Monday, June 2, 2008

mission impossible

My 2008's resolutions are to slim down, to not eat soOOooo much, to resist any temptations that i may face, to control my urge to eat so much, to ....etc etc etc....but this seems a bit impossible because i have no willpower :( To me, life is about food, food is my life...heehehe..hence, the figure to face is fleshy, my waist is as bit as a big bucket, my flesh bounce when i jump or even when i walk or should i say could u pass any good food when u are constantly travelling and the thought of forgoing the local delicacy just makes me depressed~~put urself in my shoes and tell me if u would forgo when u see these pictures....


Anna Tan said...

Oh my god. Your mission is to slim down? Are u sure my darling. I think U will be more pretty if u put on a little bit weight.

Jane Jane said...

ARE U SURE? must be kidding was x yrs since u last saw me...i have put on a lot of shld be "prettier" than last time..hhahaha....