Monday, May 4, 2020

that kind of feeling

i usually don't really like to "chase after" drama/series because i know once i start, i couldnt stop.. then i would be spending a lot of time on TV / phone and sleep late because drama/series always finish with an ending that makes you curious about the next step!

because of this special time, i think i spend quite a lot of time on TV / phone to watch talk shows, short clips, news, drama/series etc... and i'm always sleeping later than usual even though i always try to sleep at 12am... sometimes, i would give myself excuse to watch 30 mins of a show before going to bed.. my excuse is that i need to wait for my room to be cold enough and then turn AC off and off to bed.. always the same excuse.. haha.. but during that 30 mins, i would massage my broken pinky finger.. and put lotion on.. lotion part is new part of my routine these days.. because of constant hand washing and sanitizing, my hands become dryer and i have so many unused lotions which i bought when i travelled.. so now is a good time to finish them all.. hehe

recently, i found a good thai series on TV and it's only showing 4 episodes over the weekend! actually, i could have just watched them all on the internet but i decided to reserve them just for weekends.. it's no fun to finish them all in one go.. go toilet also bring phone, cooking also look at phone.. can't really enjoy the show.. so i decided to only watch them from TV and just have dedicated time fot this series. it's not a very exciting series.. just some random love story and the progress is sloooooowwwww and Loso but for some reasons, it's quite nice to watch.. it's a kind of show that will relax your mind. it's called "love destiny"... when i told my friends that i'm watching the thai drama, they gave me dirty looks and said, thai drama is loso... hahahaha.. actually, i can finish the storyline within 1 hour.. haha..

have you ever felt the excitement that your favourite series/drama is showing soon? have you ever felt sad that why time passes so fast when u are watching a certain series/drama? have you ever looked forward to weekends just to be able to watch the series/drama? maybe in our younger days right? but i feel like this now for this show.. haha.. it's not super fantastic but good entertainment. the songs are nice too... i don't understand thai but the rhythm is nice.

can't wait for this weekend to come. hehe

Love Destiny at Dramanice


jenn said...

wahahaha, thai drama?
that's something new to me. the only thai video i watch is thai commercials. they are really creative!

yeah, i know what u meant. when i chase series in the old times, i end up having piles of dirty dishes in the sink, everything gets delayed hahaha.. now no more coz im more disciplined :P

千寻 said...
