Sunday, August 24, 2008

Jane's TEN Bs

Jane will be flying again going to melbourne....havent had the time to update my blog yet..i know i have abandoned it for quite sometime..again, i have valid reasons to do so...let's seeeeeeee....
  1. busy packing before i moved
  2. busy cleaning my new apartment in preparation for my move
  3. busy moving to my new place
  4. busy unpacking my things
  5. busy tidying my new place
  6. busy with furnishing my new place...curtain, fridge, computer desk, misc home stuff
  7. busy with Controllers' meeting
  8. busy with entertaining bosses
  9. busy with packing to get ready for travelling to Melbourne-US-HK-China
  10. busy with socialising with friends....before my long journey

this is what i called the 10Bs...heheheheh...okie..time to board...i have alot of things to update my's amazing how much has happened to me in the past two damn busy...stay tuuuUUuune

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Jumbo floating restaurant

Went to Aberdeen (香港仔) one weekend for champange was my FIRST time going there...hahah...yup, u heard me right...after 3.5 yrs+++ in was actually my first time to go there...well, i did passby the place but never   had i had the chance to go eat tat day, it was a dream come was a beautiful sight...the ocean, the air, the scenery...the old fashion boat and everything...i think HK govt should really preserve culture     like this....anyway...we took a boat there...a short 5 mins right...i felt   like a tourist again....hehehe...the place reminded me of the movie directed by stephen chow...everyone should know "god of cookery" haha...after   having the delicious, luxurious brunch there, i went to youtube to reminisce   on the movie...:p 

Out of topic...the brunch has a free flow of champange and oysters...we   even saw Miss HK in there...heheh..don't ask me who, coz i have no    idea :p i took some pictures from the floating restaurant...magnificent view...let's enjoy together :p 

here's the view and it ends with a magnificent ROAR by Jane :)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Busy bee

i didnt update my blog for quite some time...i know all of u have been waiting eager for new post :p *FLUSH* i had a lot of things on my mind but i didnt have the time to update anything yet....since i came bek to HK last Friday, i was busy with alot of know how it is when u leave home for a long time....tonnes of things to attend to and worry abt ;(

for the past two weeks, i was busy with apartment hunting...yup, u heard me right..i am MOVING AGAIN...heheeh...after searching high and low, finally i found a place of my own :) it's not far from city...but it's in New Territory area....this weekend, i will need to drop by my new place to moving in next Monday...haha..guess what, the 1st year i came, i stayed in HK island...then 1.5 yrs later, i moved to Kowloon area and stayed for another 1.5 to 2 yrs...and now i'm moving to New funny is tat??!! im moving further and further away and now, i could tell ppl that i have stayed all over HK...hiak hiak hiak

i will post some pictures later in the week....

Thursday, August 7, 2008

embarrassing moment

Today was a busy day for's like i went to the battle today...having conferences every hour and it took damn of the conference today was like a war....we had fights for an hour and the half..oh my oh my...i felt like strangling the mgt...the reasons they gave were just so so so so illogical!!! in malaysia, we would call it 炒贵刁(炒河粉)in other words 狡辩...and he had a bunch of 狡辩王 as team members...even the boss!!! how unprofessional, he said right in front of us that he totally support the mgt team...well, i didnt have my boss around to support we were fighting a lost battle :'(

anyway, i won a another battle today, so i compensated myself by order a big chunk of steak and a glass of red wine to reward myself...after the big chunk of steak, i felt fat, so i decided to wait for an hour before i ventured to the gym...there was this cute instructor there :p oh, don get me wrong..tat's not the main purpose...i just wanted to shed off some fats before i left here i went down and i jumped on my usual pedalling session..the cute instructor came to me, happily seeing me as i was happily meeting him again *FLUSH* right tat instance, he smelled my breath and asked if i just drank...i nodded shamefully...he asked me not to i listened to him...after 15 mins of pedalling, he came to chit chat w me and then another cute guy came to chit chat i chatted for another 15 mins...finally, my cycling was done...and after i got down from the machines, i felt damn dizzy...i was so tired..mayb from the chit chatting and the wine...and i blacked out...the moment when i was concious, i felt two guys lifting was such pain to walk...i just had to sit down...then i got a queen like treatment...someone fanning me and another handing me water...hahaha...sometimes bad things could be good too~~~ too bad i had no strength to stay longer...i quickly came bek and vomit my big chunk of steak.... :(

it was good fun la...i will come bek again in a mth's time :(

Saturday, August 2, 2008

空中飞人 - bunjee jumping....(' ' lll)

this saturday started like any normal day for me...i woke up around 8am, met up with my friend, ah fai...had bfast and shopped around....and after whole day of apartment shopping and shopping, we went to Shatin...wanting to look for more apartment...there is a HUGGGGggeeee shopping mall at Shatin...and we were both happy...havent been shopping for quite sometime and both of our credit cards have been quite quiet lately....when we were happily strolling, suddenly, there were about 5 or 6 ppl dressed in purple jacket shooing ppl away from the lobby....some ppl were being jerked away and unhappy abt the treatment...i sensed that something was gonna happened...was it a show? what was it? they started putting the stops around the centre of the lobby....hey, could someone pls explain? was there a show being planned? nobody explained...just saw the purple ppl rushing abt, getting ready for something...i just saw them and other ppl looking i stopped, curious, so i looked upward too...ah fai was nowhere to be seen~~~i stood there, waiting for something exciting to happen...then out of a sudden, i saw a guy, dressed in white falling from the 5th floor....i focused my eyes on him, thinking, wow, wat a stunt......i looked for the rope that should be tied to him, thinking that he must be a stunt man doing a show...but there wasnt any....then i heard a loud BANG when he landed his head down first, then his remaining body on the marble floor...OMG OMG, i just realised that someone just committed suicide right in front of the crowd and i was standing abt 20 feet away!!!! SH*T....i was so shocked...i turned around looking for ah fai...ah fai was as shocked as me....i had goose bump the whole time....i just couldnt believe what i had just witnessed!!!! oh dear, i thought i have seen everything in HK (all the drama in hk that i mentioned before)...but out of my expectation and nothing i would wanna see with my own eyes....sigh....

don't you think life is short? especially for ppl who wanted to end it themselves? we thought, something really must have happened to this person...sigh...i couldnt imagine how depressed the friends and relatives of this person are gonna be.....i don't know if he survived the fall or not, i just saw the purple ppl cover him with blinds and plastics...saw police but not sure if ambulance came and rushed him to the hospital...i will know tomorrow...i hope this guy survived...whatever the reasons he chose to do it, i hope he could face it brave as when he decided to jump of the floors...........both ah fai and i couldnt get the image of our minds...most of the ppl were traumatised...i was just standing less than 20 feet away :(