Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Childhood memories

I saw this picture in Facebook the other day and the photo reminds me of a lot of feelings~ I remember when I was young, I really like to go to ting and ting supermarket because at that time, imported goods were not common and I could find a lot of "fresh" and "new" things I didn't see anywhere else. I found mushroom soup mysterious, I found ham interesting, bacon, cheese, salad oils, etc~~I found the whole supermarket so mysterious and so interesting. It was like a globe to me~~~ I could find the whole globe in ting and ting~~ even they sold local products, they also looked more interesting than before~ 

now that imported goods are common in KCH~ I still maintain the special feeling for ting and ting. every time I go to ting and ting, I still have a unique feeling like when I was young. As I  get older, I wish to have all the memories maintained and hope ting and ting and other childhood places could be maintained~~~ 


哇,不知不觉我已经写了这么多的post。我自己都没有意识到呢。刚刚看回以前写过的post,忽然发现这个~~  100th post anniversary, 后来我拿起计算机加总了一下,哇,已经673个了。从来没有想过。一开始,只是好奇写blog的感觉是什么,后来变好玩,后来变成了生活的一部分。


Friday, August 15, 2014


去年在古晉,我和妹妹兩人看了女人我最大的節目介紹泡泡染,我們就買了一盒試試看。很方便,可以自己DIY〜 所以回來之前我又買了一盒。放在櫥櫃裡也一段時間了。想到要搬家的時候,留了一堆東西也挺煩的,所以就乾脆快快把它用掉好了,省得我還好把它帶來帶去〜 而且最近我也白髮蒼蒼〜 一直拖啊拖啊,終於有個週末,我動手了〜

登登登登登〜〜 我用這個牌子〜


新顏色登場〜 登登登登登〜

Monday, August 11, 2014

eat drink and buy

I was in Korea for 2 weeks....i just realized i didn't shop like crazy like in the past...hmmm..is it because i am getting old? or is it because i just know i don't need them. whichever it is...i know i'm saving some money too :p 

actually i did buy something but it was not crazily bought. i always like Nature Republic from Korea, so i bought some snail lotion and some deodorant spray. the most important is, they are cheap. 

One reason i don't buy much is: i don't want to check-in my luggage. hehe..it takes too much time to wait...*ahem* i think that's a sign of old age. no time to waste!

Even though i didnt buy much, one thing i continue to do is: i ate like a horse. Korean BBQ every day. I love their pork. so juicy, so tender. the thought of it made me hungry. This time we tried something different. Our korean colleague took us for chicken meal. When i said chicken meal, it really means CHICKEN....big pot of chicken mixed with chilli, veggie and korean rice flour rolls. it was superlicious.

I noticed Korea has lots of cafes....lots of them. i think they like to sit there chit chatting...which is nice. That night, after the big pot of chicken meal, we went to "Korean Dessert Place" for cold dessert. The restaurant was quite full...occupied by many families and couples... My US colleague and German colleague weren't so keen on cold, sweet dessert but they were amazed with the taste. We have red bean, yogurt and cheese, cranberry, ice cream toppings. It was so smooth and the taste was so good that both of them kept scooping for more...u know the dessert came in a big bowl...in Korea, people would scoop directly from their spoons to enjoy..but because we are not so close, we decided to get each person a bowl and a spoon and we scooped off using a "public" spoon...i found it normal since in HK, we do that all the time but it was weird for my Korean colleagues. Hahaha...every countries have different pet peeves~

I think we have many special / unique things in Malaysia, unfortunately, we are not good are marketing them. Look at the desserts. They look almost the same as our ice kacang...too bad we havent tried to advertise and make it more creative to make people have a different impression and feeling. Like what Jenn said in her post, I'd pay for more if i can feel the difference~~~

Friday, August 8, 2014


Have you ever tried this before? Close your eye and try to look with your eye balls to see what you see in the dark. 

I did that all the time when i was young. I called it, my own world. Sometimes, when i close my eyes lightly, i see a lot of dots and if i look closely, the dots become a picture that looks like above picture...it's different all the time. And if i close my eyes harder, the dots will have different colours.

i always find this fascinating. If you have not try, do try it. it's fun :)

haha, i know you may think i am weird...when i was young, i always come up with different ways to entertain myself. i'd do the following:

1) At night time, i will stare at the street lights and i can see the light shadow, kinda like a star shape..if i turn my head around, the shadow will move with me

2) During the day time, i love looking at the big fluffy clouds and try to think what they look like. some looks like doggie, some looks like poo, some looks like a human and some looks like food to me. When i travel on plane, i will stare at the clouds in the sky and start wondering if there are fairies on the clouds. haha, i watch too much movie~~

3) sometimes i start to think why i am the way i am and why i can feel the way i feel and i will look at someone and wonder how i will feel and think if i were him/her. it just gives me a mysterious feeling

4) Sometimes i like standing in the balcony and look at the yellow light from afar and wonder what are the people in that cozy home doing

aahhh... have you tried them before?

Sunday, August 3, 2014


那天跟我的美国同事聊天,才发现原来中x这个大土地真的和很多国家不一样〜让人对這個增長和變化驚人的地方又愛又恨〜 以下是你只能在這塊土地看得到,碰得到的事情。獨一無二呐。看看你經歷了幾條〜






6)快遞上門提貨〜 不用特地到他們那裡〜



9)政府有權決定我們週末得上班,週日可放國定假日〜 而且人民不敢投訴!





14)開車無時無刻按喇叭〜 據說這樣除了是要提醒對方開車要注意,不爽對方,有時只是跟不認識的人"打招呼" 和沒啥事,就是習慣按罷了


Friday, August 1, 2014


那天買了榨汁機後,有點上癮〜 是上癮買東西的藉口。呵呵。那天看了女人我最大這個節目,忽然出現想買果汁機的衝動。每次看完這個節目,都有股莫名的衝動想買他們介紹的東西。其實有些還蠻好用的。


我買了九陽的多合一的果汁機。雖然清楚知道其他功能我鐵定不會用,卻告訴自己說有一天可以帶回古晉給媽媽 Y(^_^)Y 這個才人民幣170。在古晉都買不到這個價格,所以我更加堅定的要買了。哈哈哈〜








