Tuesday, November 22, 2016

trouble maker

Recently, there is a trouble maker in our office...she appears like a hurricane and disappears like a hurricane, leaving sh*t to everyone... initially, i thought i'm the only one who had been sabotaged but today, i learned that i'm not the only one... everyone is complaining except for one person....who is, OUR BOSS! thus, the hurricane becomes more powerful and sh*ts even more on everyone...

i think there are many types of trouble maker...  let me summarize for all of you:

  1. Trouble maker who knowingly/unknowingly creates trouble to other people but easily detected by the victim and other people. Thus, the trouble is not successfully received. This is the weakest trouble maker of all!
  2. Trouble maker who knowingly/unknowingly creates trouble to other people but less visible to other people because the trouble is not complex or influential enough, thus, having less impact to other people. As such, it is received by other people. This type of trouble maker is well accepted by people.
  3. Trouble maker who knowingly/unknowingly creates trouble to other people but because the trouble maker is well liked by everyone, thus, people do not mind the trouble.
  4. Trouble maker who knowingly/unknowingly creates trouble to other people takes all the credit for the trouble solved by other people and push all the fault to you when thing go wrong... Worst of all, the trouble maker will force you to go through all the trouble unwillingly by getting support from the boss and the boss helps happily because for some reasons, her trouble seems reasonable and the victim should be troubled. In addition, the boss himself may be the victim sometimes but he doesn't know or doesn't feel it or just loves it...whichever it is...

I can stand 1 - 3, but #4 pisses me... unfortunately, we have #4 in our office and adored by my boss...we, as normal people, do not understand the rationale behind...what can we say or do unless we want to lose our job? siiiiiigggghhhh


LJ said...


Jane Jane said...
