Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Am I bringing good luck or bad luck?

Last week when i was in Hong Kong, there was a Typhoon hitting HK. i heard from my colleagues that this year, HK was not successfully hit and they were all disappointed. You see, in HK, if the Typhoon is signal 8, they don't have to go to work or they get to get off earlier if they happen to be already in office. There were many false alarms in the past months, according to them. So this time, they were pessimistic about it too. On Monday, i brought my laptop (Darn Heavy considering you have to walk a lot and take public transportation) back home and brought it back on Tuesday. No luck. On Tuesday, i was reluctant to bring back (again) but was told there was a possibility. So, i brought it back (again).... @_@

This time, i brought back with good reasons because the typhoon 8 HIT the next day. Yahoo~~~ strange enough, it wasn't as windy and rainy as expected but the govt released signal 8 nevertheless. So i work from home...after 12 noon, the signal was stilll not taken off, so we got a day off officially~ yay, so i went to my friend's home nearby~~

This week, i was supposed to go to Taipei...GUESS WHAT? my Taiwanese friends told me that a typhoon may hit Taiwan @_@ my friend asked me if i am 龍王的女兒? it seems i'm bringing wind and rain to anywhere i go...is this lucky or not? hmm......one thing i could defend myself is, Shanghai has not typhoon so far :p 


jenn said...

you are “颱妹” haha...

if a country ever wanted to cause inconveniences to the other, they could consider sending u there hahahaha...

baby jane said...


yes, my middle is typhoon

Somewhere around shanghai also has typhoon...super windy in Shanghai today... seems it is true...i'm 颱妹 @@

lj said...

come! come! tai mei, i want to see typhoon in kuching

typhoon better than high heat at 40 degree?