Tuesday, May 12, 2020

same same but not the same

Now i spend most of my time at home because of the COVID 19..  luckily even before COVID 19, i had no desire to go outside so in terms of my personal life, there is not much impact.. but of coz the biggest impact to me is, I AM NOT ABLE TO GO HOME TO SEE MY FAMILY  T_T  *sob* *sob*

well, as much as i love my family.. i guess by not going home at this point in time is also a way to show my love. but i miss them a lot! i miss my travelling life too. this is the biggest impact to my job as i love the travelling part of my job. sigh. i really hope the rain will just wash all virus away and everyone's life will be back to normal as soon as possible!

now that we can't go out... technically, we still can go out but not as often.. the view that i most seen during these days is the view from my balcony.. every now and then, i would take a picture or two from my balcony.. even though the scenery is the same, somehow, it's not the same! isn't it like our life journey. everyday, we seem to do the same thing, do the routine.. somehow, everyday is not the same.. this monday is not the same as last monday... even this min is not the same as last min. hmmm.. you know what i meant, right?

well, just looking at these pictures make me think we have to cherish everyday because no one moment will be repeated and nobody knows what will happen next.  sad to say, we always only started to realize only when things happen.. someone's wise words are only words to us until we taste them...

let's hope life will return back to normal.

i took the pictures from my phone without filtering. aren't they nice?

1 comment:

千寻 said...

