Saturday, November 11, 2017

that time of the year

it's that time of the year guessed it RIGHT! it's the birthday of the cute and adorable twins :p this year, i really traveled intensively....i finally came back to Singapore after 5 consecutive weeks of travelling! what's worst, my stuff were still in the boxes after 3 weeks we moved office. so yesterday was my first day to new office.

i didnt even know how to go to office and had to use google map. hahaa... my colleagues were nice enough to celebrate with me. A colleague is so talented that she made me a towel with winnie the pooh and my name on it! i love it sooOOooo much! also the tissue cover.

then they got me a nice, xmas feeling coffee maker from starbucks..they know i will use it to make tea! they love my tea, so now i have a bigger pot to make tea for everyone.'s always good to share, give and take.

Nothing special this year, just resting after weeks of travel. 

I just wanna say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear sister. be good.


jennifer said...

Happy birthday sis!
wah, nice gifts! i like the pooh bear towel!

Jane Jane said...

too bad it is my name or i will give u as present. haha

千寻 said...

the tower look so fluffy n comfortable, nice!

your colleague got agenda for giving u the coffee maker! those precious tea! now they can drink if for free!

once again! happy birthday n wish u all the best.

Jane Jane said...

thank you LJ... i like the towel too...bu se de use coz i will dirty it.

haha..the coffee maker is still sitting on my table...i no time to make tea yet :(