Thursday, April 30, 2020


As time goes by, i realized people are getting lazier and lazier because of advanced technology.. advanced technology is supposed to give us convenience.. the downside is, people are getting lazier. In the past, before computer is widely used, we write more.. before email is invented, we send more letters.. before calculator is invented, we used our brains more.. but now, it seems we write less, think less and all we want is EFFICIENCY!

how efficient does it get when we need to type in short form that is not recognized by auto correct? LOL is not in the dictionary, ROFL is also not in the dictionary.. about 20 years ago ( i revealing my age? hehe), we only used LOL and ROFL.. but now, there are soOOOoo many out there that i lose count and there are many more that i don't even know exist... my impression tells me that SG likes to use a lot of short form since ages ago.. ERP, TPE, CTE.. till now, i'm still learning :D

i remember when i cut my finger 4 years ago...i took a taxi and the taxi driver was telling me that i was lucky that i was not sent to Changi General Hospital.. i thought there must be something wrong with the hospital so i asked why. he said it stands for CGH.. most people who got sent there means Cannot Go Home liao.. so means must be very serious type... hmmmm.. should i laugh or feel lucky that i'm at another hospital? :D

the other day, i was chatting with a friend in Miri.. we were talking about the younger days and she used a short form that i didnt understand.. so i asked her what is ldm.. she said it stands for laugh die me :D hahahaa.. OMG... i think faster to type out ler.. then i told her a story about  my Singapore colleague who wrote to me 5 years ago.. "idk.. i think i will wfh tmr"... when i received this, i didnt understand the whole sentence at all!

My Miri friend then asked me.. what is idk...
i said i don't know....
then she said,.. till now you didnt find out?
i was laughing so hard when i saw her question.. then i told her.. idk is i dont know

i told Jenn about this conversation and i couldnt stop laughing when i described to her what happened. ahaha...

the morale of the story..... technology makes her lazier and lazier and even typing becomes too much these days.. and this creates misunderstanding if not used properly... i wonder what is next..

just some laugh for the day!

p/s: guess what? this whole passage is full of red underline (means words the dictionary does not recognize >_<)