Wednesday, July 4, 2007

HK's 10th Anniversary 香港特區回歸十周年

"> Just celebrated my 100th post annivesary last week and was celebrating another important event last sunday!! if you watched TV or read newspaper or from watever source, you must know that it was 10th Anniversary for HK's handover to China...YEAH!!! \(^^)/ That day, we watched the magnificent fireworks show in the middle of Victoria has been raining everday ever since i came bek last monday nite...but sunday, not a drop of rain...COOL~~~i still remember myself, watching the Handover on TV in Perth 10 years ago and thinking how grand the event was and how proud we are to be CHINESE...and 10 years later, i watched the whole event with my own eyes~~~unbelievable~~~how young was i then compared to now....hhhaaarrr....time sure flies, don't u think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice show. It seems only yesterday that China reunited with HK only!

Yeah, time really flies. FORTUNATELY, we twins are still adorable :p