Tuesday, January 21, 2014


從小,我的腦海裡記得的是我們沒幾年就會搬一次家。家對每一個人來說都很重要。家讓我們有歸屬感,感覺很踏實。即使是小小的空間,只要是自己的家,都是舒服的。印象中,小時候住過現在是 sugar bun 的小木屋。曾經住過現在是別人家的排屋,和現在住的房子。還算正常,爸爸媽媽沒幾年 upgrade 一次~ 呵呵

現在自己在國外,沒有自己的房子,要“寄別人的離下” ,幫人供房子 [AKA 租房子] 。。。第一年去香港的時候不敢買是因為沒錢,而且我下定決心隻去一年,所以為了省事,我就租房子。。。。結果后來想買的時候,發現房價已經飚上去了,又更買不起,結果還是租房子。記得有一年在香港,因為找到新工作,就想找便宜一點的房子來住,反正要經常出差。那一年,我在短短幾個月裡,搬了3 次東西。第一次,因為還沒找到房子,可是租約到期了,就把一小卡車的東西搬到朋友家寄放。第二次,把東西搬到新家。后來我一個朋友找我一起住,我又從小套房搬走。就這樣住了2年。后來我朋友結婚生子了,就離開香港,我當時還沒找到地方住,就把東西搬到我姐姐家。后來過了一個月,我就幫出去自己住了。就這樣,在香港5年,搬來搬去5次,第六次就是離開香港了。

在上海3年,搬了一次家。其實搬來搬去真的很累。要花很多時間收拾東西,整理東西是最煩的。在搬家前,還得花很多時間找房子,真的很痛苦~~ 哈哈,不過經過這麼多次,我覺得這好像是我生命的一部分了。哈哈哈。為何? 我發現在公司,我的座位也一樣。之前在香港的就不說了,在上海,剛來的時候我坐在4樓的一個小辦公室裡,一坐就坐了兩年,后來被要求搬到三樓。坐了6個月,因為換崗位,我又回到四樓。不過之前的辦公室已經被佔了,就只好暫時坐在其它空位上。一坐就坐了9個月。后來辦公室裝修,我又搬到另外一個座位,坐了1給月。一個月后,又搬到新的辦公室~~ 希望可以落地生根啦~~


Friday, January 17, 2014

The most disastrous trip

Some back flash to last trip in Singapore. i think it was the most disastrous trip of  my entire traveling life. remember how i mentioned a guy who lost his passport actually lived in the airport? it almost become the real life experience for me. why? Read ON~~~

that day i arrived Changi airport at around 12am and being so tired and carrying so many things on my hand, i dropped my Iphone. I didnt know as i was in the Loo, i heard someone announcing my name..."Jane Kho Jane Kho, please come to the information counter" i thought, wow, someone had the same name as me. Amazing but it couldnt be me since it's not the name i had in my passport. Secretly i was worried if they found out i was temporary staying in the arrival hall...then as i walked to the theater,  there was a small voice telling me it's better to double check..so i did! and i realized i lost my iphone...quickly searched for the information counter and found it. someone was nice enough to take it to the lost and found and the airport guy was nice enough to go into my FB and helped paged a friend of mine using his FB..he said luckily the phone wasnt locked. 有惊无险~~

then i strolled around changi airport and slept on the bench for a night while waiting for my parents to arrive the next day. I remember they would only arrive at about noon. Well, i was taking my time slowly and i realized i didnt have enough time to do all the things i planned to do before my parents and bro arrived. when i finally saw my parents. i was super duper excited. so as my parents. My mum described the "shocked" as "almost pee in her pant" type of happiness. hahaha...how cute.

then we were to wait for my bro to arrive so we went to the nearby food court for lunch. while filling in the arrival card, i couldnt find my passport! gosh, looked up and down, in and out of everything i owned and still couldnt find. then i ran to all information counter and still there was no sign. i asked the information counter to help asked other terminals, still no sign of it. We went to the dark theater and still no sign of it. after looking for almost an hour, my mum concluded that someone must have stolen my passport since malaysian passports are considered valuable. I couldnt recall. i just remember while sleeping on the bench, there was someone close to me. so i also thought it was stolen. I tried to remain calm coz i couldnt let my parents be worried and ruined their holiday. A lot of thoughts flashed through my mine - what if they didnt allow me in Singapore? what if the embassy was closed due to holiday? what if i couldnt get into china and taipei after the trip? so many what ifs....so my dad asked me to report to the immigration officer and reminded me not to say i lost it myself...should say it was due to some unfortunate events so that the govt doesnt think i don't respect my nationality. make sense....

In front of the officer, i reported my loss and the officer asked me if i am sure. i answered firmly "YES"...just right after i answered yes, the lady from information counter came running to me and said they found my passport...apparently it was stucked in the photocopy machine when i claimed for my phone @_@ 有惊无险~~

luckily everything turned out to be fabulous~ phew.

Friday, January 10, 2014



可是現在的我卻無法抗拒甜食,尤其是巧克力和餅干。我朋友說我胖了 @_@




Thursday, January 2, 2014


咚咚咚锵,咚咚咚锵~~~  新年歌一直不断的在我脑海里飘来飘去~~ 小时候喜欢在肯雅兰穿来穿去,每一家店都抢着要放自己的新年歌,每个都把自己的喇叭开得最响,好像越大声,生意就会很好似的。。。不过我们也乐在其中, 因为可以到处先品尝一下年货。。哈哈哈。新年歌好像有股奇怪的力量,不管它如何大声,吵闹,我都觉得那声音好美妙~~~ 听了心里也觉得很happy~

今年是马年~ 那天在新加坡的牛车水看见大街小巷已经在卖年货了。好多红色的马儿。而且在大马路上也有很多匹飞马~~ 哇噻,很壮观哦。

好喜气~ 赞

我更喜欢这张照片~~ 爸爸妈妈的背影~~ 我妈之前在乌节路一直觉得累,走路脚很快就痛了。。。可是去到牛车水,妈妈走得比箭还要快~~ 哈哈。我和爸爸在后面追~~
