Friday, June 25, 2010


I bought my rabbit toy in korea the other week and i really love was so adorable that when my colleagues came to my room for conference call one night that they also fell in last night, i went back to the rabbit stall with my colleagues and got myself a bigger one....the current one, even though i love it, is a bit small when i hug it at my sleep....i got it because it's small and easier to bring around...but i decided to get a bigger, i stood in front of the stall, picking out my was so difficult because i love every single one of them...big rabbits, small rabbits, white rabbits, black rabbits, brown rabbits, female rabbits, male rabbits, rabbits in dress, rabbits in pants, rabbits in apron, rabbits rabbits rabbits...this was what went through my mind last i picked one...i havent taken a pic yet...will show you guys next time...but i did take another pic with all the rabbits at the stall...take a look


jenn said...

wah, u so greedy... smaller rabbit is crying now coz she got replaced *sob sob*

i can adopt her hehehe...

baby jane said...

actually he is very the happy coz got companion liao...i got one big rabbit and one small one..hiak hiak hiak..jealous ler~~

kIMMy said...

jealous jealous,they r so cute... jenn, we kidnap them when we go to HK ya! hiak hiak hiak!!!