Thursday, December 26, 2013

4 days later

It has been a great four days trip with my parents and brother~ the only thing I didn't do well was I ran out of patience when we kept losing each other and spending time to look for each other~ as well as kept missing each other out that we kept having no key to enter the room.. *guilt*

Orchard road was super super crowded! Gosh... It was even more crowded than what I had experienced in Hong Kong.. There were times when we couldn't even crossed the road since the crowd from opposite was like bees coming from opposite direction and we all got stuck~ my conclusion is, the pedestrians are too smaaaaaalll, too narroooooow~ 

Well, today my parents and I came to airport at 2pm. My parents flight was 620pm and mine is 115am on the next day~ my parents a sleeping soundly at home now while i still wander around in changi airport~ luckily it's not bored here.. Plenty of things to see, buy and eat..just a question of whether you have the strength, money and stomach to do all those!

Time sure flies when you r having fun~ just 4 days ago, i spent 12 hours at changi airport and been thru a serious of adventure... And now my parents are back home, my bro is leaving tomorrow and I'm still wandering around changi airport for 11 hours~ but its worth it as I get to receive my parents~ my mum was surprised to see me when I greeted them at her arrival gate~ she said she almost peed in her pants! Hahah.. And I also get to send my parents off from their gate :) love you

This is where i slept on Monday morning~ 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Ho Ho Ho

Last night, we wanted to have our Xmas eve meal at an upper class restaurant~ but for some reasons, orchard road was full of people that scared us off~ we were to tired to ventured thru the crowd to go there since traffic was congested, walking would be a better decision... Instead of high class dinner, my bro brought us to nearby Japanese restaurant~ turned out the Q was a long as a dragon, so we wanted to try another one opposite.. Thought there was no need to Q, turned out the Q was on the other side and need to Q for 90mins~ being hungry and exhausted, we decided to ditch both all-u-can-eat Japanese restaurants and just walked in to a not so crowded Japanese restaurant~ it was not a bad choice coz while we were having dinner, we saw how slooooow moving the Q was~

We ordered sake, scallops, salmons, beer etc.. My dad was really serious any Xmas~ he even bought a new shirt for the special event~ it was nice to spend a special day with family~~


Merry Christmas everybody~~~

Monday, December 23, 2013

Life in airport

I remember many years ago, there was a movie where a guy lost his passport and money and he started his life in the airport. He pooed, peed, bathed, ate, drank, read, played etc in just the airport and lived there for 5 years! At that time I wondered how could a person live in airport for that long! Didnt he feel bored? Where did he sleep? How did he eat? Wash face, brush teeth? Nobody realized he was gone? Or maybe he travelled too much?!

Well, I understand it today~ I arrived changi airport at 1am last night~ took a train to a bigger terminal and settled down~ everything looked so quiet without the crowd and the shops~ there were many vacant computers, free wifi, Clean toilets, rows and rows of bench, free theatre even!

I knew why I think it was impossible to live in airport... Coz out airport in KCH is too small. Hehe..

I'm off to eat my favorite kaya toast and milk tea, then go shopping, then watch a movie~ while waiting for my parents and bro

Gosh, I hope I have enough time 

Little Italy in changi airport 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

From 2013 to 2014~


Everybody, merry Xmas and happy new year

Wednesday, December 11, 2013



這次去感覺不一樣。以前大家都好黏我,現在大家比較黏電腦,iPad,電話。一早起床匆去無錫,換來的卻是傻傻的坐在一旁看他們玩電話。心中忽然覺得很感嘆〜 難道這是以後大家相處的模式嗎?我是不是浪費時間呢?所有我就決定提早回家睡覺好了。這麼一決定,大家才忽然動了起來〜 我們又像從前一樣到附近的遊樂園玩〜開開心心的吃著遲來的午餐和早到的晚餐〜之後姪女因為我的離開而落淚〜 感動的是我至少在他心目中還有一點點地位〜


