Saturday, June 13, 2009

my DULL life

it's so frustrating sometimes...and i'm beginning to find my job hateful now....despite of all the travelling which i enjoyed, but now, i'm getting annoyed....these days, i hardly have time for doing my personal things...i'm always rushing from one conference to after call after call after really getting tired of's either very early or late at night..but mostly late at night for me...sigh...i felt like i'm talking to my boss and my colleagues more than my own family and friends...and it's just not the kind of life i enjoy now....but looking at the bright side..maybe i should also just feel lucky for having a job to be busy with...a lot of people out there are still jobless or some are at this thought, i feel much better...... :)

1 comment:

Jenn said...

yalor, 不幸中的大幸 :)