Friday, April 26, 2013

a post about nothing

i remember when we were still studying in australia, jenn and i always watched tv from 7pm to 10pm or later...hhmmm..wonder how we graduated from Uni...i think luck must have something to do with it... yet, i remember a nasty lecturer used to say: "make sure you study hard in order to get good grades. Luck has nothing to do with it!!!" well, i must say in the FACE, she is SOOOOooooo WRONG, coz i graduated with luck...anyway, back to the main topic. there was one comedy show we both loved so's called SEINFELD...a show abt 4 good friends hanging out together everyday and the daily things that happened. they were funny coz they were sarcastic...about some facts of lives. One episode i had the deepest impression is the theme about NOTHING. the show was abt one friend wanting to make a tv show by turning their stories into shows...they thought high and low for topics and found that it would be much more interesting to do the show abt their lives, which is about nothing! hahaha...hilarious.

well, lately i don't really have much stuff to talk abt...sign of getting old or bored? well...i think just laziness. hiak hiak hiak...well...since i have nothing interesting to share, am just dropping by to BUllSh*t a bit....

Happy Friday~~

Friday, April 12, 2013

Financial planning

The other day, I met up with a financial planning consultant...after talking to him, I realized how little I know abt my own financial matters! First, we did a little questionnaire~ gosh.. The questions were so private and straight forward! What is ur income (well, seem normal), do you have any benefits in kind, allowances, life insurance, health insurance? Investment? Shares? Property? Your Malaysia contribution, HK contribution, how much do you spend per month, save per month, when do you want to retire, what is your monthly plan when you retire etc etc etc! Gosh, I'm ashamed to say I didn't know the answers to some of the questions! I think too short term...

Well, at least one thing I read somewhere is, you will not be able to spend all of your earnings in your entire life! Hey, come to think of it, it seems true. We all think we will need to save for future and all of us have some kind of savings account.. But nobody knows when u will die~ which means we all will leave behind something when we die... Oooooo... Should we compile a list of our asset now just on case? Hehe... Something to ponder~~~

Sunday, April 7, 2013

life is like a cup of coffee

i love this picture~~ it is a creative me, it looks like a cup of nice, delicious coffee....i just put this pic on fb and quickly wrote my thoughts "feel like a cup of coffee"....actually i was referring to feeling like having a cup of coffee but missing one word and it changed the whole meaning...jenn thought i feel like my life is like a cup of coffee...which brought me to realize that it is is indeed like a cup of coffee....and you are the coffee maker~~ life can be different depending on how you want to create it~~

you can have black coffee...or you can add some sugar to make different flavour...or you could add some milk, some foam, hot or cold, add syrup, mix it with chocolate and it becomes mocha...or add ice to make it into ice many different, so tasty...soooooo....yup, that means your life all depend on how you want to make it... is indeed a cup of good coffee:)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


在大X住了兩年多,才領悟到這個道理〜哇,我也未免花太長時間和精力了吧。一向來都自我覺得太老實,太負責人,太嚴肅,太認真 *臉紅* 咦,為何我一直在稱讚自己?一直覺得這些都應該是優點。。。一直到昨天我才發現因為這樣子好像自己也吃虧了不少〜為何我這麼說呐?


有一同事娶了個大X姑娘。算他幸運,因為老婆還蠻聽話地〜不幸的話,還得做牛做馬〜哈哈哈。昨天這同事的一番話,讓我開悟了〜我找到答案也找到了原因,因此我明白我們的優缺點了〜話說回來我一個月前換了崗位。看到同事們每次你爭我奪,犧牲別人完成自我的情景,讓我覺得很累。我每天早出晚歸,回家身心疲憊〜我不想成為這樣的一份子,所以選擇換工作環境。昨天,同事說我們永遠都不能理解大X人,永遠不會理解他們的價值觀,我們永遠會覺得他們一些觀念很怪。。。因為我們從小生長在不同的環境裡 (哦,難怪他們喜歡你爭我奪,每天吵吵鬧鬧的生活〜)

我同事還說大X人deal with problem,我們是solve problem的。蛤?差別在哪裡啊?不是要deal with problem 才可以solve problem 的咩?他又解釋,deal with problem 是 sweep under the carpet,然後再製造更多問題然後混水摸魚〜〜我想了想。。是喔,然後有問題的時候,他們就說不是我的問題。往往是我們solve problem 的人最累〜 有一笑話是這樣講的〜有一個人喊 what happened?大X人的回答是 it is not my fault!笑死我了〜


Monday, April 1, 2013


上星期六我起得特別早,所以打算到附近的星巴克吃早餐。那天的陽光很燦爛,路上的花朵因為春天而盛放。走在寧靜的街道上,一邊欣賞著風景,一邊聽著美麗的歌曲,我的心仿佛是飄在雲端。為何我這麼的開心和快樂?我不知道耶。前一天晚上,我和一位朋友聊起天。她似乎很不快樂,所以我就問了一下。結果發現原來她在為了這個月要離開家鄉到西馬去工作了。她擔心自己想家會被朋友嘲笑,她擔心自己不適應,她擔心家裡的爸媽沒人照顧,她擔心自己會學壞,她擔心。。。。。。。。想起我7年多前的我,處境和她一模一樣。擔心很多,擔心自己不會說廣東話。。。(慘,我現在既然不記得我當時擔心什麼來了?印象中好像還蠻多的,怎麼現在好像失憶般似的,是我年紀大的關系嗎?)。。。我記得在我還沒去之前,我一直懷疑自己做的決定對不對。。有時候甚至想放棄。有一個朋友還勸我不要離開,在家裡多開心,又有人幫忙煮飯洗衣等等,干嘛自己去受苦。。。還記得有一次我問姐姐,如果他是我,又不會廣東話,又沒有朋友,她還會去香港嗎?她的回答是:會!!因為這樣,我還是硬著頭皮離開了家鄉。。。。去之前,我告訴我自己不要害怕,去嘗試后,不習慣一年后可以回家。一轉眼,就過了7年!去了之后,有一天姐姐來香港玩,我問他為何她不來香港上班。。。我姐的回答是:“因為我不會說廣東話” @_@

我非常理解我朋友的處境。。。其實回頭看了看,人啊,通常都會想很多。擔心很多。一路走過來,也發現因為當時的決定,自己也成長了很多。路雖苦,可是走過后,就覺得自己長大了。我還經常覺得爸媽小時候應該對我再嚴格一點,讓我小時候可以吃盡苦頭。那麼長大后,就不會一碰到逆境就倒~~爸媽太疼我們了。我告訴朋友不要擔心那麼多。。。不過擔心也正常啦~因為不知道未來,所以才擔心,因為沒有安全感,所以才擔心,因為太悲觀,所以才擔心,因為怕面對,所以才擔心。。。。我也是如此。 離開家鄉,讓我學習珍惜家人和朋友,學習獨立,學習。。。。最主要的還是保持一顆樂觀的心。。。我還在學習中~