Monday, November 25, 2013

My brain is rusty~

Am preparing for an exam next week.. It has been N years since I last studied and took exams~ gosh, I didn't know how difficult it was back then but it is sure difficult for me right NOW! I still remember I studied for practicing certificates for HKICPA about 8 yrs ago. I didn't know how I passed coz there were 3 to 4 papers I had to sit and they were all in essays! I had to admire myself for passing that. Hahaha

Well, this time the exam I took is long overdue~ because I kept giving myself excuses and were not diligent enough, I dragged and dragged and dragged until I couldn't dragged anymore~ why? Because they r changing the syllabus and if I don't pass or don't take my last paper, I would have to do another two more exams in the future! No more excuses!

Lately I tried to study hard.. Oh boy, I have to say, it was difficult to put my mind to it~ have u ever notice that whenever we are preparing for exams, many things will come to our mind and suddenly we feel like doing everything that we have been putting off for long long time. 

Well, at least during high school time till now, this ALWAYS happened to me. I would imagine myself doing something else and would tell myself that I would do it once my exam is over~ and guess what? I never do whatever I promised myself I would do after exams and if I did, they weren't as fun as I imagined them to be~ haha.. Yup, that's my nature.. Not sure abt you~~

Well, this time is no different.. But now I have to depend on my luck to pass~ lets keep my fingers crossed~ but my uni teacher once said to us "but luck has nothing to do with it!" *hope shattered* T_T

This is my study table~

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Blog or block?

Been blogging since Dec 2006...not too long and not too short. i have to say, i opened this blog without the intention to share :p but out of curiosity...who knows, after blogging for so long, it has become my digital diary. i always have this thought in my head, should i print out all of the posts i wrote in case this blog is wiped out one day? should i save all my posts? hehe...just a contingency plan i guess~~

these few days, i was trying to update my blog background as i wanna refresh the look on and off....there are so many options to choose from in the internet world....ahhh..which makes it difficult for me to choose...

  • First i have to consider if it's free; 
  • Second, if it's nice; 
  • Third, if it suits my blog
  • Forth, if i could refresh it to fit my photos and wording

After looking hi and low and i finally know what i wanna do! i want to stick to simplicity~~ just use whatever is provided to me in the blogger service and gosh, it makes life much easy :p why would i spend so much time in looking for things that may not even matter in the end? hahahaha..

i was glad that Jenn and many friends have started blogging...sad to say, most of the blogs have got spider webs on them and i had been logging in and out many times, hoping to find some updates~ i like to read abt other people's lives...heheh...not that i like to stick my nose to someone else's life, i just like to be part of their lives *wink*

i think alicia has beautiful blogs and i like her theme...*food and normal life*, i like to read tracy's blog because of the sentiments she put in...i like to read qianxun's blog because of her simple and yet exciting life which is spiced up by her writing...i like to read about kimmy's blog because of her love for her kids...i like to read about 小醋醋's blog because of her interesting posts....too bad all of you are too busy to, i could only wait till the day you have time *waiting eagerly*

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

apa ini?

這是我在日本買的東東〜 猜猜它是什麼?

Friday, November 15, 2013


這禮拜在日本,看到四周都是聖誕的擺設〜聖誕氣氛真的很濃〜 讓我忍不住在繁忙的步伐中停下來好好的欣賞〜 商店都擺出可愛的聖誕小物品,也開始做聖誕促銷〜 哇,想像下著小雪,然後在街道上漫步〜 好有feel喔〜


Monday, November 11, 2013

1111 - that time of the year

It's the greatest time of the year again~ 1111.. The birth of the two great ones and many more~ 1111 of x yrs ago, there born a pair of cute and adorable twins~ as they grew up, they were loved by many friends and relatives and today, they are still loved by many people. We both feel blessed! We r thankful for many people but the two people we thank the most are my parents! Without them, there wouldn't be us today and you would have lost many great memories and friends like us. Hehehe

What's so special abt today except for the birth of the great twins? Well,
Actually today is considered one of the most important days out of 365 days. Today is also the world's children's day, single's day, shopping spree day and also World War One Memorial Day~ gosh, I felt so important. Hiak hiak hiak.. 

