Wednesday, June 5, 2019

follow me~~~

That day, we went for a small grocery shopping at the new Everise supermarket... looking around for some new stuff...came across this and this brought back so much memories... the song kept repeating in my mind... Jenn and me kept singing that out loud... OOOppps, two small kids just came over to take one bottle...they must be thinking we are crazy...haha...

follow me 洗发水~~ follow me 洗发水~~ follow me 洗发水~~

People said a successful advertisement is when you can be reminded anywhere and anytime...

i still remember there was one time when we wanted to order pizza hut... at that time, there was no food panda or grab food... we could only call the shop to ask them to deliver over... there was no internet.... we could only look for the number from the Yellow Pages... guess what, we found the number without referring to the Yellow Pages!

then how did we order our delivery? we sang the number out! that was part of the advertisement...we didnt even know we remembered it. haha...

1 comment:

千寻 said...

I can't remember follow me advertisement. but i remember 755-25-25! omg! to an absent minded person like me, Pizza hut win all time!