Saturday, August 31, 2013

What is your last name?

I have a friend, her name is Ina WAT. Her last name is WAT. One day she goes through US immigration, the officer said WAT is your name, then she said WAT!?

Today she goes shopping and a lady asks her if her name is Ina Wat. She says Yes and the lady asks her what her last name is. Ina said WAT! The lady repeats and says, what is your last name? Ina replies WAT! The lady apologizes and asks her again what her last name is. Ina says WAT!!! The lady apologizes and stops asking as she thinks Ina must be deaf~

What is your last name Ina? WAT!!! How many times do you want her to repeat~

Here's Ina Wat~~

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


我喜歡吃!我長得像猩猩,吃力如恐龍~ 每次人家看到我吃東西,都會露出很驚訝的表情。有很多朋友說喜歡看我吃東西的樣子,因為我看起來很滿足,東西被我吃起來也變得好好吃。。。可惜沒人找我拍廣告,不然保証我代言的東西肯定大賣呢! (好像有點夸張啦)

我最喜歡的是早上來個豐富的早餐。最好有杯奶茶。奶茶是我的最愛。每次回到古晉,我每一餐一定配一杯奶茶。凍的熱的都可以,到時候看心情。我喝過很多國家的奶茶。馬來西亞的不用說。一個馬來西亞的奶茶就有幾十種。我最最最愛的就是亞達糖泡的奶茶。香!贊!香港奶茶也很好喝。尼泊爾的是酥油奶茶,很特別。台灣的很有創意。加珍珠,加黑糖,有木瓜口味,有蜜瓜口味。總之,你想喝怎樣的都有〜 西方的是薄薄的奶味。應該差不多是這樣啦。西方人比較愛喝咖啡,所以奶茶沒什麼特色,反而是咖啡就很多變化〜〜變變變〜在古晉,我們是變出不同的奶茶口味〜






Thursday, August 22, 2013

Crazy yellow duckie

Last week in HK, we shopped in mongkok and found this cute rubber duckie~ we have seen the giant yellow duckie floating in HK ocean a few months ago and we also have seen mini yellow duckie in someone's bath tub before~

Doesn't this look familiar? A normal yellow duckie until you see this crazy version!

Guess what we were doing? It was a normal duck in pic 1, one eye ball popped out when we squeezed him lightly.. Finally, the shocking scene! Both eye balls popped out when we squeezed harder! Eye balls with red veins somemore! Eeewwww~ we were having fun w it. Creating lots of short stories.. Here's one to share... We are crazy but it brought us lots of fun!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Am I bringing good luck or bad luck?

Last week when i was in Hong Kong, there was a Typhoon hitting HK. i heard from my colleagues that this year, HK was not successfully hit and they were all disappointed. You see, in HK, if the Typhoon is signal 8, they don't have to go to work or they get to get off earlier if they happen to be already in office. There were many false alarms in the past months, according to them. So this time, they were pessimistic about it too. On Monday, i brought my laptop (Darn Heavy considering you have to walk a lot and take public transportation) back home and brought it back on Tuesday. No luck. On Tuesday, i was reluctant to bring back (again) but was told there was a possibility. So, i brought it back (again).... @_@

This time, i brought back with good reasons because the typhoon 8 HIT the next day. Yahoo~~~ strange enough, it wasn't as windy and rainy as expected but the govt released signal 8 nevertheless. So i work from home...after 12 noon, the signal was stilll not taken off, so we got a day off officially~ yay, so i went to my friend's home nearby~~

This week, i was supposed to go to Taipei...GUESS WHAT? my Taiwanese friends told me that a typhoon may hit Taiwan @_@ my friend asked me if i am 龍王的女兒? it seems i'm bringing wind and rain to anywhere i this lucky or not? thing i could defend myself is, Shanghai has not typhoon so far :p 

Sunday, August 18, 2013


明天回上海了。有一股莫名的不捨得〜 在香港的日子也剛好有9天了,感覺好長好長〜做了很多事情,也吃了很多東西〜



Friday, August 9, 2013


今天去香港啦〜〜啦啦啦〜 不是去玩啦,而是因為房子漏水,房東要修理才借此機會乘機離開上海一趟。順便避避暑。你們不在上海,真的無法體會我講的熱到底有多熱。簡直不是人住的地方。剛剛還聽朋友說不久前有一只豬從車上掉出來,躺在地上不久就被燙死了 @_@ 聽起來好像很誇張呐〜〜 無論如何,你們應該可以想像被燙死的感覺吧〜呵呵。對,據說這個夏天是142年裡最熱的一個夏天!立秋了,為何還像烤爐般熱呢?已經連續32天這麼熱了〜〜 這讓我想起陳小春唱的一首歌〜神啊,救救我吧〜〜

離題了〜 今天在飛機將下降到香港的時候,忽然我有一種很熟悉的感覺。看到那一座座的石頭山,讓我想起第一次去香港的時候。那時候很彷徨,很害怕。知道要面對很多的挑戰〜我記得那時候飛機要下降的時候,我當時看著那一座座的石頭山,安慰著自己。


啊〜〜〜 原來香港也有好的地方〜


Thursday, August 8, 2013

New hobby

最近一直喝普洱茶。聽說普洱茶可以養身也可以瘦身。這麼好的東西肯定要好好利用才對。之前跟朋友買了很多普洱茶,但是大家都沒喝。直到現在忽然有位朋友告訴我們普洱茶的好處後,大家就熱(HOT)起來了。有個朋友說她喝了一天的茶,發現腰瘦了一圈。哇噻,這麼神?!所以我也開始勤快起來。天天在公司喝。第一天,我開始排毒。然後一直排氣。。雖然沒有瘦,不過覺得身體好像變健康了〜不知道是不是心理作用啦〜〜欸,難道這是hot tea 的由來?呵呵Y(^_^)Y

因為我的普洱是茶磚,所以每次要把它分屍〜 我很寒酸,竟然把好東西放在袋子帶來公司〜 那天我在淘寶買了這個〜


 一個給我,一個給妹妹〜 可愛吧。 而且長得像我們。。( ̄▽ ̄) 我不是說身材啦,我是說它們是雙胞胎!

Thursday, August 1, 2013


上海這幾個禮拜實在實在是太太太太太熱了。簡直就像個大烤爐!大家都盡量躲在家裡或辦公室或shopping mall裡也不願意在外面〜我這幾個星期特別勤勞,特別早去公司。。因為家裡很熱,如果太晚出來,打車也不容易,所以乾脆早點出來,好處多多。基本上,我在外面的機會也不多。一回到家就得開冷氣。真的很熱!我是平時可以不開冷氣就不開的人。。可是這個熱的程度真的無法用語言來形容!

上個星期天,我逼不得已才往外跑。才出去一陣子,我的傘是燙的,我的雙腳被曬的痛死了。我終於明白烤豬的感受。我的汗一直飆〜真的很像迷你瀑布! 好久沒有這樣了。

最近好有人苦中作樂,在大熱天下馬路上自己做鐵板燒。。。果然很有創意。 煎起肉, 蛋和蝦。。。厲害!

晚上睡覺原本盡量不開冷氣。對身體不不好嘛〜 如果不開半夜就會熱醒。我有開風扇耶。每次起來都是這樣。今年的夏天很難受。希望快快過。我得出國避避暑〜
