Sunday, December 31, 2017

Another year gone

tim really flies.. I remember writing one post for every new year eve... it's so fast that it kinda feel scary especially when you see kids growing up so fast.. that means we are growing older~ I can't deny anymore that age is catching up... late nights made me tired and I'm starting to feel some pain on my knees. What's more? I get sick more often :( I used to think I'm a strong person lo

Whatever happened in the past, be it good or bad, they are parts and parcel of
Life. When looking back, they are all the things that make u a good (or bad) person now :p one thing I learned in 2017 is.... changes are constant... it's hard to accept at first but somehow you just need to find a way to accept and move on... moving on part is one that I still need to learn. Haha

My sis and little nephew are visiting now. They add colours and life to our home. Little yang yang is growing up fast and he is really a good boy. He somehow knows he is cute and likeable and he knows how to flung them... he made my parents really happy! I hope he comes back more often.

Here's for all of you out there, wishing u happy new year and be healthy~

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Me in Singapore, Finally

After 9 weeks of travel...i'm finally settling down for a while in Singapore. my place is a mess...dirty clothes, dusty floor, unfolded clothes lying every where, luggage still full of my previous travel stuff etc etc etc....

Today, i'm officially part of Singapore. i got my PR today and my new ID number. it's a mixed feeling. actually i dont know why i apply for PR...i guess it is just something that everyone does when the time comes. I'm not sure if i need it but there is no harm in getting it i guess....

tomorrow is our gift exchange session.... i feel sorry for the person who got me as a gift angel...because i havent even prepared anything. while my colleagues were all busy finding out who is their gift angel, i think people sensed that i'm not even interested. haha... well, i like to receive gift and give out present's just that life has been too hectic for the past 9 weeks and this is like an additional workload for me. ahaha....buying gift is easier, but my boss expects us to write a poem for the receiver....and must contain the receiver's name....and must contain what you give....and must, this is additional work lo.

so funny today, after weeks of out of singapore, some of my colleagues miss me...we went out for usual, we would have a cup of kopi or teh c at the local cafe before we come back to office. today, we had our drink at Toast Box. The space was limited and crowded, so we got ourselves a seat and asked another colleague to q for us and buy on behalf....

A colleague of mine thought it was too troublesome to tell the guy what to get for us and she decided to whatsapp him instead. with today's technology, this is really convenient. so she was typing out our order while repeating it softly with her mouth....two uncles who sat next to our table looked at her for really long time... i thought...gosh, what are these uncles doing? what are they trying to do? while all the question marks were going through my mind, many question marks went through their mind too..

suddenly one uncle couldnt hold it anymore and he asked my colleague: "eeeee? can use phone to order drinks one meh?" we looked at each other and laughed out loud and said, no la, we were just texting our friend who is q'ing there! was really funny...

they made my day... ok, now i need to think of what to write for my poem now~

Saturday, November 11, 2017

that time of the year

it's that time of the year guessed it RIGHT! it's the birthday of the cute and adorable twins :p this year, i really traveled intensively....i finally came back to Singapore after 5 consecutive weeks of travelling! what's worst, my stuff were still in the boxes after 3 weeks we moved office. so yesterday was my first day to new office.

i didnt even know how to go to office and had to use google map. hahaa... my colleagues were nice enough to celebrate with me. A colleague is so talented that she made me a towel with winnie the pooh and my name on it! i love it sooOOooo much! also the tissue cover.

then they got me a nice, xmas feeling coffee maker from starbucks..they know i will use it to make tea! they love my tea, so now i have a bigger pot to make tea for everyone.'s always good to share, give and take.

Nothing special this year, just resting after weeks of travel. 

I just wanna say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear sister. be good.

Friday, November 3, 2017

annyeonghaseyo 안녕하세요

Greetings from Korea! I have been in Korea for two weeks. I'm heading to Jeju island for the next week days. When talking about Korea, many people have this beautiful thoughts about it from the Korean drama.. my trip isn't exactly the beautiful type. My trip here is to go to those industrial area and rural area to visit our vendors.

