Tuesday, February 27, 2007


不知不觉 it's almost end of CNY :( Time sure FLIES when u are having fun..it has been a GREEEeeeatttt~~~ 10 days for me in Kch...catching up with friends, go visiting, eat junk food, putting on weight and most importantly, seeing my family and our cute puppy, husky!! Am back to work today and I really really miss everyone...it's time to work again...like i said, before CNY, i had something to anticipate and tend to work harder at work..now tat CNY is almost over and holiday is over, i have less motivation to work hard...sighhh...good times sure is short...but it's the quality tat counts!! Last but not least, happy 元宵节 in advance!!

Friday, February 23, 2007

During CNY

It's all abt vising during CNY, friends and family gathering...as well as junk food, soft drinks etc....oh man, i have put on weight and am gradually becoming a HIPPO....we had alot of fun during CNY...besides the gathering and food, we also had our mini Casino~~~ We all had alot of fun...we had "mee sua" at jason chew's house, kuih at Chong's, daytime and late night gambling at paul's, liquor at william's, spaghetti and curry at belle's, acha and keropok at Gorden's, chatting at ah nyiap's, etc etc....nice~~~ so you see, those are the reasons for becoming a HIPPO~~~ or more appropriate for this year, PIG...oink oink.... :p (Back Row: Heng, Judy, Jennifer, Michelle; Front row: William, Chong, Jane, Ah chew) p/s: I LOoooveee this pic as we all looked very happy and energetic..thanks to ah chew's mum's mee sua ;p A BUNCH OF HAPPY FACES :) (Front row: Jane, little goolace, goolace, Judy) (Back row: William, Jason Chew, AKA dai lor) (From Left: Happy Jason Chew, Judy, Shirley, Jane, william)

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy Oink Oink Year ^(*@*)^y

Happy oink oink year. One more day till Chinese New year....mixed feelings again...happy that it's holiday and time for family reunion and friends gathering and it also means fun and visiting...food, cookies, biscuits...but it also means another year OLDER...my piggie wanna say GONG XI FA CAI or KONG HEY FATT CHOY
BTW, i'm in Macau airport right now :) yup..on my way HOMEeee~~~

Funky nails

Went for manicure with my friend in causeway bay.... and got myself 10 unfamiliar finger nails...they are so foreign to me right now but i still love them dearly :) I didnt know what colour i shld get and wat kind of manicure i want...i have to say, i was shocked at the price!!! we could easily get a manicure in kuching for 25 bucks...but here??? well, i have decided to learn the master of the art of nail...because i thnk they make more money than i do now :( here are my dotty fingernails~~~ (Left hand) (right hand) MEOWWW~~~ p/s: since then, i always tot i have correction fluid on my fingernails...my colleagues said they are cute though...hehehe :p

Friday, February 16, 2007

桃花 or 梅花?

梅花 is what we call in malaysia...it's always made of PLASTIC but in HK, we have REAL one...they call it 桃花. I love the chinese new year decoration in one of the shopping centres in TST...the flowers make it very chinese new year....the world is seriously lack of the feel this year...but this decoration makes all the "faded" new year feel comes back to life :)
(Isn't this beautiful?) There's chinese new year flower market every year in HK...年宵花街. It's a BIG space full of stalls selling chinese new year food, drinks, toys, flowers, plants...u name it, u got it...it's always "people mountain people sea" no matter when you go. New year eve is the worst!!! I remember i went last year with my friends...GOSH...i couldnt see a single thing..but i still managed to get a few live plants home :) tat's the spirit of CNY...hehehe..this year, i also managed to get some live 桃花 home and it is nicely put on my desk....a bunch of it brighten the whole room (or aparment..hehehe) :)
(My beautiful flower :)

My Little Apartment (or room~~~?)

I promised to post pics of my apartment...it's not exactly an apartment...more like a room to me..hahaha...but it's a room with everything...TV, Bed, Wardrobe, Kitchen, toilets etc etc....i like the fact that it has a big window...eventhough it's noisy, but i prefer it than none... :) been staying here for 5 nites and tonight will be the 6th....i find it ok :) I'm not home all the time anyway :) (Above: Corridor; Bottom: Kitchen cum dining room cum living room) (My bedroom?!)

