Sunday, April 7, 2013

life is like a cup of coffee

i love this picture~~ it is a creative me, it looks like a cup of nice, delicious coffee....i just put this pic on fb and quickly wrote my thoughts "feel like a cup of coffee"....actually i was referring to feeling like having a cup of coffee but missing one word and it changed the whole meaning...jenn thought i feel like my life is like a cup of coffee...which brought me to realize that it is is indeed like a cup of coffee....and you are the coffee maker~~ life can be different depending on how you want to create it~~

you can have black coffee...or you can add some sugar to make different flavour...or you could add some milk, some foam, hot or cold, add syrup, mix it with chocolate and it becomes mocha...or add ice to make it into ice many different, so tasty...soooooo....yup, that means your life all depend on how you want to make it... is indeed a cup of good coffee:)


jenn said...

ooo, so u meant i gave u the inspirations! hehe...

yeah, life and coffee kinda work the same.. u can add cinnamon to spice it up too! wow, life is indeed the way you make it!

Anonymous said...

I remember Forrest gum said once life is like a box of choc~ I guess life is anything we want to make it~

lj said...

life is like a bowl of kolo mee, u can go kosong, add red oil, skip char siew...bla bla bla~ so like u say, life is anything we want to make it :P