Well, can't say this trip is bad because I get to see the other side of Korea. Now is still the best season to visit Korea because it is autumn.. u know, Korea is 70% covered in mountain so the trees are all turning into different colors... green, yellow, red, orange etc and the best is still the persimmons everywhere. 

Our office has a private persimmons garden which belong to the previous GM. At his time, nobody could go to the garden. I heard one person stole a persimmon from the garden and he was caught and fired! Now that the GM is gone, that garden is now freely accessible by all. One fine afternoon, I was really craving for persimmons, so a colleague and me went to pick them. they were superliciois. Felt like a secret garden. So happy.

I love the cold weather. Love the wind.. but I'm really tired with the trip... we have to travel far.. so we leave early. Because we have limited time, so we come back late. All my dinners are room service and quite late at night. Last night we arrived hotel at 9pm. I was struggling between skipping dinner or having dinner. I was so hungry that I decided to eat. But after dinner, I regretted immediately :(

What I admire myself the most is me having the same breakfast every morning for two weeks! Seriously, who will get tired of this hearty meal~

My Korean style breakfast~ I mixed the egg into the rice, wrapped it with rice, kimchi, nuts and seaweed, then I took a bite of bacon. Yum. 

This is my korea trip so far

Sunday, October 8, 2017


這是我過去兩年半的上班的地方。雖然一開始不喜歡它,因為是在一個工業區。附近沒什麼好吃。是一個鳥不生蛋 狗不拉屎的地方。不過後來漸漸習慣了它。







Wednesday, August 30, 2017



今天打算不吃爱吃的kaya toast set,因为那家的奶茶不再好喝了,所以我到另外一家吃新币1元的炒米粉。其实就是酱油炒粉。在打包的时候,忽然有人轻轻的大了我一下,看一下是同事。我打包后自然去打包饮料。没想到人还挺多的。同事说帮我买,顺便请我喝奶茶。后来一起聊天走去公司。远远看到另外一位同事正在帮我们hold住玻璃门。。。哇,赶快加速。我开心的跟她道谢,并说我今天早上运气真好。有人请我喝茶,有人帮我开门。



Sunday, July 9, 2017

is it a dream?

Do you ever feel like this? Something happened or something is about to happen you are like, gosh, this feels familiar! It just feels like it is in your dream before.. you can't make sure if it it real or a dream. I had many instances like this...

They are nothing special.. not like premonition where you dream of a big or scary event.. mine is just a feeling... do you have it before?

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Do you agree?

I used to have really short hair like... really really short.. from my back, you would think I am a man.. haha.. at that time, my friend did tell me that he thought I look like a guy from my back because I am tall and skinny and wear big at shirt and short pants. As I recalled, yeah, indeed!

I think the greatest invention in the history is not aircond, not TV but hair straightener! Haha.. finally, my dream of having long hair came true. I was able to leave my hair long with min effort :) I switched between curly long hair and straight long hair for the past 10++ years... what else could
I do? 

As time passed by, I could see more and more hair dropped on the floor and less and less hair on my head! So I decided to go for short hair.. especially when Singapore is so darn hot! Just a few months ago, I let the hairdresser decided what to do with my hair..

So she cut it short, straighten it and gave me a nice fringe, making my face look small and hide all my flaws. I like it coz it makes me look different.. guess what? Everyone complimented me and said I look younger, energetic and nice... all but one person!

When my boss saw my new hairdo.. he screamed... then kept asking why I cut my hair.... a few weeks ago while we were on biz trip in china, he told me his philosophy..he said he noticed girls in China between 20-30 have long hair up to their waist, then girls between 30-40 will cut their hair up to shoulder, girls between 40 - 50 will cut heir hair above shoulder, then ladies above 50 will have really short and curly hair! I looked at him and said: ok ok, I know what you mean.. i will leave my hair long up to waist just to prove that I'm in my 20s lo. He smirked.. 

Then I added, but ho, Singapore is really really hot, it is better to have short hair lo. Then he looked me in the eye and smirked: you need to be hot in order to look hot

Pensang. Hahah.. but I found it funny.. 

So do I look better in short hair or long hair ler? I wanna live for myself, not for others. 

