Saturday, July 2, 2011

mum's greatest love

Finally, after almost one year, i went back to kuching to rest...and it was really good to see everyone and ate what i missed :) mum came to Shanghai with me after my kch's actually the first time she visited when i moved to shanghai last nov :) mum stayed in shanghai for 2.5 weeks...during the first week, it was better for her coz my sister was here to accompany her...and my sis took her out for sight seeing...when my sis left, honestly, i was a bit worried about mum...i was worried coz she didnt really where i live (coz she was lazy to memorize), she didnt know how to work the spare mobile phone (coz it was a different phone than the one she normally used) and she wouldnt know where to go and how to go what i did was, taught her to use the mobile phone, taught her to work the satellite tv, gave her notes on how to go home, wrote my number on a piece of paper, stuck the phone and tag to her bag just in case etc etc....well, my mum had been a good girl...she didnt go too far...luckily my place was very close to carrefour and a big HK shopping mall...well, these two places made her very happy and she visited supermarket everyday...what's the outcome? look at below~~
well, i really have no idea what are inside and she didnt know even....even 1 month after she went back to kch, i'm still clearing what are in the fridge...i just want to say to mum...mum, i love u~~im so touched that she always made sure i dont starve, always made sure i don't spend money...mum is the greatest!!


jenn said...

the 2 fridges at home are bursting with food too...

Happy treasure hunting in your fridge ya! haha

lj said...

wah~ that's so exaggerate for one person fridge oh! shanghai can run out of food for 6 months n still u wont have the chance to get starve! is all mother expert in stuffing fridges? my mom also like that, sometime we can dig out food that was expired for years!