I bought this the other day in Korea. i dont know how to read Korean but from the picture, i'm guessing the noodle must be super hot!
i saw a lot of short clips on people challenging each other to eat the world's spiciest noodle. apparently, the spiciest one is made in malaysia!
anyway, i tried this the other day... i put all sauce into my noodle. i like korean noodle because it's very chewy... so i mixed everything. first bite... nothing. so i continued to eat. it was really good until the after effect came..
OMG OMG... it was really spicy.. so spicy that i could feel my lips getting numb... then my booger and tears came out like river... my brain went blank and numb too. gosh, this is how spicy it is to me.. i have very low tolerance level for spiciness. this is too much for me.
in order to stop the pain, i quickly drank a cup of warm water. OMG OMG...the moment i took a sip, i could feel the burning effect on my lips and tongue and my tears and booger came out even more.
after x mins...finally the burning effect went away. gosh.. it was spicy but it was delicious. after two weeks, i bought another packet. but this time, i didnt add all the sauce... it didnt taste as good if you reduced the sauce though.
so my advice is... eat it in full sauce and make sure you have a lot of tissues and a glass of warm water with you, just in case!
make me so curious leh! but i dont really like chewy noodle.
Congratulation! your spicy tolerate level has just reached to another level!
didnt go to another level...i just put less sauce in order to eat it. haha... i think i would have stroke if i eat too much.
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