Sunday, October 12, 2008


today before i went to B's house for lunch, i wanted to get something for i went to the nearby shops to get something...after that i thought i better bring more things coz i would have a FEAST later at B's i went to the nearby fruit store to get some huge dragon fruits....while at the fruit store, i overheard the following conversation:

Lady A: 哇,你们卖 “Si” 啊。。。(me interpreted as you guys sell shit? i thought the fruits had some shit stuck on them...i was a bit shocked....)

Salesperson: 是啊。。。我们的"si" 很美的啊。。。(translation: our shit is very pretty ar。。。again, i was amazed at the could shit be pretty?)

Lady A: 是啊。。。你们的“si” 真的很大很美。。。(translation: yeah, your shit is indeed very big and pretty)

so i turned around to find out what they were talking was not shit that they were talking was....ta-da

i hear it wrongly because...persimmon in chinese is called 柿子(shi4 zi3) cantonese, it is pronounced as (si3) which sounds like shit in cantonese....hahaha.... (^^) phew


Anonymous said...

If poo poo were as nice as this, then I would've been a millionaire liao ;p

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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