Anyway, just wanna wish jenn and I happy birthday. Even though we fight a lot, we still love each other a lot. That's the great thing abt being twins. My mum asked us with lots of question marks one day:"when two of u see each other, u fight and argue and when two of u r separated, u gals talk on the phone all the time. Why?" Well, mum, the answer is: we love each other. Hahah love happens in a strange way.. That's the power of love!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


最近在家裡外面的花園看到園丁種了很多 "雞屎花"黃黃橘橘的,很漂亮。對不起,我不知道花的正確名字,小時候媽媽就說那是雞屎花,只要把枯掉的花朵摘下,在泥土上灑一灑,再澆澆水,就會長出來了,連三歲小孩也會的。所以那天我看到枯萎的花朵,就忍不住摘了一些回家玩。這是我撒的苗〜下次報告進展〜


Monday, November 4, 2013


1111是大陸的歡購節〜 所以現在到處都打折〜天天在電視都看到這裡那裡有優惠,而且還是24小時之內送到貨的。勁!





Monday, October 28, 2013


我要澄清一下~~~ 之前我說現代人愛玩手機嘛,讓人與人之間多了一層膜。其實不是全然這樣的。我的可愛的朋友,LJ 因此下的定論說不買智能手機的原因就是這樣。其實如果什麼事情我們都能做得中庸的話,就不至於會這樣啦。還是要看使用者的使用方法啊。。。所以不是智能手機的錯~~ 嗚嗚嗚~~~ 我要幫智能手機伸冤~~~~

因為智能手機,所以我們的生活變得方便。迷路的話,手機拿出來滑一滑,就可以順利到達目的地了。不知道去那裡吃飯,手機拿出來滑一滑, 就有一籮籮的推薦。想家就手機拿出來滑一滑,打免費電話回家。想和朋友聊天,就手機拿出來滑一滑,打免費電話或發發免費斷信。省了很多錢吶~ 坐budget airline, 嫌悶, 手機拿出來滑一滑,就可以看到最新的電影和片子。坐計程車怕被wat, 手機拿出來滑一滑, 就可以知道司機有沒有繞路料。有一次,我假假拿出手機跟司機說我看得到路線,他才不敢亂亂來。

我的motto 是,跟朋友家人在一起的時候,堅持不做低頭族。

用對了,就是價值。用不對了,就是浪費。所以我還是提倡用智能手機噢。hiak hiak

Monday, October 21, 2013







一排看過去,所有人都低頭看著自己的電話! 哇,這是怎樣?大家都成了低頭族。有點小遺憾。對,現在科技很發達,也因為這樣,我可以常常和家人以及朋友更頻繁的溝通,可是不好好用的話,就變成把人拉遠的東西了。人與人之間的正面交流越來越少了。記得我那個可愛的姪女,在還沒有iPhone iPad 的年代,她一直黏我,一直要我跟她講故事,跟她玩的。現在,她寧願看iPad iPhone也不看我一眼了。啊〜〜〜這就是我爸媽的感受吧?!



Monday, October 14, 2013


上禮拜在古晉吃太多〜結果回來後衣服明顯變緊了〜 肥婆一個!


回來後,家裡沒東西吃,早上只好吃麥片。不過我也沒因此瘦下來。我跟朋友說,怎麼辦,我的字典裡從來就沒有減肥這兩個字。朋友說,那總有節食吧?奇怪,那是啥啊?是節日美食嗎?朋友冒汗的說,那總有運動這兩個字吧〜 對ho。最近發現自己筋骨也緊緊的。是時候逼自己運動了!我這個懶惰蟲!



Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Indon Maid

Dad got a new toy to play from Australia. He loves it so much that he hand carried it back all the way. it's no kidding. it was a big package ah. my dad called it "indon maid"...hahaha...initially when i picked them up from airport, mum said dad got us a new indon maid, i still asked them why need to employ one? not safe and don't know if they steal.... turned out it was an i-robot for cleaning

we were playing with it last week...just trying to see how it does work. wow, it was one of the most clever inventions. you know our house has a step down from the dining room to the living room right? i was playing it in the living room and it seems lost coz we had too many "blockages" we tried to moved the blockages around so that it could move freely. then my mum asked me to put it in the dining room so that it could clean the kitchen, dining room and the computer room...i was doubtful about it recognizing the step and might fall down and break mum insisted and said it is more clever than me @_@

after a few struggles, i wanted to prove to my mum that the i-robot is not as clever as me...guess what, it is indeed more clever than me @_@

at one point, the robot was stuck at the door and it screamed "move me to a new location" "move me to a new location"....confirmed! it is indeed more clever than me @_@

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Time to say good bye

After many days of two breakfasts and two lunches, finally tomorrow I need to go back and face the reality~ but with "volume"

I feel really fat and unhealthy. Every meal I would have a cup of milk tea :p I just couldn't resist Malaysian milk tea and am never sick of it!

I'm fatso~ 

Here's my hearty breakfast from mum~ mum is the best!

Friday, October 4, 2013


哇噻,昨天跟朋友吃完午餐,忽然天昏地暗,下了一場很大很大很大的雷雨〜 以為只是下一下子而已,誰知道下了一個下午!眼看著家裡的水溝越來越滿,外面的大水溝開始滿起來!哇,馬路淹起水了。鄰居的家早已變成個小池塘了。


在去牙醫的路上,一路開在看不到路的路上。有點危險,但又有點特別的風味〜 恐怖。大家有看過water world 的那套戲嗎?就是在未來有一天,整個地球會被淹了,人們就在水上生活。還挺恐怖的。昨天大家都以為古晉要沈掉了!

我朋友還說這次的大風雨都是我的傑作〜 也不知為何那麼巧,最近一連幾次,不管我去到那裡都有颱風大雨〜我就被稱為颱妹 T_T

Thursday, September 19, 2013




月餅在我心目中是很甜很甜很甜的食物〜吃到嘴裡後心裡也甜甜的。媽媽最愛月餅了,因為她喜歡月餅裡頭的蛋黃。果然是有其母必有其女,我們都愛吃裡面的蛋黃。只不過是我媽比我們更愛。有一次我托朋友在香港帶了一個7個蛋黃的月餅給媽媽〜 她開心極了!

現在的人可能也覺得月餅太甜了,而且口味一直在增加!我喜歡冰皮月餅,因為它不是很甜〜剛去香港是看到,覺得很有新鮮感〜那時候我下刀山過火海的從老遠帶回古晉〜有學有汗有淚〜 結果Jennifer一放就放了9年!到時可以放到博物館了+_+





Monday, September 16, 2013


中秋節快到了〜耶! 我們中秋節放假一天〜 耶!已經很多年沒有玩燈籠了。講到燈籠才讓我想起一件很好笑的故事。

從小到大,我們都是在中秋節玩燈籠長大的。記得小時候,我們最喜歡把五顏六色的燈籠掛在一起,再把所有的燈都關了〜這樣就可以看到美美亮亮的燈籠了〜 我們最愛的就是提燈籠到外面走走〜有時候是炫耀我們有很多大大小小的燈籠〜啊,小時候就已這種小東西為驕傲了〜呵呵。記得我最羨慕的是有一些小孩拿著電池的燈籠,還會唱歌呢!可是這種燈籠好貴,所有只能在商店摸摸而已〜不過現在長大了,還是比較喜歡傳統的燈籠〜




Saturday, September 14, 2013



我有好多小黃鴨的東東耶,而且我看到小黃鴨很happy〜 我是不是有問題啊?呵呵

Monday, September 9, 2013


上星期在台北辦正經事〜 正經事就是一些會讓你覺得很嚴肅,覺得很累或者很壓力的事情〜 而且不只一件,而是一天有六件這麼多!

