Tuesday, May 27, 2008

pain of house moving

i moved two weeks ago...ya...AGAIN...this is the 4th time i moved in my short 3.5 yrs in HK...it's really a pain to pack, move, unpack, pack, move, unpack etc etc every few months...and fyi, in one or two months time from now, i have to move AGAIN...sigh...now, have to look for a place to stay...hopefully i could find a place that i could stay permanently :( poor me...but now, i have become an expert in moving...hahaha...no la, i still have a lot of junks w me...i cleared some out this time but it was still alot...

Here are two pics of my old place before and during packing...FYI, my old place was sparkling clean after i moved :)

This is after all the things are nicely arranged in the living room of my new place...my sis went crazy when she saw the number of boxes i have...and a friend couldnt stop laughing when the friend saw the whole moving in process...i couldnt stop laughing too...but now, i cleared all these in my tiny teeny little room...i couldnt stop admiring how expert i am in arranging my stuff..heheheh


Anonymous said...

Wah, looked like WW III over there.

u are amazing. U have boxes of dunno-what with me over here, in HK and in Aus. Imagine you 'consolidating' all your 'fortune'

'mo ngang tai'.....

Alicia said...

hey.... why you keep on moving??? you didn't pay the rental kah??? i dun understand boh... u r living like nomad for me....

your belongings are like mountain... realy no eye c lor... hhahahahhah

Jane Jane said...

still remember 3.5 yrs ago, i went with a luggage and a box...now 1 luggage and 1 box become 20++ boxes of stuff...oh man...apalah, i paid rental, just tat the rent expired liao and my housemate moves in w her hubby...so i am all alone lo ;(

Tracy said...

you seem very expert in moving liaw! is so much better than 1st time you move. haha.. thinking to rent a store to put all your boxes!!!! need to do cleaning every year then you won't be have much boxes left!

Anonymous said...

hey jane, u ever heard the shortest lyric of Faye Wong song - 'fu2 zao4'? i dedicate the chorus part to u...'lap sap poh, lap sap poh, lap sap poh, lap sap poh'

wa ka ka ka!

Jane Jane said...

ahahah..soo funny la u LJ...it should be lap jap goh, lap jap goh...^^ but creative ar

Jane Jane said...

wei...also ar...some are not my lap sap ar...*innocent look*