Thursday, June 8, 2017

in the snow, in the snow, in the snow~~~ lalalalala

Found this from my google photo...didnt even know it existed...i remember this was taken in Japan 3 or 4 years ago when i was still living in Shanghai. I was there for business... everyone seems to have fantasy about fantasy was broken when i had to pull a luggage with one hand, while carrying an umbrella with the other and walked through uneven roads and wet roads just to get to my office from the was freezing cold and sometimes there were pools of dirty water from the melted snow that i had to avoid...but sometimes, the water just splashed on my shoes.... well, it's not all that beautiful in real life..haha..

but this picture does make it looks like it is christmas... after all those were said,  i still wish it snows in Singapore..HERE IS SUPER HOT!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

My mini garden in office

This is my small greenery in office... bought the cactus in Kuching market and bought the other plant in Taiwan. they are now standing nicely in front of my monitor so that i can see some green everyday when i work.  love my little green garden :)

Saturday, April 29, 2017


感覺現在已經很少分享我的「travel disaster」的經驗了。其實中間有一兩次的小災難,但都還好。雖然現在還是有出差,相對來說災難還可以。

過了N年,感覺好像一切也都變平靜了。不過昨晚還真的是大災難。這週是長假,想說回家陪陪爸爸媽媽弟弟妹妹 (Jennifer看了肯定會吐槽😁)的說,還有吃吃喝喝。因為接下來要請很多天假,我的假期得省省用,所以才買了晚上8pm的航班。雖然回到古晉已經930pm,不過還不算太晚。其實這個時間的航班也有困擾,計程車不好叫因為人人下班,加上那時候下著大雨,我只好早早四點就回家拿我的行李箱,515pm就到機場了。想說新加坡機場還蠻多東西看和做的,應該不會太無聊~




匆匆忙忙跑去counter,感覺很沮喪。counter有一堆跟我一樣的受害者。大家都很慌。一個AA的人在幫大家處理事情。有些要回家,有些要退票,有些要住飯店。我也挺同情這個人的。一人得應付180個人。這個人努力的在安排事情。忙著紀錄room count的信息。結果就有這個紅毛人,自以為是責問AA的人,要他解說怎麼拿refund,堅持要拿自己的行李。我當時真的很想跟他說,你可以站在旁邊等嗎?他現在在處理其餘179個人的事情。現在不只是你有問題好不好!過了很久,終於可以去飯店了。已經差不多12am了。剛要出發,忽然另外一個紅毛人就問了問題,大家又得停下來等回答。他問:「我們怎樣去飯店?」AA的人說我們會安排車。那個人重複他的問題,似乎覺得AA的人不理解他的問題。答案還是一樣。那個人的老婆就解說他老公想知道是坐bus還是什麼。我心想,這個問題重要嗎?還是他想坐limo?那時大家又累又煩,就麻煩不要再問一些有的沒的的問題吧!不過我要說的是,古晉人還是挺文明的。不會鬧事。如果是其他国家(我没说哪里哦)就在地上打滾了。哈哈哈

我懶得回家,懶得之後再跟AA報銷,懶得follow up,所以我選擇住飯店。


這就是我的long weekend的開始~ 相信接下來會更好!

Thursday, April 27, 2017


我有很多朋友喜欢在脸书,或者其他朋友圈里面晒照片。有些不喜欢放自己的照片,有些特别喜欢。我是属于不喜欢的那一群人。不是因为对自己没有信心,只是因为怕自己的照片被盗用 *臭屁*



whatsapp profile picture

Wechat profile picture

LINE profile picture

哈哈,我就是喜欢这样若隐若现。不认识我的人还以为我的账号是假的。其实我最喜欢的还是下面这种 :p

好玩。。。。照片 = 照骗。。。哈哈

Tuesday, April 4, 2017



约好7.30pm的,结果没见到哥哥的踪影,于是我打了好几通电话给他。没接。后来我想说,要不就到附近的mall走走好了。不久之后,哥哥传信息说哥哥送朋友到机场,要大约20分钟才到。蛤,我饿扁了。哥哥为了哄妹妹,就说到时候我可以买任何我想要的东西。脑子里出现很多画面 — 要手表?要电器?要手机?


