Sunday, November 30, 2014


一年前我才上載了這個圖〜 轉眼間,2014年就到了最後一個月了〜 哇,不知不覺〜 今年做了什麼呢?

讓我回想一下〜 今年好像生比較多次病,其他的還好〜 工作還是這樣那樣,除了工作量多,薪水沒有同比率增加,回老家陪家人,去了巴黎看姐姐,去了夢想中的倫敦,終於跟爸爸媽媽去台灣過年〜 哇,還蠻多成就的耶〜 希望明年會更好!

Saturday, November 29, 2014


那天我家小區忽然停電了。我心裡一直問自己是不是忘了繳電費啊?後來聽見鄰居在樓下討論這個問題時,才發現原來不是我的問題〜 嘻嘻〜 心裡放心了〜

記得前一次停電時是很久很久很久以前了。小時候最喜歡停電了,因為可以光明正大玩火〜 哈哈哈,點蠟燭和玩電筒啦〜 好羅曼蒂克喔〜

那天停電了一小時多〜 其實偶而這樣也不錯〜 瞬間就安靜了〜 我在客廳點了幾盞蠟燭〜 享受暫時的寧靜,想像大家是不是乘機好好的互動〜 沒有電視,不用手機〜 多可貴的時間啊〜

我那天晚上在黑暗中洗碗〜 好有一番風味〜

後來,電流回來了,也是睡覺的時間了。就我剛要睡覺是,我樓上的鄰居居然獸性復發!幹嘛剛剛停電沒事做的時候不來,卻在要電流回來,可以看電視的時候才來呐?(⌒-⌒; )

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Packet of LOVE

Brother in law is in gz for business now and my to-be-mum sister is craving for everything she can't get in Paris~ it is impossible for her to fly home to eat kolo mee, mum's home cooked food etc because it will take more than 1 day for her to get home and it is not good for her and the baby~~ poor her, we know she misses mum and all the food and it is also too far and tiring for mum to fly there~~

This is the problem with international
Home like ours~ our siblings are everywhere~ we can only support each other spiritually most of the time~ seeing how homesick my sister is, jenn and I decided to fly there to make her feel better back in August~~ ahhhh, I know what you r thinking~ u also wish you had sisters like us~ too bad Lo. Hahaha~

Anyway, when I was KCH back in oct, mum decided made some home cooked food for my sis.. Her favourite is the dried small fish that goes well with anything. Mum had really bad back last time but still wanted to make the effort to peel off the heads of the small fish~ it took her one week to clean, fried and packed them~ mum is the greatest~ :') and of coz dad too~ 

I sent off a packet of LOVE to my bro in law~ it's full of baby clothes, food and some other stuff~~ Ho Ho Ho, merry early Xmas~~ baby is getting something even when he is not yet born~~~ lucky~

Sunday, November 23, 2014

keep in touch through......

lately i hardly have time to P and drink because i'm doing two jobs at the moment...well, that's no excuse to not get myself up-to-date to what my friends are up to lately...i used to be able to write with friends daily to get in touch; also used to have time to go to facebook to see friends' updates; then also have time to go to my friends' blogs to check their latest happening. unfortunately, i have not done that for quite long :(

well, guess what? i found out my friends are as busy too...just look at the status update from jenn's blog~~ oh no, then now to get our bonding ler?

i will try harder to write more... hey friends, pls also update your blog oh~~ it seems that jenn and i are the only "hardworking" blogger out there. hehehe..miss you all ~~~~

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Do you know ah~

Sometimes I feel grateful for being Malaysian~ i never really participate in the discussion of its politics and corruption~ if by focusing on this, I will never like anywhere~ perhaps I was being ignorant~ haha

The good things about being Malaysian, or specifically, KCH,

1) we get good air quality and space~ if u had been living in hk or china, you would treasure what we have in KCH;

2) people are friendlier and more genuine~ some of us are contented without LV, Prada... Hehe

3) it's a big village where everybody knows everyone (hhmmm, is this good? Since I might be caught for doing something bad~)

4) good food and at reasonable price~ 

5) people envy me for being able to understand a lot of languages and dialects even though I am "half bucketful" in all of them~ haha~ their philosophy is, it's better than none. 

Malaysia is a unique place~ we get lots of different races and we tend to mix our languages / dialects in our day to day speech~ I remember we were having lunches w our hk colleagues and sg colleagues and we always mix in different languages in our conversation and suddenly a hk colleague said she found it tiring to listen to us coz she had to switch herself between different languages~ my sg colleagues and I were shocked coz we didnt realize this came natural to us~ am proud~

In Malaysia or sg, we also need to learn to differentiate different type of saying~ here's an example~ have fun~

Friday, November 14, 2014


Had been too busy lately doing two jobs and my tradition had been to write a post on my birthday~ this yr, I totally forgot as I was so occupied! I only realized after reading Jenn's post~

Even though it was busy and challenging day for me on nov 11.. And nothing special was arranged due to doing overtime in office (for a while la), I had a fulfilled day because:

1) I received lots of wishes and care from my friends;

2) I received lots of parcels from taobao that were paid by me~ my office was filled with boxes and boxes of stuff~ large and small~ could hardly walk~ suddenly felt like Xmas is here~ haha

I realized, a fulfilled heart will be contented regardless of what happened to you~ 

Happy birthday to u, jenn~

A bday gift from my friend: