Thursday, December 26, 2013

4 days later

It has been a great four days trip with my parents and brother~ the only thing I didn't do well was I ran out of patience when we kept losing each other and spending time to look for each other~ as well as kept missing each other out that we kept having no key to enter the room.. *guilt*

Orchard road was super super crowded! Gosh... It was even more crowded than what I had experienced in Hong Kong.. There were times when we couldn't even crossed the road since the crowd from opposite was like bees coming from opposite direction and we all got stuck~ my conclusion is, the pedestrians are too smaaaaaalll, too narroooooow~ 

Well, today my parents and I came to airport at 2pm. My parents flight was 620pm and mine is 115am on the next day~ my parents a sleeping soundly at home now while i still wander around in changi airport~ luckily it's not bored here.. Plenty of things to see, buy and eat..just a question of whether you have the strength, money and stomach to do all those!

Time sure flies when you r having fun~ just 4 days ago, i spent 12 hours at changi airport and been thru a serious of adventure... And now my parents are back home, my bro is leaving tomorrow and I'm still wandering around changi airport for 11 hours~ but its worth it as I get to receive my parents~ my mum was surprised to see me when I greeted them at her arrival gate~ she said she almost peed in her pants! Hahah.. And I also get to send my parents off from their gate :) love you

This is where i slept on Monday morning~ 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Ho Ho Ho

Last night, we wanted to have our Xmas eve meal at an upper class restaurant~ but for some reasons, orchard road was full of people that scared us off~ we were to tired to ventured thru the crowd to go there since traffic was congested, walking would be a better decision... Instead of high class dinner, my bro brought us to nearby Japanese restaurant~ turned out the Q was a long as a dragon, so we wanted to try another one opposite.. Thought there was no need to Q, turned out the Q was on the other side and need to Q for 90mins~ being hungry and exhausted, we decided to ditch both all-u-can-eat Japanese restaurants and just walked in to a not so crowded Japanese restaurant~ it was not a bad choice coz while we were having dinner, we saw how slooooow moving the Q was~

We ordered sake, scallops, salmons, beer etc.. My dad was really serious any Xmas~ he even bought a new shirt for the special event~ it was nice to spend a special day with family~~


Merry Christmas everybody~~~

Monday, December 23, 2013

Life in airport

I remember many years ago, there was a movie where a guy lost his passport and money and he started his life in the airport. He pooed, peed, bathed, ate, drank, read, played etc in just the airport and lived there for 5 years! At that time I wondered how could a person live in airport for that long! Didnt he feel bored? Where did he sleep? How did he eat? Wash face, brush teeth? Nobody realized he was gone? Or maybe he travelled too much?!

Well, I understand it today~ I arrived changi airport at 1am last night~ took a train to a bigger terminal and settled down~ everything looked so quiet without the crowd and the shops~ there were many vacant computers, free wifi, Clean toilets, rows and rows of bench, free theatre even!

I knew why I think it was impossible to live in airport... Coz out airport in KCH is too small. Hehe..

I'm off to eat my favorite kaya toast and milk tea, then go shopping, then watch a movie~ while waiting for my parents and bro

Gosh, I hope I have enough time 

Little Italy in changi airport 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

From 2013 to 2014~


Everybody, merry Xmas and happy new year

Wednesday, December 11, 2013



這次去感覺不一樣。以前大家都好黏我,現在大家比較黏電腦,iPad,電話。一早起床匆去無錫,換來的卻是傻傻的坐在一旁看他們玩電話。心中忽然覺得很感嘆〜 難道這是以後大家相處的模式嗎?我是不是浪費時間呢?所有我就決定提早回家睡覺好了。這麼一決定,大家才忽然動了起來〜 我們又像從前一樣到附近的遊樂園玩〜開開心心的吃著遲來的午餐和早到的晚餐〜之後姪女因為我的離開而落淚〜 感動的是我至少在他心目中還有一點點地位〜
