Friday, December 2, 2016

don't underestimate yourself

There is always a saying about you not knowing your own potential until you are being pushed to your limit...'s a statement i was not able to understand before but now i understand it more and more as i get older...or should i say....wiser *wink*

i remember when i first went to HK with my broken cantonese, i was the one being bullied! After being bullied for a few times, i told myself i had to be stronger.... the one that shocked myself was the mini bus incident! up until now, i still cannot believe i did it! i guess when you are desperate, you will do anything to get what you want!

then there were a few small incidents here and there that i couldnt remember..but there are recent ones that i could understand... when you travel, how many baggage do you usually have? most 3 or 4 right? one backpack, one hand bag and one hand luggage and/or one big luggage? well, for me, that seems too.... LITTLE... 

I carried 80kg back by myself on two occassions... don't believe me? here are two pictures to prove...even i was amazed at my own ability. Hahaha...

once, the taxi driver asked me where is my other companion when he saw a trolley full of luggages... i said, i'm by myself...he gave me a shocking look! he said, you travelled with all these baggage by yourself? you bought too much! i said immediately..oh no...i'm moving! ha...

Saturday, November 26, 2016

my life as a tenant

I've been renting since the day i left Kuching.... it's a life that most people cannot understand.. it looks kinda good that i'm living by myself as i have a lot of privacy and can do anything, anytime, anywhere i want at home... yes, this is not bad but life as a tenant can be very terrible too... let me bring you back to my renting life since the first day in HK, then to Shanghai then to Sg...

The hassle of renting is, you need to check out a lot of places with the agents to find the home that you like... some of the places are so terrible that i have no words to describe...some are quite nice but just out of budget... so, my first home in HK is about 8 - 10 mins walk from the MTR station.. everything went well but before i moved out, the landlord decided that the broken pipes were my fault and refused to return me my deposit... broken pipes are wear and tear and should be borne by landlords and what broken pipes anyway?! so we argued a bit and i threatened to sue them to small business tribunal and finally they returned me my deposit..not in full but i didnt bother to argue anymore for a few hundred HK dollars....

the rest of my renting life in HK seem ok after that... then after 5 years in HK, i moved to Shanghai...the first landlord was nice...he gave me dumplings one day that i felt so touched...and he charged me below market value...but he has a vicious wife who forced him to terminate my rent after we just signed the new lease contract... initially i didnt want to execute the penalty part whereby the landlord has to compensate me for a month's rent if he terminates the rental agent kept telling me that i should... so i did... he and the wife must have thought that i was a vicious person since the husband charged me lower rent and now i bite them back with compensation... i was just executing the contract..they could have let me stayed till end of the lease... it was an ugly scene coz they didnt want to execute the contract... so i used a lot of ways to negotiate... Negotiate?! i had a contract and still need to negotiate... but i did... i told the landlord that the rent was paid by my company and the lawyers wanted to get compensation from them and i have no choice... and i asked my lawyer colleague to go with me to explain and in the end, the landlord said ok reluctantly but he said he will not pay for the tax portion of the rent...i said, i will bear that for u then (still wanting to show my appreciation for his help in the past)... the moment he said "yes", i took a piece of contract out for him to sign...i said this is our co procedure, please sign your consent to compensate & that we will terminate our contract on xxx.

then i moved to another place nearby where the house gave me miserable time...just after moving in not long later...i found the balcony roof leaking when it i called the agent to tell the landlord..the landlord said it cannot be i asked the agent to tell her that i will have no responsibility for damages on the balcony then..coz she kept her washing machine and other stuff there... then the pipe leaking where i had to leave home for 1 week while workers came in to knock out the toilet floor and only to find out the leak came from the rotten pipe in the balcony... and then things started to go wrong... the paint in the toilet started to peel off, then the wall paper and the noisy neighbors upstairs... the worst is, my landlord wanted me to compensate for wear and tear when i terminated the lease.