在途中我們攔了一輛計程車〜沒想到這輛看似普通的計程車居然給了我們很多驚喜〜 妳一定覺得為什麼〜 呵呵

原本沉重,緊繃的心情,一進到車裡就覺得好開心。好像去到遊樂園似的〜 裡面沒有棉花糖啦,只看到窗戶吊滿了手工娃娃〜一開始以為娃娃只是用來擺美而已,後來司機說我們如果喜歡的話,可以擁有喔〜 

我看得眼睛撩亂,因為好多可愛的動物,個個都很可愛,個個都想好,不過錢包沒能力。司機很用心的介紹。原來是他老婆和女兒的興趣〜 順便為可愛的娃娃找主人〜 創意十足〜 看到掛在窗戶搖搖擺擺的娃娃,心情一下子放鬆了〜我忙著挑我這麼多之中最喜歡的娃娃〜 一個接一個〜 我一口氣買了三個!

司機很可愛,我覺得他也樂在其中。一直給我推薦新貨和講故事。他說很多人達他的車都很開心,拍了很多照片share給朋友。我也一樣。看來大家都有一顆童心喔〜沒人可以拒絕可愛的娃娃〜 而且厲害的是他老少通吃。呵呵〜 有些娃娃裡頭還放了啾啾呐!按一下肚子娃娃會啾啾啾啾的叫!好有創意!我愛!

我問司機要卡片。下次朋友去台北也可以感受一下遊樂園的心情嘛。可惜老闆沒有準備。他說他會在信義那一區出現〜 看來以後我們要看緣分咯〜 為了讓你們感受我的感受,我拍了一些照片。司機還送我吊娃娃的勾噢。真貼心〜 Y(^_^)Y

好多好多选择~ 我可以全部都要吗?

我喜欢这只大黄鸭~~~ 喜欢它的帽子。它好时髦噢~~


Thursday, September 5, 2013





看來我得多多練習 +_+

Saturday, August 31, 2013

What is your last name?

I have a friend, her name is Ina WAT. Her last name is WAT. One day she goes through US immigration, the officer said WAT is your name, then she said WAT!?

Today she goes shopping and a lady asks her if her name is Ina Wat. She says Yes and the lady asks her what her last name is. Ina said WAT! The lady repeats and says, what is your last name? Ina replies WAT! The lady apologizes and asks her again what her last name is. Ina says WAT!!! The lady apologizes and stops asking as she thinks Ina must be deaf~

What is your last name Ina? WAT!!! How many times do you want her to repeat~

Here's Ina Wat~~

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


我喜歡吃!我長得像猩猩,吃力如恐龍~ 每次人家看到我吃東西,都會露出很驚訝的表情。有很多朋友說喜歡看我吃東西的樣子,因為我看起來很滿足,東西被我吃起來也變得好好吃。。。可惜沒人找我拍廣告,不然保証我代言的東西肯定大賣呢! (好像有點夸張啦)

我最喜歡的是早上來個豐富的早餐。最好有杯奶茶。奶茶是我的最愛。每次回到古晉,我每一餐一定配一杯奶茶。凍的熱的都可以,到時候看心情。我喝過很多國家的奶茶。馬來西亞的不用說。一個馬來西亞的奶茶就有幾十種。我最最最愛的就是亞達糖泡的奶茶。香!贊!香港奶茶也很好喝。尼泊爾的是酥油奶茶,很特別。台灣的很有創意。加珍珠,加黑糖,有木瓜口味,有蜜瓜口味。總之,你想喝怎樣的都有〜 西方的是薄薄的奶味。應該差不多是這樣啦。西方人比較愛喝咖啡,所以奶茶沒什麼特色,反而是咖啡就很多變化〜〜變變變〜在古晉,我們是變出不同的奶茶口味〜






Thursday, August 22, 2013

Crazy yellow duckie

Last week in HK, we shopped in mongkok and found this cute rubber duckie~ we have seen the giant yellow duckie floating in HK ocean a few months ago and we also have seen mini yellow duckie in someone's bath tub before~

Doesn't this look familiar? A normal yellow duckie until you see this crazy version!

