Sunday, February 15, 2009

174cm Life~

i like the comic book from a popular Japanese comic book author called Takagi Naoko. She had three comic books about life as 150cm gal....there are alot of hillarious stories inside which made me realised tat i didnt have problems like this....which i feel grateful about...of coz i have other problems too....let me think think and list down for your entertainment :) (we have to be fair and let people understand benefits/pains/problems of life as 174cm too ^^)
  1. i found it hard to buy shoes...coz i'm tall, hence means big feet...when i saw shoes i like, disappointingly, the sizes only go up to size 7 or 8...and sadly, i'm 8.5 :'( =>problem
  2. i eat like monster...but people still say i'm slim ^^....the truth is, tall ppl can hide excess fats better => :D benefit
  3. coz of my heart, i tend to look more mature and more masculine....which means i don't get special treatment small gals do => :( disadvantage
  4. i get all the attention when im in the room => Good and bad
  5. i can store things at places/cabinets where small people may need a ladder => advantage

The list will go on and on and on...but ah fai pointed out something interesting when ah fai was at my place...ah fai was using my toilet and saw a bunch of toiletries on top of my shower rail...hahah, only tall people do that...i didnt find it special before ah fai pointed i realised, my family all do this...mayb that's why i didnt realised tat this only happen at my home but not at my friends' :) INTERESTING~~~

But i still like to be tall~~~


Anonymous said...

haha, was ah fai trying to reach for that bottle up there? hiak hiak...

I think Tall people are very polite ppl coz we 'bow' to the short ones when talking to them... ;p

Anonymous said...

         ,, -──- 、._
      .-"´         \.
     :/   _ノ    ヽ、_ ヽ.:
    :/   o゚((●)) ((●))゚o  ヽ:
   :|     (__人__)    |: you are tall !!
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   :` 、      `ー'     /:
    :, -‐ (_).       /
    :l_j_j_j と)丶─‐┬.''´
       :ヽ   :i |:
         :/  :⊂ノ|: