Saturday, July 4, 2009

Endless 没完没了

苦苦苦!!! it seems like i'm always OT'ing in office...either early in the morning or late at night....and during the day when my boss is sleeping, i am in office making ensure all my tasks on my to do lists are to do lists go on and on and on...and tasks keep getting added to my lists and of coz strike off as well...but it just seems like i have endless things to do...why? at this time, i started to feel the imbalance....i gotta let my boss know im overloaded....he keeps throwing things to do and what's worse...the deadlines are mission impossible...some of things are within my control, i can try..but some, it depends on third parties to help....that also means i have to give them impossible deadline!!! like last week, when i arrived office at 830am and saw this email from my boss asking HR to provide certain info and he wanted it today and now!!! crap, so i had to call HR and explain to them..despite they were really really busy with month end closing, they helped out..of coz they will also think i'm unreasonable la.... :'(

one night during a meeting, my boss mentioned that he has no life coz he has to work over the weekend (yeah, right)....i went silent for a while (thinking, look who's talking), and i replied, i don't have a life too....then we laughed it off (i assume, we just laughed it off, try to forget about it and i just have to accept the way it is)...

im now trying not to think about my life after next week...coz i would be darn busy!!! Seriously, i think i'm overloaded and underpaid!!!! HEEEEeeeellllppppp~~~~~~

1 comment:

jenn said...

yeah! so much work until u have no time to fight in the HK grand sale!! What the.... no wonder u r complaining hiak hiak..