Wednesday, August 3, 2011

photos turned into memories

Just recently, i talked about how technological advanced it is these days and many ppl rely on smart phones, and i am one of them...i think my mum could remember more numbers by her heart than me...ask me and i will just be able to give you a few *feeling ashamed >_<* when i was young, i had a note book keeping all the important numbers and dates and when i grew older, i had numbers stored on phones but could still remember the dates and now, i stored all numbers and dates on phone and forget all (except some that i already knew by heart but nothing new!!) well, the other day, i thought i stored too many photos in my iphones and it's better for me to transferred them out in case i lost my phone (may be i think too much coz i didnt have anything as interesting as 陈冠x), but i still wanted to transfer them out just to clear some one day, i finally turned on my desktop at home...yup, the one i bought when i first went to's still working but took me abt 1hour to make the transfer..for some reasons, i needed to do it manually one by one..sigh...eventhough it's technology, but somehow, it doesnt fit the description of advance....after a painful 1 hr, finally, i saw all the photo icons in my hard i proceeded to delete all my pictures in iphones :) i felt relieved and glad that i finally decided to do it *feeling light*
so yesterday, i wanted to use some old photos, i went to my hard disk, went into the folder called iphone backup and only to found out, the photo icons are all with 0 KB!!! what's that mean for my computer illiterate friends? it means, i deleted all photos without saving them!! i now feel like the picture below....
Oh well, look at the brightside, the physical photos might be gone, but the memories are still in my mind and heart :)


jenn said...

In Homer Simpson's world, it's DOH! haha..

oh well nvm.. one of my external HD died too. I can't even remember what's in there. So in a way, i can't say I've lost anything muahaha...

baby jane said...

ya...blur blur de...haha..but, i also dono what i have nvm...just taking more lo

lj said...

aiyo~ u twin really 看破红尘 liao, if i were u, i will cry for half hour first...or at least five mins... i remember once i thought i lossed a whole accounting back up file, i was so mad that i yelled n shouted at yk... that must be one of the most furious moment in my life.

accept my humble respect, sifu~