Wednesday, February 28, 2018


回家過個晚年,還是很開心。雖然時間不是很長,還是心滿意足,尤其是可以參加媽媽的擂茶趴。也真沒想到媽媽的擂茶居然是這麼的討人喜愛,只要聽到媽媽煮擂茶,古晉一傳十 十傳百,不約而同的來我們家吃個飽😅 說真的,看到媽媽如此辛苦的準備,還真的不捨得。媽媽前幾天就開始準備,買這兒買那兒。還要选菜,洗菜,切菜,炒菜。別人的擂茶是7樣菜,我媽媽的是11樣菜做菜湯。湯頭還有干貝,雞胸雞骨,江魚仔!當天4點多就起來。媽媽深怕客人吃不飽,還自行加一堆料理和甜點。我們就勸媽媽不要這麼辛苦。媽媽還是覺得不能失禮,一定要讓客人飽飽的回去。後來媽媽的身體疼痛了好幾天,因為忙著招待客人和來的人實在太多而沒吃到自己準備的菜色。我媽媽的嘎璋瑪酒雞也很有名,媽媽不加一滴的水,全部都真材實料。居然有人吃了幾碗(也沒留給後面的客人),在我家的按摩椅呼呼大睡。真的讓我們無語😓

更加可怕的是,明明約了11點才開始,人潮1015am就陸陸續續的來。大家都想搶頭香。我們都還來不及換衣服呢😅 還不到11點,人潮越來越多,多到很恐怖,家裡擠滿人。連我家的貓都去避年,無影無蹤。派對完畢才出現。哈哈哈。這隻懶貓!好歹出來娛樂一下客人嘛~


後來我趕緊請朋友快快來,不然就是來啃骨頭了。這群人真的很恐怖。把家裡祖宗十八代都帶來了。阿嬤帶女兒兒子,帶媳婦孫子,帶孫子的小孩,帶姐妹朋友等等。還有不請自來,還不高興我媽媽沒邀請他。唉,真的很多 mama cam cam。連我都受不了。更可惡的是,有人那天剛好要上班,要一點過後才能到,結果食物被吃(打包)清光,那個人還發脾氣。真的好搞笑!這世界什麼人都有。

kacang ma - 我没吃到 T_T
有人帶孫子來討紅包。想說aunty多,收紅包的機率一定很大。結果這人還跟我媽媽抱怨說他給的紅包比誰誰誰少。+#%^* 我聽了火冒三丈!這種人可以絕交了吧。我媽媽出錢出力請他一家四代同堂來參加派對,也沒收費,居然還被嫌棄。唉。




Wednesday, February 21, 2018


記得小時候很希望自己快快長大(也不知道是為什麼?),現在長大成人了(比較含蓄的說法😂)就覺得時間過得太快了吧~ 有時候真的希望時間可以靜止下來⋯記得小叮噹有個機器可以這樣的,請問有人可以發明一下嗎?





Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Tokyo Time

 Valentines' day is a big event in Japan...for some reasons... i think the japanese are turning everything into special event so that people will just spend spend spend... so, i was in Tokyo last week for business....i think feb is one of the best seasons to go because:

  • It is cold but not that cold ( least to me because of my tolerance level of coldness.... very different from other people);
  • it is the season for strawberries
  • valentines' day! The whole atmosphere felt like Xmas. The mall are full of decoration and you would see many people rushing to buy gift. The most popular gift for valentines' day is, of coz, CHOCOLATE... hhmmm...i wonder why people are giving chocolate as gift because most people are diet concious... then after i strolled around, I understand why... the chocolates are irresistible! They come in any shapes and form, any flavors, any colors you can think of! Sake Chocolate is my favourite...unfortunately, i have to buy it myself lo T_T
Then the chocolate i saw at the hotel looks adorable...i wanna give it a bite! i think they missed out of putting a Love Angel somewhere around the chocolate~

But what i loved most is their FRESH red, juicy strawberries! i was given a small piece in the supermarket and straight away, i took a box. After one box, I became addicted to them...the moment you put one in your mouth, the juice splashed out and it was sssooooOOOOOooooo sweet! The Japanese people are really lucky. they have so many good stuff in the country. *Envious*

Then i saw this in a shop.... WHITE STRAWBERRIES! wow...looks like white chocolate coated strawberries to me... i wonder how it taste...but USD 52 for 9 of them... nah, i think i will pass~ 

my conclusion is: Japanese are very good at Marketing. they can come up with anything to induce people to spend. one time i saw a group of foreigners buying JPY100K grapes from Ginza. Apparently they were curious about the taste so they bought it.... well, for me, luckily im not that curious or i would go bankrupt in Japan. hahaha

It's snowing!

A lot of people are amazed at my tolerance level of coldness. In our new office, everyone has to wear a coat, a scarf or a sweater...but for me, i still walk around in my sleeves top... and i even asked the facility person to make my room colder because it is just...... not that cold!

Even in Shanghai when it was 0 degree outside, i still have turn on AC in my office while everyone turn on heat... to me, it felt stuffy and uncomfortable...actually the heat put me to sleep.

People always asked me how a person like u, from tropical country, can stand coldness.... i have a standard reply... because it cost a lot of turn on AC, so my body is in thirst for coldness...somemore, this is free AC...hehehe...

now i'm in Japan...i was told to bring lots of warm clothes because it's very cold.... unfortunately it has not exceeded my tolerance level yet... but i like it when the cold wind hits my face...feel so refreshed. last night in Shibuya, a bit of snow flakes falling...for about 15 seconds but it was so beautiful even in the busy bustle of city :) i wish it snowed~~~

my sister showed us the snowing picture in paris and my nephew was excited...because this is his first snowing experience. how lucky....

His first snow man in 3 years~ looked kinda cute. hahaa.. and my sister said my nephew was really worried that the snowman will be stolen or ran away at night and he kept talking about wanting to check its wellbeing.... what a sweet boy. i hope he will do that for his family in the future.

Our eldest brother was trying to comfort the boy by saying the snowman is very strong and he gave us this picture to show our little nephew... guess what? i think YY was worried about his own wellbeing now than the snowman's...hahaa..why? after you see the picture then you will know what i meant.


Friday, February 9, 2018

why I just dont know what to write?

I have been wanting to update my blog for a very long time and i have many draft posts that are saved in my draft box that are written half way...but for some reasons, i felt that after moving to singapore, i didnt even have that much inspiration anymore..thus the drop in my post number...


is it because i do not think / feel / reflect anymore?

Is it because i'm tired? too busy?

Is it because i don't take the time to remember anything anymore?

Is it because i do not find interest in anything now?

I'm still trying to find the answer.....