Year of pig

(Above: a happy dancing piggie with REAL tulips; Bottom: Female piggie with big boobs 母猪 ^(^@^)^)
One more doggie day in doggie year and we will welcome piggie year....YEAR OF PIGS and you can see streets full of pigs.....hey, i'm not scolding anyone here...on my way to work, i spotted alot of pigs...they are no ordinary pigs..because they can do gymnastic and they dance gracefully~~ i love the pigs outside my office and every morning, when i walk to work, i will stop and smell the flowers, they are real tulips!!! The 1st time i saw them, i tot they are just plastic flowers tat we usually get in kuching...one cloudy day, while i walked to lunch with my colleagues, i found a man, standing there triming the flowers....and only then, i took a real look..they are REAL!!! now you could imagine how perfect they are :) Happy piggie year...WIshing all of you happiness, warmth, prosperity and togetherness in a new year and always!! CHEERS
P/s: Finally i got my internet connection at home~~~ Hooray....as always, there was a lot of chaos going on before i could enjoy my internet connection at home :( it was a pain...i just hate pre-moving chaos and post-moving chaos :(
(hhmmm...there's something wrong with the pose)
(Above: aahhh, i'm falling down; Bottom: i'm not swimming, i'm dancing~~~)

Final Count down

Tomorrow is 初夕 AKA 年三十 and this also means time to go HOOoommmeee~~~ YiPPEEEee...i have waited for this day since don't know when :) Im so looking forward to it :) but tomorrow also means a tiring day for me....I only knew i could go home in December 06 but it was too late to buy tickets anymore...the only choice i have is to go from Macau~~ the thought of it makes me tired already~~~ I have to wake up at 5 something AM tomorrow morning to catch a boat to Macau, and take a taxi to Macau airport which i havent been before...not sure if there will be any taxi to take me there so early or not....and then from Macau to KL, from KL to Kuching. By the time i reach kuching, it will already be 7 something PM...WHOLE DAY GONE!!! but it's worth it just to go home~~~hopefully Air Asia will not fly me aeroplane (Ie FFK me). HOpefully it will be I fly in the aeroplane...pray for me guys!!! I need tat very much :p

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

MOVING~~~ Again

AAAAAaaaaahhhhhhhhh....moving~~~again...i came back to HK on 10/2/2007 with a mission ie, moving from shatin to TST....and i have to go through the same process again...SIGH....I came bek not knowing what my mini apartment would look like, came bek not knowing what to expect...and everything went wrong~~~ 1st, the landlord kept complaining that he couldnt reach me for the past few weeks (eventhough i told him before that i wont be in HK for x number of times)...i thnk this is just an excuse for him to start my rent one week earlier than initially agreed :( 2nd, after seeing my new mini apartment, my lousy landlord said someone wanted the apartment for HK$4,500 and because he has already promised me, he would increase my rent to HK$4,200 (our initally agreement was HK$4,000)...Double sigh.... 3rd, i arranged for a moving van a week ago and i called again to confirm the time, only they told me that they are closed on SUNDAY!!! 4th, called another moving company and they said they could only confirm at 245pm (and i asked my friend to help move at 230pm...what if we moved everything down only find tat van's not coming...moving bek up again?) triple sighhhh~~~ How unlucky can i get? Full of problems during pre-moving...i need 幸运神 (who's my lucky star? anyone?) I will post my mini size apartment as soon as i got my internet connect on friday...i doubt tat i have time though :( yeah..going bek for CNY :))

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

This is me and husky....
at home....in kuching....cant see her face much....hehehe..but the most important is to see my face :p

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


I was supposed to be working my butt out today....but the situation is totally opposite when my client has "FFK" (Fong Fei Kei) me...without her, I can't do anything...thus here I am.... :p was chatting w ah nyiap, AKA the Hao lian guy (ie a guy who never has time for other friends except for church brothes and sisters), arranging for CNY visit...was in the middle of discussion when i realised something as i called him "useless" again...when ppl have a fixed perception abt you, no matter wat your characteristics are, be it good or bad, if you already have bias on that person, then you already judge that person unfairly~~~ i suddenly feel 感触。i agree with nyiap....if ppl have set something in their mind to perceive you to be the way they think you are, eventhough you are not, no matter how hard u try to prove them wrong, you will still be wrong....well, frankly, if one person said you are bad, it could be tat person's problem...if 10 or 20 ppl said you are bad, mayb the problem lies on you (BTW, i quote this frm Jenn~~)....the problem is, there's only ONE person who thinks i'm bad~~~ :)

To expect or not to expect???

