Friday, December 31, 2010

My own treasure hunt

2 months ago, i was busy with packing UP my belongings in HK, 2 months later, i was busy with UNpacking my belongings in Shanghai...honestly, i didnt think i had that many things before (well, i did think why one person needs so much things and thus started to throw away things), it turned out, i still have many many things...34 boxes were delievered to me on monday!!! well, let me clarify, 34 boxes because of the following:
  1. shipping company didnt want to damage my things, so they wrapped my belongings as if they were in winter...their coats were thicker than my coat right now!!
  2. shipping company wanted to organize, so they packed my stuff according to their nature and where they picked them up...naturally, i had many small boxes~~
  3. i just simply had TOO MANY things!!

well, i'm glad my things are here coz they made me feel more homely....i also don't like them here because they messed up and took up my space....but overall, i miss them...ALOT!! i havent had the chance to unpack all yet...these days, i was just opening some boxes to find things that i need...everyday, i feel like i am opening my own presents...everyday, i found surprises....i love the feeling...ho ho ho, xmas is with me for weeks~~~

問問題的技巧及藝術 (the art of asking questions)

I found this from the net and found it very meaning and quite amusing...the author was pretty good at describing the makes you laugh and yet the message is i thought i would share it with my good friends...the one i really like is this: 「憨居居、食煎堆」and 「只要有心,倒垃圾那個人也可以學到東西」。hope i brought some laughter and things to ponder on for you...gambate









第三,問問題要問得「醒」。如果我問你:「我靚唔靚仔呀?」你明知我不靚仔,但你都一定會說是靚仔啦。問題要有中性(Neutral Question),你要待答者給你一個中肯及真實,而又自然地流露出來的答案,你要鼓勵他毫無保留地說出真相。

陶行知先生(1891 – 1946)深深地影響我們國家的教育及思想發展,他提倡生活就是教育、社會就是學校、教學合一等三大教育主張。他說過:『發明千千萬,起點是一問。禽獸不如人,過在不會問。智者問得巧,愚者問得笨。人力勝天工,只在每事問。』

最後一句私人醒:Common Sense is not always Common ,原因就是從問題中找出你的Common Sense

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning” by Albert Einstein

Sunday, December 12, 2010

My impression of KL

i remember a few years ago when i was still working in Kuching, the only place that i went quite often was KL...why? because it is near kuching and the only place i could afford to go at that time...i didnt have good impression abt it because ppl there were not drivers were cheaters, ppl on the streets were not so friendly and it was really hot!! so i told myself and my friends that i would never come here if i had a choice...that was how i felt abt KL...well, just today, i saw a talk show on China tv about KL...they talked abt how KL was used by many countries for movie business and they showed many places that i already forgot the court, like the national park, like the train station etc, that still contain the "feel" of malaysia...and suddenly, i felt proud abt it....perhaps i focused too much on the bad side of KL at that time and forgot to look at the good part....i wish i would have another chance to go there to explore the "uniqueness" of KL....but it wont be materializing so soon lo...who wants to go with me and explore its uniqueness and beauty? I remember one saying, an idea that previously didnt work doesnt mean it will be worthless forever, sometimes, it will be overturned and become useful sometime in the future, so don't chuck it away...well, i guess ur impression from the past doesnt mean it will be like this forever, things change :) so...DONT BE STUBBORN!!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


have you ever stop and think about this....ALL our lives, we are surrounded by numbers...we have birthdates, anniversary dates, friends' and relatives' birthdates etc to remember. we are given tax file numbers, employee numbers, social security number etc...even our houses and cars are given numbers...then we have mobile phone numbers, contract reference numbers...why cant we just have one number that is used universally? guess it would be too big of a project to do....Dont you think we look like the picture below? always controlled by numbers~~

Saturday, December 4, 2010

miss ya

I MISS MR RABBIT~~ luckily i have got Ms Piggy with me...she is always waiting fo me on my bed ~~