Sunday, November 29, 2009


Friends~~~what are they to you? someone who could share your happiness, sadness, companionship etc etc etc...i remember i wrote a post about FRIENDS before and how i described good friends are hard to find after school? well? i'm WRONG...coz i found even better friends after school...well, i'm not saying that friends from school are not as good, i just meant that i found good friends too after school....i felt so blessed for having them..mayb it's because of some good deeds i did in my past lives or it just happened that they loved me from my past lives and still wanted to be with me *blush*....

HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY~~~to me, it's everyday~~~


Spider Mama said...

I love this blog! Why do you not have a "follow" button on your blog?

Cheers :)

baby jane said...

thanks...what's "follow" button? :p