Sunday, August 28, 2011

a place i called "home"

After being in Shanghai for 8 months, finally i had another chance of going out of shanghai for business trip!! the last one i had was back in january for trip in Seoul...yay yay yay *clap clap* you couldnt imagine how excited i was when i first learned that i would be going to HK~~ i kinda miss my "home" wouldnt believe how i despised HK when i first went there!!! haha, it's been a loOoooong way...that day, when i was about to reach HK, i saw HK on the plane...a small voice in my head went..."home~~" it felt kinda nice to treat everywhere as still learning..i called it home because i lived there for 5 yrs, i called it home because i began to see the good sides of it...there are many things i missed abt HK but things i could live without...kuching is still the best in my HEART :) well, it kinda felt nice to speak cantonese after so glad ppl still understood me and guess what, they would start their conversation with me in mandarin~~~ hey, that's considered a prestige now :p
I didnt do a lot of things in HK...just meeting up with friends, bought some necessities and ate what i i realized how crowded HK is...gosh...i even felt like going home just after a few hours outside....i did have many good memories in hk and i'm glad HK was part of my life..without it, there wouldnt be the "me" today :) here are some the pics of what i had done in hk....btw, life is a lot of boring without the dramas in HK....pls refer to "drama in HK" section for more info :)

  • above is the famous milk-tea and pork burger from the 茶餐厅

  • these are evidence of what i did in hK... :p

  • things are much much cheaper in hk.... i was happy to have bought the starbucks tumbler...saw it in Shanghai just was 3 times more expensive than HK...on the right hand side, it is my new thermo lunch box with the works (chop stick, bag etc) lunch coming up...the problem is, what to cook


Jenn said...

wah.. u really fully utilised your trip hehe...

better cherish ur time in SH.. coz someday u might say "i miss my 3rd home" :P

lj said...

Nice! every encounter shape a little of you nowadays, i still remember your hk stories like yesterday n now u r in sh already...u r going to cook your own meal everyday? bravo!

baby jane said...

haha..lj, i'm not so hardworking to cook my meal everyday la...i will cook a lot over the weekend and put in freezer...luckily im the type of person who can eat the same thing everyday until i get sick of it..the lucky thing is, i never cook that much enough to get sick of :p