Sunday, November 18, 2012

just want to leave a foot print

Finally have short access to blogspot....i miss my blog, and i'm sure all of you miss it the same way as me...hehehe...

recently, i had been trying to reflect what happened to me in life after i left HK....initially i thought my life was much more fun (and hence more fun posts and things happened before i left HK) and thought SH has turned me into someone that i don't recognize...well, i thought it was Shanghai that make me changed...after i talked to a friend, i realized, i was the one who changed myself....why? coz i thought life was much nicer back then and more interesting back then...WELL, i was WRONG....wrong for having this type of thought because my life back then could have been much worse, but i chose to think (or depress) that life was good in HK....if i keep having this negative thought, my life now or in the future won't be good, right? coz i am focusing on something that never happens and something that i assume would be silly am i....

my mission now is: to think more positively and more optimisticly...gambate, Jane~~

Sunday, November 11, 2012


又是一年一度的1111啰~~ 平常這個時候我都會在我的部落格留下文章以方便記得當下的心情和紀念。。。在大陸,1111是大日子,又是光棍節又是狂購物節~~果然是好日子。爸爸媽媽好會挑日子。嘿嘿。。。