Wednesday, March 26, 2008


On a one fine day, as usual, I woke up at 745am, got ready and had my bfast..the usual, porridge with century egg, bread with butter and a glass of orange juice (FYI, this has been my bfast for the past 5 weeks!!!) at 830am, we walked to our office which is 10 mins away…cool breeze, nice air, with what seems like a million ppl passing by at the subway stations. As usual, we passed by the shopping mall, crossed the roads, heard the music played before a train was passing by, passed by veggie store, liquor store, family mart and headed into an expensive area of apartment…after 10 mins, we were in front of the office where we could see a few “bold” sakura tree…wind softly brushed your face…I love winter, I love the weather…

After we arrived the meeting room, I took our usual seat and set up our laptop and started to work diligently (ya, and I meant it!!! ^^) after x hrs of work, suddenly we felt like the building was being run over by a giant truck…it shaked..well..a bit but you could feel that something was shaking it….some of us still didn’t know wat happened, but I shouted, earthquake!!! I expected my colleagues to duck under the table…surprisingly, none of them moved…after a little while, the FC came to open our door, she said they have to leave the door open for emergency (ooohh..only after tat everyone started to panic…wat if the building collapsed?) suddenly, this reminded me of the time when I was sent to Singapore in the beginning of last year. One afternoon, I felt really bad shake in Singapore and I tot it must be a small earthquake..when I was watching the news on tv tat night, I just realized that Indonesia had a really bad earthquake where a lot of ppl died, and Malaysia felt the shake too…

Earthquake Information (Information about Seismic Intensity at each site)Issued at 01:39 JST 25 Mar 2008 Occurred at (JST) 01:34 JST 25 Mar 2008 Latitude(degree): 34.1N Longitude(degree): 135.2E Depth: 10km Magnitude: 2.7 *No Tsunami threat by this earthquake.


Jennifer Kho said...

Eeee... scary experience! luckily nobody was hurt

Alicia said...

where are you?? tokyo kah??? i thought Kobe is the most dangerous place... it can show you are not only working diligently.. but act quite alert hor...... u give the info on the earthquake.. eh. we dunno what it tells ler....

Jane Jane said...

ya, in tokyo...kobe dangerous meh? coz got mad cow disease hia...hehehe..ya, tat's the info for earthquake, just to show tat got earthquake on 25/3's number 4 earthquake according to the color ^^

Anonymous said...


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   〉 と/  )))    最高♪

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 (( (  (  〈   和平

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  / 中\ Where is BBC・・・
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