because i learned my lesson the most in the last rent, i made sure when i rent a place in sg that i have to make sure there is no leakage problem in the house... how do i know? just by looking at the ceiling to see if there are any water stain...apparently, they told me the piping system in sg apartments are i felt more relieved... then guess what?! after 3 - 5 months, 3 of the AC at home didnt work...not knowing why and lazy to find out since nobody came to visit...i only have the inspection done after a year...guess what? the AC guy came two weeks ago to test, came back yday to check the result and concluded the AC pipes have holes...and i am now spending my weekend at home, waiting for the workers to open up the ceiling and walls, drill here and there to fix the's dusty everywhere and a waste of my time :(

maybe i can just regard this as doing good deeds for the landlords sitting the house on behalf :( stuck at home and needed to cancel my appointment with my friends.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

trouble maker

Recently, there is a trouble maker in our office...she appears like a hurricane and disappears like a hurricane, leaving sh*t to everyone... initially, i thought i'm the only one who had been sabotaged but today, i learned that i'm not the only one... everyone is complaining except for one person....who is, OUR BOSS! thus, the hurricane becomes more powerful and sh*ts even more on everyone...

i think there are many types of trouble maker...  let me summarize for all of you:

  1. Trouble maker who knowingly/unknowingly creates trouble to other people but easily detected by the victim and other people. Thus, the trouble is not successfully received. This is the weakest trouble maker of all!
  2. Trouble maker who knowingly/unknowingly creates trouble to other people but less visible to other people because the trouble is not complex or influential enough, thus, having less impact to other people. As such, it is received by other people. This type of trouble maker is well accepted by people.
  3. Trouble maker who knowingly/unknowingly creates trouble to other people but because the trouble maker is well liked by everyone, thus, people do not mind the trouble.
  4. Trouble maker who knowingly/unknowingly creates trouble to other people takes all the credit for the trouble solved by other people and push all the fault to you when thing go wrong... Worst of all, the trouble maker will force you to go through all the trouble unwillingly by getting support from the boss and the boss helps happily because for some reasons, her trouble seems reasonable and the victim should be troubled. In addition, the boss himself may be the victim sometimes but he doesn't know or doesn't feel it or just loves it...whichever it is...

I can stand 1 - 3, but #4 pisses me... unfortunately, we have #4 in our office and adored by my boss...we, as normal people, do not understand the rationale behind...what can we say or do unless we want to lose our job? siiiiiigggghhhh


This year was really busy that i forgot to leave my footprint on our big day! crap..but it's ok... life goes on. this year, there was nothing big... just like every other day... every year at this time, i would start reminiscing about life...hhmm..let's see what i have in my mind this year...


*think twice*

*think harder*


Well, this year, i did not particularly have any life sharing moments or thoughts...somehow, as you get "younger", you tend to just don't pay too much attention to it thing for sure, we tend to forget the number.. this year, we celebrated with a group of friends and we had a small monthly celebration in office~

we were supposed to celebrate this in office with a group of november babies...somehow on that day, there were only two of us...ahhh... so pai say... haha...

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


以前剛剛去香港的時候,我真的不理解為什麼香港人那麼的急性子。大家會有一個普通反應,就是人一踏進電梯,就會一直按關門鍵。不是按一次,而是一直按到電梯門關為止~我的媽啊,電梯如果是人,應該瘀青了吧~ 那時候的我在想,真是的,有這麼趕嗎?




亞洲人的時間都是金錢,所以很多事情講效率,所以導致我們也沒什麼耐性。 有時候慢慢的看著電梯門慢慢關上,其實也可以看出滋味~ 



Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Found this funny app last time and played with it with Jennifer. Haha..

Have a laugh~ let's just wish it is not full moon ~


Thursday, September 22, 2016


前几天在脸书看到这个漫画,忽然觉得自己一点也不孤单。呵呵。原来大家都有同感~~大概一个月前,自己开始运动。是不是非常不可思议?很久很久以前,我就一直说要运动,要减肥等等,可是过了N年,我还是一样没动起来。连Jennifer都放弃问我这个问题。。。所以我干脆就不再有 New Year Resolution了。还记得一年前,我在脸书 (又是脸书)看到一个很励志的运动短片。这个黑人用了4周来去掉肚腩。哇噻,我真的很向往小蛮腰和没肚腩的日子。。。毕竟肚腩也跟了我N年。。。已经成为我的一部分了。后来还跟Jennifer和朋友比赛,说看看谁三个月后可以成功。回家我立刻去买了瑜伽垫,真的开始每晚很努力的动起来。结果,几个月后,我的手指受伤,然后朋友怀孕后,我们就这样不了了之了。

就在一个月前,我的同事说十月中旬要去爬台湾的雪山。给了我一个link。雪山的景色实在太漂亮了。。。云海,雾。。。真的很像人间仙境。我就随口说我想去。我没想到他会当真。。。因为七月份的富士山之旅,我也放了鸽子。。。呵呵。。。所以我没想那么多。结果过了一个礼拜,我没有什么欲望想要动起来,就跟同事说我不去了。。。结果,他不让我退出,还一直游说我,然后把定金付了! 就是想逼我去!!!!

