边打视频一边放自己的照片了吗?我说那是我妹妹。 她才发现那个“照片”里的人会动 😀😀😀😀😝😝😜😜😛😛 


Monday, November 15, 2021


那天,我忽然很想吃那时候在澳洲吃的饼干。居然有了烤炉,我想,这就是自己动手的好时机。记得好几年前,我做了一次带去公司给同事吃后,大家一直跟我要。信心大爆。这次,我给了 SML 一盒,没想到,她说很好吃,咻,一下子就吃完了。后来请了几个朋友吃,他们也很喜欢。

SML给我的唯一 comment 是,能不能做小一点。他想要一口放到嘴里。第二天,我又来挑战,一开始是搓得小粒一点。。我发现人的耐心有限,到了后面,我的饼干就越搓越大粒。哈哈哈哈。

这周末,我朋友请我去她家做客。她想念 Kuih Salat,刚好 SML 很拿手。我跟他讲好了。。他是做 Kuih Salat 给我,我做一罐饼干给她。 这周五交货。哈哈哈哈。看到周四晚上要忙了。

Tuesday, November 9, 2021


 那天我在等公交车,忽然有一个人晃啊晃的,晃到我的前面。。我抬头一看,是个穿着短裤,不,穿着看似是 boxer shorts 的短裤的男人。我记得在上海的时候,很多人喜欢吃完晚饭,穿着睡衣出来散步。也许我有洁癖。只要我的衣服有占到外面的空气,我都觉得不干净,不能到床上。而且一定要再洗澡!我觉得床上是一个很神圣的地方,不能有半点外面的细菌。。哈哈哈,其实应该细菌也不少吧。

话说回来,我不知道这位先生是否不知道那是内裤,还是他本人喜欢这样的线条,我自己是觉得这个画面有点诡异。难道他从小崇拜 Superman,所以想把内裤穿在外面?为了证明我的想法是对的,我问了另外一个朋友。她说:对,这是内裤!

我的天啊~ 居然有人光天化日这么嚣张。哈哈哈。如果是帅哥,我们会欣然接受,快乐的接受他把内裤穿在外面的事实,而且可能还会觉得这样很养眼。。。不过。。。不是每个人可以hold 得住。哈哈哈。我跟你们“有福同享” 啦~ 😅😅😅

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The making of French Apple Cake

 The other day, SML asked me if i wanted an oven. Actually i had been looking to buy a small oven to put at home.. somehow, i could imagine that i would be happily making cakes and cookies with it or bake my food with it too.. after many thoughts, i still decided not to get because my place is so small and my stuff are piling up.. all i did was, kept imaging until SML said her friend has an extra oven that she doesnt want and asked me if i want to take it 😀😀😀😀 YES OF COZ and why not?

about two weeks ago, SML delivered it to my place personally! Finally! i kept searching for recipes online.. before i got the oven, i felt that i had a lot of things to make.. after having it, i felt like there is nothing for me to make 😂😂😂 weird. I looked in the fridge to see what i have, suddenly, i remember i had craving for APple cake. i made it like 18 years ago in Kuching and many people liked it.. so i searched for a simple recipe, went to buy ingredient, only to find that, the baking pan is too big for the little oven.

so, i didnt make it that day.. i decided to go and get a smaller pan a few days later.. took it home and yes, it fit the oven perfectly until... i realized that the oven is not high enough.. when my apple cake barter was put in the pan, it rose and touched the heat bar on the top.. thats why u see a black stripe in the middle of the cake 😂😂😂😂

the appearance of the cake looked lousy.. like somebody just puke... haha.. i didnt dare to show anybody.. i let it to cool and had it for breakfast the next day.

The cake was moist.. but a bit too sweet for me.. i didnt change the recipe because it was my first time attempting with this new recipe.. it's supposed to be french apple cake.. but it didnt taste anything like french.. haha... it was good overall but not my thing coz i'm not a sweet first.. so i chucked the whole cake into the fridge.. i will eat it one day.. that's my plan

Then last sunday, SML decided to come to my place to swim.. so i said ok.. and she brought some take out from the restaurant where she worked to my place as lunch.. while waiting for the food to be heated up, i made SML the coffee and gave her two slices of my Apple Cake, surprisingly, she loved it.. then after our lunch, she said she is full but still asked for another slice of my Apple Cake.. so i cut her two slices and she FINISHED both slices.. she had half loaf by herself! so the other half, i let her take hom.

Guess what she said just now.. she said she shared my apple cake with her friends and they said the cake was GOOD and it was not too sweet 😛 SML and her friends really give face.. haha.. now i feel motivated. Next thing that i plan to make is, ANZAC Cookie.