Wednesday, August 17, 2011

it is that time of the year again

it is that time of the year again...APPRAISAL time...sigh..sometimes i wonder who invented this process because i sure hate it a lot...who says our bonus must be tied to our performance? who says we must have goals and strategies? sometimes, i think it's from someone who has nothing better to do....why? well...first, it takes time to think of goals, second, it takes time to think of comments, third, it takes time to discuss...some people cry, some people are happy, some people don't feel anything after the appraisal...well, for me, i always hate it...not just because of the 3 reasons i mentioned..but because everytime i need to appraise myself first, i somehow feel like i have not contributed much (even though i work my ass off) and that i will not have good rating :( sigh...oh well...i guess i just have to face the reality...pray for me, pleaseeeeee


jenn said...

I don't like to do appraisals too...

It should be our bosses' job to take note of our annual performance. Oh well, bosses are too 'busy' to do that i guess so we have to do for them...

BTW, i think the appraisal thingie should be 2 way. We should be allowed to appraise our bosses too... Anonymously though hahaha...

Jane, just cut and paste from previous years and change the wordings! muahahaha

lj said...

i dont have hany appraisal thing to do, thus i dont have any expectation for bonus or increment, every year is the same. no expectation, nothing new.

When everything is base on boss personal opinion, by then, u'll appreciate a sensible appraisal could do. correct?