因为这样,我只好乖乖的动起来。一开始,我去家里的健身房开始跑步~ 跑步是我众多运动中最恨的一项运动。老实说,我觉得体力不是一个问题。。。对我而言,运动不是靠体力,而是靠毅力。我跑了30分钟,真的是我的局限。哈哈哈。我记得刚开始的时候,我真的是想象前面有一堆的美味食物等着我。。。之所以我才能一直往前。。不过,运动后,真的觉得偶尔流流汗还不错。


我还在努力中。希望10月份可以成功的爬上去~~ 干巴爹!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Another year

Time really flies... We r towards the end of the year! Gosh.. I felt like I just had my birthday yesterday! Cherish every moment. As the years go by, somehow I feel that everything is not the same every year... 

Sunday, July 10, 2016


今天我給爸爸發了條短信說:「爸,我下週五回故鄉啦。你有什麼想要的嗎?」其實爸爸一直都不太會告訴我們他想要什麼。所以,我們都是自己自作主張的覺得爸爸應該需要什麼~ 每次買回去的東西,爸爸都沒很喜歡。或者很喜歡卻不捨得用。

記得去年我們三姐妹在法國買了一個LV包和一件LV 襯衫給爸爸。他還嫌棄的叻。不過嘴巴可能是這樣說,其實心裡還是很開心。爸爸說太貴,他不捨得穿。有壓力。




我說我剛剛Google,原來是襯衫~ 我順便重複,以免弄錯,「2件 M size 白色 Arnold Palmer 上衣,100%棉~」


哈哈哈,爸爸好搞笑 ( ̄▽ ̄)



Tuesday, July 5, 2016

once upon a time

as we aged.... we tend to take things for granted.....  my niece moved to perth when she was almost the same age as us... i could see from her fb how much she misses her friends back in m'sia and how much fun they had when they facetime each other and how excited they are when she goes back to m'sia for vacation...

a few days ago, i saw on her fb that a few of her best friends visited her in perth and they were having loads of FUN! they took pictures, played silly stuff we played when we were kids, took subway to visit perth etc...they are happy!

suddenly, it just occurred to me that, even though, we were the same age as her previously, we could not have all these easily.... in the past, airtickets were super expensive... in the past, internet was rare and super expensive... in the past, IDD calls were expensive... in the past, even taking a picture with camera was precious and we had to wait until x times for the film to be could be days, it could be weeks, it could be months...but developing the photos were we seldom took pictures... because airtickets and IDD calls were expensive and we missed our order to maintain friendship, we wrote air mail to each other...i remember having a big box of letters from my friends...the happy moments were when we saw a nice envelop in our letter box... felt even more happier when we could feel how thick the envelop was..that means, the person must have written something... in order to express our friendship, we exchanged pictures and small gifts... we replied our letters happily... i remember buying all the cute papers and envelops, stickers, chops and stamps and imagining how excited the other person would be when receiving it... we wrote pages and pages about what happened to us...the happy moment was, cycling to the nearest stationery shop to post our letters. our letters were usually overweight and cost a fortune to send... then it was back to the waiting time... sometimes weeks, sometimes months... if we didnt hear from friends for months, we would start writing again to ask if they are ok.... it was a good memory.... full of hope~~

NOW? everything comes so easy... we have smartphones to connect us for free... free IDD calls, free instant message...internet is cheap, airtickets are super cheap! it is so convenient that people started to take things for granted....when thinking wondering if my niece would have the same memory as us? probably not...perhaps they had more time with each other but they would never understand the joy of writing, posting and waiting for letters... they are truly the hard work of our friends and us and it takes extra effort to stay in touch :)

even though it is convenient now...sometimes i still miss the old ways...but of coz, i prefer the current ways. hehehe...

just some thoughts to share...

by the way, tomorrow is hari raya...happy holidays to everyone.

the photo that inspires me...