Guess what we were doing? It was a normal duck in pic 1, one eye ball popped out when we squeezed him lightly.. Finally, the shocking scene! Both eye balls popped out when we squeezed harder! Eye balls with red veins somemore! Eeewwww~ we were having fun w it. Creating lots of short stories.. Here's one to share... We are crazy but it brought us lots of fun!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Am I bringing good luck or bad luck?

Last week when i was in Hong Kong, there was a Typhoon hitting HK. i heard from my colleagues that this year, HK was not successfully hit and they were all disappointed. You see, in HK, if the Typhoon is signal 8, they don't have to go to work or they get to get off earlier if they happen to be already in office. There were many false alarms in the past months, according to them. So this time, they were pessimistic about it too. On Monday, i brought my laptop (Darn Heavy considering you have to walk a lot and take public transportation) back home and brought it back on Tuesday. No luck. On Tuesday, i was reluctant to bring back (again) but was told there was a possibility. So, i brought it back (again).... @_@

This time, i brought back with good reasons because the typhoon 8 HIT the next day. Yahoo~~~ strange enough, it wasn't as windy and rainy as expected but the govt released signal 8 nevertheless. So i work from home...after 12 noon, the signal was stilll not taken off, so we got a day off officially~ yay, so i went to my friend's home nearby~~

This week, i was supposed to go to Taipei...GUESS WHAT? my Taiwanese friends told me that a typhoon may hit Taiwan @_@ my friend asked me if i am 龍王的女兒? it seems i'm bringing wind and rain to anywhere i this lucky or not? thing i could defend myself is, Shanghai has not typhoon so far :p 

Sunday, August 18, 2013


明天回上海了。有一股莫名的不捨得〜 在香港的日子也剛好有9天了,感覺好長好長〜做了很多事情,也吃了很多東西〜



Friday, August 9, 2013


今天去香港啦〜〜啦啦啦〜 不是去玩啦,而是因為房子漏水,房東要修理才借此機會乘機離開上海一趟。順便避避暑。你們不在上海,真的無法體會我講的熱到底有多熱。簡直不是人住的地方。剛剛還聽朋友說不久前有一只豬從車上掉出來,躺在地上不久就被燙死了 @_@ 聽起來好像很誇張呐〜〜 無論如何,你們應該可以想像被燙死的感覺吧〜呵呵。對,據說這個夏天是142年裡最熱的一個夏天!立秋了,為何還像烤爐般熱呢?已經連續32天這麼熱了〜〜 這讓我想起陳小春唱的一首歌〜神啊,救救我吧〜〜

離題了〜 今天在飛機將下降到香港的時候,忽然我有一種很熟悉的感覺。看到那一座座的石頭山,讓我想起第一次去香港的時候。那時候很彷徨,很害怕。知道要面對很多的挑戰〜我記得那時候飛機要下降的時候,我當時看著那一座座的石頭山,安慰著自己。


啊〜〜〜 原來香港也有好的地方〜


Thursday, August 8, 2013

New hobby

最近一直喝普洱茶。聽說普洱茶可以養身也可以瘦身。這麼好的東西肯定要好好利用才對。之前跟朋友買了很多普洱茶,但是大家都沒喝。直到現在忽然有位朋友告訴我們普洱茶的好處後,大家就熱(HOT)起來了。有個朋友說她喝了一天的茶,發現腰瘦了一圈。哇噻,這麼神?!所以我也開始勤快起來。天天在公司喝。第一天,我開始排毒。然後一直排氣。。雖然沒有瘦,不過覺得身體好像變健康了〜不知道是不是心理作用啦〜〜欸,難道這是hot tea 的由來?呵呵Y(^_^)Y

