Wednesday, March 6, 2019

my hard disk

Lately, I was looking through some old photos... it was really good memory and some memory, i don't even remember until i saw the pictures. the good old days... ahhh, how we only remember the good times but tend to forget the bad ones in our memory?  i think that is what they call, a walk down the memory lane :p

last night, i was helping my brother with something, so i took out the first hard disk i ever bought to save all of my work and documents. back in 2000, i remember we used diskettes to save our work... the squarish, flat thing with different colours and labelling. it was useful coz we can carry around easily and also organize our work nicely because the space is limited...hehe..

now, we get 1TB sized hard disk...even though it is convenient, it seems we save more and more things inside and become more and more unorganized...ehem...maybe the issue is not because of the hard disk but me :p

i bought the hard disk in's like 13 years ago...see how technology evolved..but it was funny, my old hard disk is so huge and heavy that it is so difficult to carry it needs power and a many ka chang. hahaha... ahh...i feel so old now...


jenn said...

it's vintage man~
yeah, i have many hard disks, pen disks, memory cards... and i dunno what i have inside T___T

Jane Jane said...

haha..i think the problem exists between the chair and the table :D

jenn said...

ya, the computer is the problem.
if they aren't so fragile, we don't need back ups

千寻 said...