Saturday, June 25, 2016








Saturday, June 18, 2016








Wednesday, June 1, 2016





Wednesday, May 11, 2016

一只手指的故事 part 2



又累又饿的我,终于撑到3点。自己一个人达搭计程车回家。司机看到我,问我怎么了。我就把故事说了一遍。他对我的遭遇感到同情。还问我为什么一个人。我说家人都不在身边。他更加同情我。因为觉得差不多元宵节了,家人不在身边,还受了伤。司机很nice的一直安慰我。还尝试逗我笑。司机人很好,而且就住在我家附近。他一直很关系我的伤口,抱怨说为什么医院不帮我立刻处理伤口等等等。。。后来他说他以前有学过医学,还安慰我说手的血一定会自己停止的,叫我不要害怕。。。到家前,他说居然你一个人在家里,又不方便做饭,问我要不要打包东西回家吃。我请他停在路旁,我说我下去打包东西。他把车停下来了,立刻问我想吃什么,他去帮我买。。。当时的我非常感动~~ 不停的跟他道谢。。。到我家时,我请司机把打包的钱算在车费。。。司机却很nice的拒绝,说请我吃。。天啊,我真的太感动了。没想到这世界上还有这么善良的人。我真的快哭出来了。下车前,他还跟我说,如果看到纱布变红色了,就要赶紧到医院哦。。



洗澡是最大的困难~ 我用一个特大的塑胶袋把左手抱起来。一只手穿脱衣服,一只手做所有的事情。。。还真的不容易。幸好我的右手比较灵活~~~晚上,我一直想办法要怎么睡觉。如何让我的手一直竖着呢?我不想躺在一滩血水上哦。。。难道用绳子把左手邦起来?还是坐着睡觉?还是不要睡,就直接通宵等到第二天的手术?后来脑筋一转,我想到了。我把绳子绑在床头上,挂上我的兔娃娃,把手放在娃娃之间,那么不管我的手往左滑还是往右滑,都不会掉下来!哇,我太聪明了。呵呵

我的手还真的竖了一晚!第二天早上,接到了医院打来的电话。我那时候还很期待尽早把手术做完。虽然心里还是很害怕,不过,还是得面对现实。谁知道医院说我的手术是后天!晴天霹雳!后天????!!!! 是我听错了吧?后天???!!! 医院说医生很忙,没空。我的天啊,我无法等到后天了。我发现有个特质。。。如果我很Desperate 的时候,我什么事情都做得出来。我hold着自己的眼泪,求医院帮我安排今天做手术。。。医院坚持说有很多人,排不下去了。我一直求一直求,后来医院终于答应了,请我11am去报到。太棒了!



后来有一位印度aunty, 刚动完手术,一个人坐在我旁边。我觉得她是因为之前太压抑了,他在我旁边大哭了起来。我当时立刻走到她身边,拍着aunty的肩膀,安慰他说,“别害怕,你会很快康复的。你看,我也有伤口。我们一起努力!” 后来我同事,还有护士都来为他打气。哈哈哈,其实当时的我是非常害怕的~

终于我被带进手术室了。心跳加速。一直不敢相信这是真的。看到手术室的器材,我更加害怕。护士应该是察觉到我的不安,就安慰我说,那些器材是装饰品来的,不要想那么多。我一直道歉。。我跟护士说这是我第一次动手术,我真的很害怕~~~ 医生听到了,就说:“哦,这是你的第一次啊。这也是我的第一次耶~" @_@


过程没有想象中的恐怖。虽然自己不敢看伤口,在手术的过程中,一直听到医生在跟其他医生诉说情况。。我不想听啊~~ 手臂开始算了。。。酸得感觉快断掉了。。我一直问,要好了吗,要好了吗?我的手很酸。害怕麻醉药退药。。。医生说在缝伤口咯。心里很开心的说。这是我过得最长最折腾的一个小时! 后来医生请我试试看动。。。其实因为没有感觉,我也不确定自己有没有在动。忽然听到医生说:”perfect!“ 我猜应该是有在动吧~

好不容易过了一个小时。我终于等到我的热腾腾的milo的时刻了~ 接下来的日子就得靠我的右手了~~

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


前幾天說了這麼驚悚的故事part 1, 每次想回去或讀回去自己寫的post,還是全身會起雞皮疙瘩~ 好像做了一場惡夢似的。只可惜,不是夢一場(~_~;)

今天來說說輕鬆一點的話題。話說有一天我比較早到公司。沒想到我的老闆比我還早!一大清早他就和他的秘書在談事情了,我也來「精進」一下。呵呵~ 總要假裝在老闆面前忙啊~( ̄▽ ̄)



為了表示我的信心,這時我就冷靜的亂掰的說:「嗯~ 我覺得龍應該不能擺在所有人可以看到的地方。應該擺在角落。」老闆不解,立刻問我為什麼?我說:「你有聽過臥虎藏龍嗎?龍是hidden的喔~」然後我就隨便指了一個櫥櫃的方向的說,就這裡!