发现这个大卖场还真的很大。什么都有,而且便宜。哇,真的大开眼界。哥哥叫我随便挑。看到我自己有点眼花缭乱。哈哈哈。他们一星期后要去印尼爬山,他带朋友来买东西。虽然我只爬了两座山,知道的东西不多。。。不过我忽然觉得自己很资深。哈哈哈。有点自我感觉良好。哥哥一直称赞我说我的体力很好,居然可以这个快到神山顶峰 *脸红* 后来我也扮演了“consultant” 的角色。在此要感谢我的师父,SML。哈哈哈。。。。





Saturday, March 11, 2017


现在手上一杯咖啡几乎已经成为一种流行了。对我而言,流不流行不重要,我是个实际的人(换句话说:无聊的人~),所以流行的不适合我也不想花钱,流行不过很贵的我也不想花钱,不流行但很贵的我也不想花钱,总之,我是看合不合适来决定要不要花钱~ 呵呵。



Friday, March 10, 2017


有時候事情的發生讓我不僅覺得為何以前都不知道。如果一早知道就不會做這樣笨的事情了。後來我才發現,其實這個跟年紀有關。不要誤會喔,我不是說我年紀大,只是說經歷得多~ 哈哈哈⋯我也得認老了啦!






Saturday, February 11, 2017




那天是在医院对过的。因为自己不小心把手指割断了,在医院折腾了很久。从此,小指就过着不一样的生活。不过也是因为小指受伤而让我感受到人间的关爱~ 谢谢大家在我受伤无助的时候帮助我!



昨天跟朋友去乌节路的邮局寄东西。法国侄子上次回来时忘了带很多东西回去。刚好姐姐的朋友要去法国,想托她把东西带去。新加坡虽小,可是却凑不到时间见面,再说周一我要出差了,就赶紧趁邮局还没关门之前去把东西寄掉。我和朋友们第一次要寄包裹,一时无头绪,就问人。匆匆忙忙弄了个盒子,结果不小心割伤了小指。啊~~~可怜的小指。去年的同一天你也受伤了,一年后的你又受伤了。真的,动作不能太急啊~~ 幸好是小伤。

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Rainy days

These two days had been really rainy~ it was a pain to wake up in such a weather.. It was cool, dark and I could hear some rain drops dancing on my glass window ~ yesterday was even better because it had a bit of thunder~ I am not sure if I'm strange or not, the bigger the rain, the louder then thunder, the bigger the wind, the darker the weather (as long as it is in the state that it hurts anyone), the more I love it! Provided if I'm at home~ like last time when it was cyclone #9 in HK, I could hear my window shaking and the wind howling outside, it just made me felt cozy at home.. I know I'm strange.. But rainy weather never makes me feel sad~ hehe

While in Shanghai, I really really really  X 100000 hate rainy days because of traffic.. It is hard to get taxi, hard to squeeze into bus, flood everywhere and dirty! 

In Singapore, except for the fact that it's a bit wet and need to carry lots of stuff since I'm taking bus.. I don't need to go through the pain that I went through in Shanghai..Mr M and Mr V still come on time.. Even though it is a little bit congested, overall, it is still a good experience~

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Happy 2017

I usually have a post for new year but this year, i was too exhausted to remember. hahaha...exhausted in a good way because i got to play with my nephew for a week. he had so much energy that i suddenly felt that age is catching up. denial is no longer working :p

well, last year was a good & bad year to me... bad because of my finger and also some health issues..good because i'm still ALIVE~~~ hopefully 2017 will be a better one *PRAY*

Time really flies..i'm still not used to writing the way, who still writes these days?! hahaha... i just hope everyone will be safe and happy and healthy.

I just remember a funny conversation with my colleague the other day.

my colleague asked: "Jane, what is your wish?"
I said: "i just wish everyone is happy, healthy and safe..."
My colleague said: "Don't be so liberal ler, you are not in the Miss Universe Contest."
I said: "haha, but this is really what i want ler. Or, i just hope i don't create pain to people around me"
My colleague: "who would want to do that?"
I said:" nehhh, like your boss, when she is stress, she will make everyone stress and start scolding you guys...i just hope that i will not pass on my frustration to people lo.."

All of my colleagues laughed and said: "that makes sense"

Happy New Year to everyone~