Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Rainy days

These two days had been really rainy~ it was a pain to wake up in such a weather.. It was cool, dark and I could hear some rain drops dancing on my glass window ~ yesterday was even better because it had a bit of thunder~ I am not sure if I'm strange or not, the bigger the rain, the louder then thunder, the bigger the wind, the darker the weather (as long as it is in the state that it hurts anyone), the more I love it! Provided if I'm at home~ like last time when it was cyclone #9 in HK, I could hear my window shaking and the wind howling outside, it just made me felt cozy at home.. I know I'm strange.. But rainy weather never makes me feel sad~ hehe

While in Shanghai, I really really really  X 100000 hate rainy days because of traffic.. It is hard to get taxi, hard to squeeze into bus, flood everywhere and dirty! 

In Singapore, except for the fact that it's a bit wet and need to carry lots of stuff since I'm taking bus.. I don't need to go through the pain that I went through in Shanghai..Mr M and Mr V still come on time.. Even though it is a little bit congested, overall, it is still a good experience~

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Happy 2017

I usually have a post for new year but this year, i was too exhausted to remember. hahaha...exhausted in a good way because i got to play with my nephew for a week. he had so much energy that i suddenly felt that age is catching up. haha...my denial is no longer working :p

well, last year was a good & bad year to me... bad because of my finger and also some health issues..good because i'm still ALIVE~~~ hopefully 2017 will be a better one *PRAY*

Time really flies..i'm still not used to writing 2017...by the way, who still writes these days?! hahaha... i just hope everyone will be safe and happy and healthy.

I just remember a funny conversation with my colleague the other day.

my colleague asked: "Jane, what is your wish?"
I said: "i just wish everyone is happy, healthy and safe..."
My colleague said: "Don't be so liberal ler, you are not in the Miss Universe Contest."
I said: "haha, but this is really what i want ler. Or, i just hope i don't create pain to people around me"
My colleague: "who would want to do that?"
I said:" nehhh, like your boss, when she is stress, she will make everyone stress and start scolding you guys...i just hope that i will not pass on my frustration to people lo.."

All of my colleagues laughed and said: "that makes sense"

Happy New Year to everyone~