因為我的普洱是茶磚,所以每次要把它分屍〜 我很寒酸,竟然把好東西放在袋子帶來公司〜 那天我在淘寶買了這個〜


 一個給我,一個給妹妹〜 可愛吧。 而且長得像我們。。( ̄▽ ̄) 我不是說身材啦,我是說它們是雙胞胎!

Thursday, August 1, 2013


上海這幾個禮拜實在實在是太太太太太熱了。簡直就像個大烤爐!大家都盡量躲在家裡或辦公室或shopping mall裡也不願意在外面〜我這幾個星期特別勤勞,特別早去公司。。因為家裡很熱,如果太晚出來,打車也不容易,所以乾脆早點出來,好處多多。基本上,我在外面的機會也不多。一回到家就得開冷氣。真的很熱!我是平時可以不開冷氣就不開的人。。可是這個熱的程度真的無法用語言來形容!

上個星期天,我逼不得已才往外跑。才出去一陣子,我的傘是燙的,我的雙腳被曬的痛死了。我終於明白烤豬的感受。我的汗一直飆〜真的很像迷你瀑布! 好久沒有這樣了。

最近好有人苦中作樂,在大熱天下馬路上自己做鐵板燒。。。果然很有創意。 煎起肉, 蛋和蝦。。。厲害!

晚上睡覺原本盡量不開冷氣。對身體不不好嘛〜 如果不開半夜就會熱醒。我有開風扇耶。每次起來都是這樣。今年的夏天很難受。希望快快過。我得出國避避暑〜


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

my favourite~~

這是我上禮拜在日本每個早上都喝的飲料。嘿嘿~ 好好喝,有無糖,中糖和甜的。因為是日語的標簽,所以我也不知道到底我買的是什麼口味。那,我是如何知道有三種口味的呢?很簡單~~ 我知道有三個不一樣口味是因為看到它們有不同的顏色,所以三個一起買,然後才發現,哦~~ 原來如此。


不過有一天早上,我喝了這個咖啡,它竟然讓我瀉了一天的肚子~~ 不過我還是很愛它。

其實不只這一個飲料。我也很喜歡喝日本的牛奶。北海道的牛不知道是吃啥,奶味好香哦。i like!!! 住在日本真的很幸福啊,天天都有好吃的東西。嘿嘿~~ 不過不要誤會,我還是覺得偶爾去去比較有新鮮感。哈哈哈~~

Tuesday, July 30, 2013




這是我的水果餐〜 看起來很棒吧!



Sunday, July 28, 2013

Gaining weight

Lately I had been taking Pu Er tea as it is supposed to be healthy~ last week I drank it three days in a row~ I think it did make me slimmer.. At least that's what I think :p *self-console*

It was all ruined when I went to Japan this week.. I just couldn't resist the temptation... Sashimi, tempura, sushi, miso, their icy cold beer~ I could gulp them all in in one go! I think Japanese have a love for icy cold beer to chill themselves everyday after work. My colleague drank 3 glasses before the start of dinner... Or may be he was too thirsty... I have to admit.. Their beer was pretty good!

I didn't shop a lot in Japan despite it was sale season (I just found out when i landed shanghai or I would extend my trip!)... There, it's a small achievement for me :p

Let me share what I ate as a token of friendship for my dear dear friends!