Have you ever stopped and wonder if you should have expectation on something or someone??? Even when i was young, i found that when u anticipate something to happen in the way u want, it always turns out to be the opposite....tat's why, when i was young, i kept imagining myself to be in the opposite situation when I wanted it to happen the way i wanted it....seems to me i have lOOOooong forgotten abt it and just realised tat it's happening again~~~when this happens, i cant help feeling disappointed, a waste of effort and time, sometimes even depressed....well, let me know if this happens to you as well~~~ or you never realise until i mention it....hehehe...time to reflect i guess :p

Monday, February 5, 2007


(4 happy diners + 1 happy puppy during our 2007 family reunion dinner. P/S: helena, peter, don't envy us... :p) Less than 2 weeks before it's CNY...gosh...time is flying~~again...was in kuching for the weekends...mum decided to have "reunion dinner" on saturday nite, 3/2/2006...the dinner is 2 weeks earlier!!! it's all because dad and mum will be out of town for CNY and by the time I come home, it will only be me and Jenn~~and hence, the pre-CNY reunion dinner...it doesnt matter when the dinner is...it could be anytime, be it on the lunar new year eve, or xmas eve, or our birthdays...i thnk as long as it's a happy dinner for the whole family, it's considered reunion dinner :)) AGREED? YUP...with both of my feet and arms in the air~~tat day, mum cooked a feast for 10 ppl (but only 4 ppl were eating)...mum is really a good cook...u wont feel like eating out anymore after u try my mum's cooking...the thought of the table full of food just makes me drOOoooollll right now...and guess wat? i just had my lunch~~ We enjoyed the feast and finished everything until the soup was left with last drop, whole chicken was left with bones, shark fin was left with no traces, fish was left with fish bones etc etc etc....all FOUR of us were happy after dinner, sat there with stomach full of food and enjoying the moment....oh, and Husky had a feast as well~~ (This is our REUNION DINNER FEAST cooked by mum with her own two hands~~ yummilicious!!) (This is HUSKY, anticipating the best from the FEAST)

Friday, February 2, 2007

Gong Hey Fatt Choy

Gong Xi Fa Chai....there are another 16 days before the BIG day for us chinese...yup, Chinese New Year (AKA CNY) is just around the corner...hhhmm...eventhough it's just around the corner, i don't feel the atmosphere like it used to be....I won't know tat CNY is around the corner if not for some simple decoration in the shopping mall :p Hey, I thnk xmas has more "VOLUME" than CNY...what the??? I took a lot of pics during xmas because everywhere was nicely decorated with xmasly decorations that remind everyone of the occassion...i want to do the same for CNY as well....Well, i only managed to find a simple decoration that shows some CNY Spirit :p Gong Hey Gong Hey....CNY is all abt "money coming in", being Rich...ahaha...u know, everywhere in HK are selling things that carry some CNY meaning~~~ ie buy this and get a free mini MAH JONG SET, buy that and get a mini GAMBLING CARDS, eat this buy that and get a free make-u-rich T-shirt...hehehe...
Are you ready for CNY? I'm not~~ It's always good to have something to anticipate right now...when it's here, the feeling of anticipation becomes less and "Boom" it disappears~~ Tonight will be setting up CNY decoration at home~~~ YEAHHHhhh, going home again~~i can't wait~~~~~ ^ ^y
Ps: i gotta be traditional... CNY = red, my blog = red :)

Thursday, February 1, 2007

February already???

Time flies~~~before you know it, it’s FEBRUARY 2007 already???!!! I always feel that time is crawling by at the very beginning of the year, but now, I feel tat time is passing before my very own eyes…is that a sign of old age??? Oh, of coz not, it’s just that I have been a good gal, working very hard with my assignments~~. February~~~ a month full of excitement and anticipation.... Feb = a mth after Jan + Valentine's day + Chinese New Year + food drink men women + going home + rest & relax + family and friends gathering. Also Special occasions = Valentine's day + Chinese New Year + Food drink men women; Chinese New year = Family and friends gathering + Rest & Relax + Going home, therefore Special Occassion = Valentine's day + family and friends gathering + rest and relax + going home....Finally Feb = a mth after Jan + Special occassions....PHEW...am I easily understood? hhmm, sometimes i feel like a little genius....hey, i learned that from applicable maths in high school, okie? at least i put it to use in my day-to-day life :p ooooh, chinese new year again~~ wish you all gong hey fatt choy, always pretty pretty and remain youthful forever... the traditional greetings "gong xi fa chai, hong bao na lai" :)
(this yr is the year of pigs....may we all live like pigs, eat like pigs and sleep like pigs...but of coz, not looking piggish ^(*@*)^ => oink oink)
PS: Im not a hello kitty fan~~~ :p