Sunday, August 24, 2008

Jane's TEN Bs

Jane will be flying again going to melbourne....havent had the time to update my blog yet..i know i have abandoned it for quite sometime..again, i have valid reasons to do so...let's seeeeeeee....
  1. busy packing before i moved
  2. busy cleaning my new apartment in preparation for my move
  3. busy moving to my new place
  4. busy unpacking my things
  5. busy tidying my new place
  6. busy with furnishing my new place...curtain, fridge, computer desk, misc home stuff
  7. busy with Controllers' meeting
  8. busy with entertaining bosses
  9. busy with packing to get ready for travelling to Melbourne-US-HK-China
  10. busy with socialising with friends....before my long journey

this is what i called the 10Bs...heheheheh...okie..time to board...i have alot of things to update my's amazing how much has happened to me in the past two damn busy...stay tuuuUUuune


Anonymous said...

since when angel downgrade to become a busy bee? take care~

Tracy said...

Wait till you come back to update your news. It is very long journey from Melbourne to US and come back to HK & China.

Jane Jane said...

haha..ya...and im having too much fun in melbourne...i almost abandon my blog :p sorry to keep u guys waiting :)