雖然他用著不太相信的眼神,不過還是把銅像擺在那裡了。呵呵~ 啊,總算混過去了(^-^)




Friday, May 6, 2016

一个手指的故事 - part 1



我慢慢的走回家。享受着凉快和宁静的早晨。忽然觉得回家真好。回到家,我看到桌上摆的3盆花,虽然心里告诉自己搭了那么长的飞机,是时候去洗澡休息一下,可是好动的我却决定帮花儿换换水,把花瓶洗一洗,再重新摆一摆。希望花儿可以活得长一点,所以就开始忙起来了~~~ 三个花瓶的水都换了,也清洗好了。最后一个念头是:“还是把这个和那个花儿摆在一起好了。这样就可以省点位子咯”。后来我又开始动起来了。把这里的花儿放在那个花瓶里,然后又开始清洗。就在这时候,我的右手不小心滑了一下,没抓紧花瓶,我的左手在花瓶里清洗着。由于洗碗槽太窄,我的花瓶太高,就碰撞到了。。。花瓶破了,我赶紧把左手抽出来。我不知道自己有没有被割伤。赶快看了一下左手,好像没事耶。

就在一秒钟后,我看到尾指的血喷出来了!!我的第一反应是:“糟糕,尾指断了!!” 因为尾指是hanging的。。。好多好多的血。我的手臂和衣服的沾满了血。心里虽然害怕和担心,可是我知道我必须坚强。赶紧拿了一块小毛巾,把手包起,背上包包就冲到门卫那里。。。紧张的问:“这里最靠近的医院在哪里?” 只见门卫冷静的告诉我,“先到地铁站的诊所吧。” 我连忙跑过去。等了一会儿,终于看到医生了。心里还是很担心手指是不是断了。医生请我把手放在桌上,我只看见血像流水一样的流出来。医生叫我动尾指,我动了。心中有点开心。后来医生压着我的小指,叫我动最尾段的那部分,我说我已经在动了,可是,它却没动。我看着医生,因为不知道那是什么意思。。。。他停了一下,说,“你的韧带断了,必须到急症室。我帮你写reference letter。” 我的心情立刻掉到谷里。。。。那是啥意思啊?是说我的手指废了吗?我该怎么办呢?没时间想这些了。先去医院再说。

我还记得那是星期天早上的830am。后来我拿了reference letter, 想去医院却等不到taxi。等了15分钟,终于车子来了。。。这个司机还挺搞笑的,明明在电话app看到他还离我3分钟的,不知怎么搞的,可能不认识路,结果他大概10分钟后才接到我。其实心里早就觉得大事不妙了。碰到这样迷糊的司机,去医院的路程应该不会太顺利吧。不出我所料,他确实不认识路,绕了一大圈,我忍不住问说,请问我们要到了吗?我留很多血耶。他说快到了。终于看到医院了,我赶紧下车。下了车才发现,怎么医院都没有人的?我东跑西跑,就是没有看到急症室。心开始慌了。。。。因为找不到半个人影询问~~ 是不是去错医院了。一直很担心我的手指是不是还在流血。。。。终于看到一个清洁阿姨。啊~~我的救命恩人~~ 原来刚刚下车的地方是新盖的医院。我要去的医院是在隔壁一栋 T_T

我奔跑到急症室。。。一到时,他们立刻问我原因。我说打破花瓶割伤了手指。他们把我带到一位护士那里先清理伤口。每当我把手指放在桌上,血就不停的涌出来。连我自己都可以闻到我的血味。护士小心翼翼的帮我清理伤口,这时我才感觉到疼痛。伤口包好了,我坐在急症室等候。其实我也不太记得我进出几次护士的房间。照了x-ray,确定我的韧带断了,护士说我比须动个小手术。手术这两个字一直在我脑海中转。。。我对这两个字抱有非常大恐惧。立刻连想到电视剧的ER。 心里更加担忧。护士说要等hand specialist才能帮我把韧带接回去。。。护士请我先去吃个午餐。问题是,我吃不下。就干脆等。没想到一等就等了几个小时。


