Tuesday, June 7, 2011

smart phone

Iphone~~the most popular "toy" in the world now....i still remember 8 yrs ago, if you don't have a phone with coloured screen, you were considered as "sua gu" and outdated...i still remember i had a nokia 8250 where the fonts were still in black and white, that, to me was already in fashion....then one fine day, i lost my nokia 8250 while i nap in the taxi and donated to the taxi driver as a gift...so i had to get a new phone...of coz i got a new phone with coloured screen and with polyphonic ringing tones...now, it was somewhere out there again...few yrs later all of these went outdated...gosh..time flies~~everyone is into smart phone now...the touch screen, cool applications, video etc etc etc...i love smart phones...why? coz they are so smart that they do auto correction for me...something that i love and hate at the same time....sigh....just look at the screen below and you know what i meant....
URINARY???? why would i want jenn's urinary, you may wonder...well...i dono either..coz i wanted her ITINERARY!!! hahaha...i couldnt stop laughing when i saw this msg....jenn must be scratching her head too..


Tracy said...


jenn said...

haha, lucky your SMART SIS is smarter than your smart phone... i knew u referred to itinerary. Plus, i don't simply give out my urine muahahha...

That auto correct function can be convenient but at times, really annoying and MISLEADING la haha...

lj said...

even the chinese prediction sometime really frustrate me much.