This is my expression before and after my meal ~~~

I love breakfast in Japan... I had salmon and rice! Yum yum

Thursday, July 25, 2013

My trip in Japan

Am in Japan this week....a visit which i dragged on for months until now because i was not looking forward to the trip... i found that whenever you have low expectation, that whatever always turns out to be better than expected~ it's the case for me in this case :)

This time in Japan, there was no earthquake and typhoon like last time...this time, all i had was rain, rain, rain...hehehe. My trip was a bit different than last time where i would just be in tokyo...but this time, i went to another prefecture instead..something like another state if i need to talk malaysian.'s called Shizuoka (静岗). didnt know what it looked like before i came, didnt bother to do research..hehehe..just knew it's 1.5 hours of shinkansen away from tokyo and where you could see Mt Fuji if you are lucky...the thing is, because we have two factories there, so my impression is, it must be industrial~

well, i was WRONG~~~ the moment we touched down the airport, on the way from airport to Shizuoka city, i was fascinated by looks like the country side we always saw on is greener and more spacious...people here live in houses instead of tall apartments..and they are not side by side..some houses are surrounded by rice paddy fields. they are....beauutiful~~ gosh, i love it so much. I just learned from my colleagues that Shizuoka has the best seafood..of coz we didnt miss out on this. we had abalone sashimi! yum yum..

yesterday, we took a 3 hour ride from Shizuoka to Tokyo and i'd have to say, i have done a mini tour around Japan~~ Shizuoka is closed to mt Fuji, i was told the tap water comes from there...yes, they are fresh and ICY cold~ love it in hot summer days like this :)) when we passed by a town yesterday, we actually saw a lot of people stopped by to fill tap colleagues told me because that is natural spring water from Mt Fuji and it's cold.

i think Japan has done a good planning. see, in China, there are also many nice places..but they are mostly ruined..but in Japan, they maintain nature so well and make things available and easy for people. this is what i like...yesterday, we went to another town full of tea trees~ i was told...again that kakegawa is famous for tea..i will sure look out for it. the scenery was breath-taking. the place was surrounded by green beautiful it was raining yesterday, there was haze around....unfortunately, i didnt see mt Fuji...i'm not faded to see it..for the past 2 times, 3 times including this trip, i never see mt Fuji...MT fuji, where are u~~~???

sorry my friends, i didnt take picture this time..felt embarrassed to take pics. hehehe...but i am still nice coz i extracted some pics on the net...hehehe..use ur imagination oh

the mountain and some houses

tea trees (but i didnt see Mt Fuji, it's hidden somewhere, playing hide and seek with me)

Thursday, July 18, 2013


我找到一篇文章來證明(或說服)我的不值錢的原則是對的,是合理的 ^_^;  *心虚*

 勉勉強強啦〜 哈哈哈,值不值錢就看自己覺得值不值得咯〜


Tuesday, July 16, 2013


你們有沒有過這個難題啊?我看到這張圖的時候是非常的感觸。沒辦法,我沒有LJ那麼體貼的另一半可以每天為我打包午飯,也沒有家裡的溫暖,因為吃不到媽媽煮的飯菜,也沒有能力天天自己做菜帶飯。所以每天我都得經歷這個痛苦。哈哈。也不是什麼痛苦啦,只是要傷腦筋, 要死很多細胞才知道吃什麼。

記得以前剛上班的時候。我們最期待的就是午餐時間。因為大家可以坐在一起說老板的壞話。哈哈哈。。其實我們也沒有那麼無聊啦。多數時間都是閑聊,增加大家的感情。俗語說,在公司裡如果沒有好的老板,至少要有好的同事。慶幸的是那時候我有一幫很可愛的同事們。每天我們都會開車出去吃好吃的。你推薦一家,我推薦一家其實一年的午餐地點就搞定了。可是久而久之,我們吃飯的地方也開始重復了。哎呀,怎麼辦呢?我們那時候太過creative, 我們用公司的一個軟件,本來是用來選sample 做 testing的,我們借用了這個來 randomly run 我們午餐的地點。哈哈哈,還挺好玩的。還真會苦中作樂呢。