其实我心里还是有点慌的,那种等待被治疗却等不到的苦。。。说不上来。尤其是你已经很担心了,却觉得没人可以帮助你的无助感。等了很久,终于医生来了。看到医生的那一刹那,真的像看到了神一样。。有种被获救的感觉。。。后来,他又把我的纱布拆了,我的血又涌出来了,他却一直在拍照。检查了一会后,医生跟我说,今天手科医生没空,你明天再来动手术吧。 蛤?! 我那时候更不知该怎么办。恶梦来了,真的今天无法得到医疗。。。后来我很紧张的问说韧带不在几小时内接好,会不会从此手就废了。他却很冷静的说不会,他说我两周后再接都无所谓。啊?他是在安慰我还是哄我啊?后来护士就帮我包了很大一圈的纱布。。我紧张的问护士说我觉得我的手好像有个大洞似的,现在没弄好,晚上睡觉无法一直把手提起,到时候血会不会流血不止,早上起来我就躺在一滩血水上啊?他拍了一拍我的肩膀安慰我说,别怕,血会自己停的。



有点长,写得也累了。。。to be continue



Monday, February 29, 2016

Special day

Today is a special day because it only happens every 4 years.

People who are born today are special because they they will not exist every 4 years. People who get marry can save on anniversary... 

For me, I'm here because Facebook says today is special n must be recorded... So here I am 

Just wanna share two things that make me happy~

Lucky fortune cat cookies... Hope good luck will follow me~

A cute line characters jar from 7-11 in taiwan. Exchanged by 70 stickers contributed by many people. Hehe.. 

Saturday, February 20, 2016



那麼多地方,最不喜歡去的是美國。因為感覺有壓力 - 給小費的壓力。聽同事說第一天他們hotel吃完早飯沒給小費,第二天服務員對他們的態度差天差地。我總是會給個美金兩塊錢。不過還挺麻煩的。去餐廳有時候真的不要知道要給多少。超過多少人好像又要增加多少。至今我還搞不清楚。就連house keeping來清理時,你也得留些現金床頭。。。不然別怪你用的牙刷早已跟馬桶親嘴咯~ 所以我的訣竅就是,永遠放「do not disturb」的牌子。反正我也沒什麼需要清理的說。

轉移話題咯~ 我現在人在Frankfurt轉機,在等洗澡,再來個豐富的早餐。呵呵呵。幸好這次是商務艙,不然打死我也不想出差。原本覺得很累很煩的旅程,去掉心中的不滿,其實還是可以enjoy的。已經看了一堆片,吃了一堆的東西,睡了很長的一覺。我只希望今天晚上回去還可以好好的睡一覺!


I'm 不知道是不是年紀大了,對很多事情覺得感嘆和感觸。這次在跟家人在台灣過年,非常enjoy。enjoy的不是因為台灣的美食,而是可以和家人一起度過。雖然有時候會吵吵鬧鬧,我們還是把它當成樂趣之一。從小吵到大嘛。套我爸的話,這是增進感情的方式。呵呵~



後來我們送姐姐和孫子去機場。他們要到夫家過年去。看著爸媽不捨得的樣子,盡量幫爸媽跟孫子拍很多照片,讓他們滿足。後來就剩下我們一起過年咯。當晚台南就發生了那場悲哀的地震。想想那時後已經是小年夜了,他們原本開開心心準備團圓的。怎麼曉得就這樣了~~~ 真的無法想像!


Wednesday, February 17, 2016


老實說,當我在寫這個post是,我人在美國。星期一晚上的飛機,星期三凌晨1215am抵達紐約。現在還在車裡,要到另外一個城市,總共3.5小時的車程。我為了不讓自己在車上睡著,就用這個時間update 一下我的部落格。


這次出差來美國是被逼來的。第一次從新加坡飛過來。飛行時間真的很長很長很長。以前好像就多也只有24小時。現在如果door to door的話,我居然花了31.5小時在路上。我的媽呀。如果加回程,總共63小時呐。這時候好希望有任意門。


我打算這次不要調時差了。這個trip後,我還要去上海,韓國日本泰國~~~ 我只有一句話...我!真!的!很!累!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016



那天回去自己自討苦吃~ 因為臉上長了很多肉粒,自己看了也很不爽,決定把它們一一消滅!有時候在想,姐妹是同父母的,為什麼姐姐們都天生麗質,我的臉上卻每次長很多古古怪怪的莫名生物? *無奈*






