Sunday, July 26, 2009

落井下石 - double trouble

I bit on my tounge one day while having my dinner.....OUCH...i'm sure you know how painful that is~~~well, i guess one pain wasnt sufficient enough, the next day, i woke up feeling even more painful on my wound and found out i had an ulcer on my was really really painful coz it was at the edge of my tounge..couldnt talk properly, eat properly~~so i drank a lot of chinese herbal tea hoping to get rid of the ulcer at least...who knows, the next day, i felt even more painful and checked my toungue..OMG OMG, i had another ulcer on the other side of my wound!!!! double happiness???!! was like someone putting salt on my wound!! sigh~~~took 3 - 4 days for the ulcer to go away...

see the weird thing on the right side of my tounge? even making my tounge uneven!! poor me...*SOB* *SOB*

1 comment:

jenn said...

ewww gross!

u should put salt on ur wound. painful but heal instantly hiak hiak...